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Created September 3, 2019 05:23
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Build an application that consumes/accepts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file of N-Rows. Each Row is comprised of:

  • object_id: is a unique identifier for a specific object.
  • object_type: denotes the object type.
  • timestamp: needs no explanation
  • object_changes: serialized json comprised of properties that changed at timestamp, and their accompanying values.

Here's an example CSV:

1,Order,1484730554,"{\"customer_name\":\"Jack\",\"customer_address\":\"Trade St.\",\"status\":\"unpaid\"}"
2,Order,1484730623,"{\"customer_name\":\"Sam\",\"customer_address\":\"Gecko St.\",\"status\":\"unpaid\"}"

after the application consumes the CSV, the user should be able to query the system for the states of objects consumed at a specific point in time. Examples:

1- What's the state of Order Id=1 At timestamp=1484733173 ? {"customer_name"=>"Jack", "customer_address"=>"Trade St.", "status"=>"paid", "ship_date"=>"2017-01-18", "shipping_provider"=>"DHL"}

2- What's the state of Order Id=1 At timestamp=1484722542 ? {} # Object Didn't Exist at that time.

3- What's the state of Order Id=1 At timestamp=1484731400 ? {"customer_name"=>"Jack", "customer_address"=>"Trade St.", "status"=>"unpaid"}

The Application Should be deployed online (choose whichever provider you like, AWS, Heroku, DigitalOcean, ..etc), and the code hosted on github.

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