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Last active November 3, 2020 00:17
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Blockstream Satellite monitoring scripts
FileName: WhatHaveIGot
cat $1 | grep -P "[0-9]{1,6}\) - G" -o | grep -P "[0-9]{1,6} -o | uniq | sort -g
FileName: MissingInSequence
awk '{for(i=p+1; i<$1; i++) print i} {p=$i}' $1
FileName: RangeMissingInSequence
awk 'NR==1{first=$1; last=$1} $1==last+1{last=$1; next} first==last{print first; first=$1; last=first; next} {print first, last; first=$1; last=first} END{print first, last}' $1
WhatHaveIGot ./debug.log | MissingInSequence | RangeMissingInSequence | less
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