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Last active May 23, 2021 08:01
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Create a network protocol which will be the blue print of all API methods. This file also has a network error Error type which provides possible fails of the API.
protocol NetworkingController {
func loginUser(request:LoginRequest,completion:@escaping(_ result:Result<LoginResponse,NetworkControllerError>) -> Void)
func forgotPassword(request:ForgotPasswordRequest,completion:@escaping(_ result:Result<ForgotPwdResponse,NetworkControllerError>) -> Void)
enum NetworkControllerError:Error {
case Non200StatusCodeError(NetworkError)
case NoNetworkError
case BadURLError
case UnParsableError
case UnknownError
case NoDataAvailableInResponseError
case customError(message:String)
struct NetworkError:Decodable {
let message:Bool?
let error:String?
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