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Welcome to the TruStory claim assignment! Here, you'll get to apply what you've been learning from the documentation and quizzes.
Task 1: Extract at least 3 valid TruStory claims from the following articles or tweets:

add 4 add 5 showNumber add 6 remove add 7

Tech Eval Questions

Introductory questions

  • How did you find the reading?
  • Do you have any questions about anything in there?

Section 1: Reading code

Q: What would the output of this program be?

A list language

In this short assignment we're going to learn about a basic programming language which works with lists.


In this language, a list is just a list of numbers. You can add and remove numbers from the end of the list, but you aren't allowed to insert or remove numbers from the beginning or middle of the list. Here's an example of a list containing three numbers:

10 24 64
# A list language
In this short assignment we're going to learn about a basic programming language which works with lists.
## Lists
In this language, a list is just a list of numbers. You can add and remove numbers from the end of the list, but you aren't allowed to insert or remove numbers from the beginning or middle of the list. Here's an example of a list containing three numbers:
10 24 64
bhaumik /
Created September 3, 2014 03:14
Bitcoin username verification
Verifying that +bhaumik is my Bitcoin username. You can send me #bitcoin here: