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Created November 8, 2021 22:35
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#!/usr/bin/env node
// Replace the
// chmod +x pg-test.js
// npm install --save pg
// ./pg-test.js
// Test pg target server certificate - no client certs provided
// openssl s_client -starttls postgres -connect <dns>:5432 -verify_return_error
const fs = require('fs');
const { Client } = require('pg');
const pgServerHostDns = '<host_dns_target_with_letsencrypt_certificate>';
const pgUsername = '<pg_user>';
const pgPassword = '<pg_password>';
const pgDatabase = '<pg_database>';
const sslTests = [
// 'verify-ca',
// 'verify-full',
].map((sslMode) => {
const pgUrl = `postgres://${pgUsername}:${pgPassword}@:5432/${pgDatabase}?sslmode=${sslMode}`;
return { mode: sslMode, connectionConfig: { connectionString: pgUrl }};
//To be explicit on the root cert but should be widely already trusted by most systems
//curl > root.pem
//openssl x509 -outform der -in root.pem -out root.crt
// Beware! The ssl object is overwritten when parsing the connectionString
// return { mode: sslMode, connectionConfig: { connectionString: pgUrl, ssl: {rejectUnauthorized: true, sslroot: fs.readFileSync('root.crt').toString(),}}};
(testConfig) => {
const client = new Client(testConfig.connectionConfig);
return client
.then(() => {console.log(`connected with sslmode=${testConfig.mode}`); return `mode ${testConfig.mode} - OK`})
.catch(err => {console.error(`connection error with sslmode ${testConfig.mode}`, err.stack); throw new Error(`mode ${testConfig.mode} - FAIL`)})
.finally(() => client.end())
Promise.allSettled(sslTests).then((results) => console.log('all tests ran succesfully', results));
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