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Last active July 16, 2017 14:05
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An intrusive linked-list implementation in Rust
* Intrusive singly linked lists
use std::option::{Option, Some, None};
use std::cell::{Cell};
pub struct ListCell<'a, T>(Cell<Option<&'a T>>);
impl<'a, T> ListCell<'a, T> {
pub fn set_next(&self, new: Option<&'a T>) {
let &ListCell(ref cell) = self;
pub fn get_next(&self) -> Option<&'a T> {
let &ListCell(ref cell) = self;
pub fn new() -> ListCell<'a, T> {
/// A type with an intrusive linked-list cell. Simply embed a ListCell
/// into your type, implement get_cell, and get linked-list operations for
/// free.
pub trait LinkedList<'a> {
fn get_cell(&'a self) -> &'a ListCell<'a, Self>;
fn set_next(&'a self, next: Option<&'a Self>) { self.get_cell().set_next(next); }
fn get_next(&'a self) -> Option<&'a Self> { return self.get_cell().get_next(); }
/// Add an element to the end of the list
pub fn append<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>, new: &'a T) {
match last(head) {
None => head.set_next(Some(new)),
Some(oldEnd) => oldEnd.set_next(Some(new))
/// Add an element to the beginning of the list
pub fn prepend<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>, new: &'a T) {
match head.get_next() {
None => head.set_next(Some(new)),
Some(old) => {
/// Remove the element equal to the given value from the list.
pub fn remove<'a, T: Eq+LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>, old: &'a T) -> Option<&'a T> {
let mut cur = iter(head);
let mut last: &ListCell<T> = head;
loop {
match {
None => return None,
Some(this) if this == old => {
return Some(this);
Some(this) => last = this.get_cell()
/// Return the first value in the list
pub fn head<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>) -> Option<&'a T> {
return head.get_next();
/// Return the last value in the list
pub fn last<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>) -> Option<&'a T> {
let mut i = iter(head);
let mut end: Option<&'a T> = None;
loop {
match {
None => break,
Some(next) => end = Some(next),
/// Insert the given value after the current value
pub fn insert_after<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(after: &'a T, value: &'a T) {
append(after.get_cell(), value);
pub struct LinkedListIter<'a, T>(Option<&'a T>);
/// Return an iterator over the elements of a list.
pub fn iter<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>>(head: &'a ListCell<'a, T>) -> LinkedListIter<'a, T> {
match head.get_next() {
None => LinkedListIter(None),
Some(h) => LinkedListIter(Some(h))
impl<'a, T: LinkedList<'a>> Iterator<&'a T> for LinkedListIter<'a, T> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> {
match *self {
LinkedListIter(None) => None,
LinkedListIter(Some(cur)) => {
match cur.get_next() {
None => None,
Some(next) => {
(*self) = LinkedListIter(Some(next));
struct Test<'a> {
n: int,
next: ListCell<'a, Test<'a>>
impl<'a> Eq for Test<'a> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Test) -> bool { self.n == other.n }
impl<'a> LinkedList<'a> for Test<'a> {
fn get_cell(&'a self) -> &'a ListCell<'a, Test<'a>> { return &; }
fn main() {
let t1 = Test{n: 1, next: ListCell::new()};
let t2 = Test{n: 2, next: ListCell::new()};
let t3 = Test{n: 3, next: ListCell::new()};
let head: ListCell<Test> = ListCell::new();
prepend(&head, &t3);
prepend(&head, &t2);
prepend(&head, &t1);
println!("rm: {}", remove(&head, &t2));
println!("head: {}", head);
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