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A general-purpose "DI container" for use by libraries to resolve static dependencies. Add a nuget reference to "InjectModuleInitializer".
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace PLACEHOLDER.StaticDependencyInjection
internal partial class CompositionRoot
public override void Bootstrap()
// TODO: Add calls to the various Import methods.
protected override ExportInfo GetExportInfo(Type type)
var attribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(type, typeof(ExportAttribute)) as ExportAttribute;
if (attribute == null)
return base.GetExportInfo(type);
new ExportInfo(type, attribute.Priority)
Disabled = attribute.Disabled,
Name = attribute.Name
protected override IEnumerable<ExportInfo> GetExportInfos(
IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> assemblyAttributes)
.Where(attribute => attribute.ClassType.IsClass)
.Select(attribute =>
new ExportInfo(attribute.ClassType, attribute.Priority)
Disabled = attribute.Disabled,
Name = attribute.Name
// //
// This file was generated by a tool. It would be a bad idea to make changes to it. //
// //
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace PLACEHOLDER.StaticDependencyInjection
internal sealed partial class CompositionRoot : CompositionRootBase
internal CompositionRoot()
internal abstract class CompositionRootBase
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICollection<Type>> _candidateTypesCache;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>> _candidateTypeNamesByTargetTypeNameCache;
protected CompositionRootBase()
_candidateTypesCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICollection<Type>>();
_candidateTypeNamesByTargetTypeNameCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>>();
/// <summary>
/// Import the types for this library by calling one of the import methods:
/// <see cref="ImportSingle{TTargetType}"/>, <see cref="ImportSingle{TTargetType,TFactoryType}"/>,
/// <see cref="ImportFirst{TTargetType}"/>, <see cref="ImportFirst{TTargetType,TFactoryType}"/>,
/// <see cref="ImportMultiple{TTargetType}"/>, or <see cref="ImportMultiple{TTargetType, TFactoryType}"/>.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Bootstrap();
/// <summary>
/// Return a metadata object that describes the export operation for a type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The type to get export metadata.</param>
/// <returns>A metadata object that describes an export operation.</returns>
protected virtual ExportInfo GetExportInfo(Type type)
return new ExportInfo(type);
/// <summary>
/// Return a collection of metadata objects that correspond to the attributes.
/// Use the <see cref="Extensions.AsAttributeType{TAttribute}"/> extension method
/// to convert applicable CustomAttributeData objects to the desired attribyte type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assemblyAttributes">
/// The collection of attribute data describing attributes that decorate an assembly.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A collection of metadata objects that describe export operations.</returns>
protected virtual IEnumerable<ExportInfo> GetExportInfos(
IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> assemblyAttributes)
yield break;
/// <summary>
/// Return an object that defines various options.
/// </summary>
protected virtual ImportOptions GetDefaultImportOptions()
return new ImportOptions();
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>. When a single
/// class with a public parameterless constructor is found that implements or
/// inherits from <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>, then an instance of that class
/// will be created and passed to the <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. An object of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when an implementation of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportSingle<TTargetType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
GetImportInfo<TTargetType>(importName, options),
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>. When a single
/// class with a public parameterless constructor is found that implements or
/// inherits from either <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> or
/// <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>, then an instance of that class is created.
/// If that instance is a <see cref="TTargetType"/>, than that instance will be
/// passed to the <paramref name="importAction"/> callback. If the instance is a
/// <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>, then an instance of
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is obtained by using the
/// <paramref name="getTarget"/> function and passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. An object of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TFactoryType">
/// A type that exposes a method or property that can be invoked to obtain an instance
/// of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when an implementation of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="getTarget">
/// A function used to obtain an instance of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>
/// by using an instance of <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportSingle<TTargetType, TFactoryType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
Func<TFactoryType, TTargetType> getTarget,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
where TFactoryType : class
GetImportInfo<TTargetType>(importName, options, typeof(TFactoryType)),
t => CreateInstance(t, getTarget));
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>. When any class
/// with a public parameterless constructor is found that implements or inherits from
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>, then the one with the highest priority will be
/// created and passed to the <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. An object of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when an implementation of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportFirst<TTargetType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
GetInstances<TTargetType>(importName, options));
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>. When any
/// class with a public parameterless constructor is found that implements or
/// inherits from either <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> or
/// <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>, then an instance of the highest priority
/// class is created. If that instance is a <see cref="TTargetType"/>, than that
/// instance will be passed to the <paramref name="importAction"/> callback. If the
/// instance is a <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>, then an instance of
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is obtained by using the
/// <paramref name="getTarget"/> function and passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. An object of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TFactoryType">
/// A type that exposes a method or property that can be invoked to obtain an instance
/// of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when an implementation of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="getTarget">
/// A function used to obtain an instance of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>
/// by using an instance of <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportFirst<TTargetType, TFactoryType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
Func<TFactoryType, TTargetType> getTarget,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
where TFactoryType : class
GetInstances(getTarget, importName, options));
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> for many
/// implementations. When zero to many classes with a public parameterless
/// constructor are found that implements or inherits from
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>, then an instances of those class will be
/// created and passed to the <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. Objects of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when a implementations of
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> are created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportMultiple<TTargetType>(
Action<IEnumerable<TTargetType>> importAction,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
importAction(GetInstances<TTargetType>(importName, options).ToList());
/// <summary>
/// Imports the type specified by <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> for many
/// implementations. When zero to many classes with a public parameterless
/// constructor are found that implements or inherits from either
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> or <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>,
/// then instances of those classes are created. If an instance is a
/// <see cref="TTargetType"/>, than that instance will be passed as part of a
/// collection to the <paramref name="importAction"/> callback. If an instance is a
/// <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>, then an instance of
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> is obtained by using the
/// <paramref name="getTarget"/> function and passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> callback.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TTargetType">
/// The type to import. Objects of this type will be passed to the
/// <paramref name="importAction"/> parameter callback.
/// </typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TFactoryType">
/// A type that exposes a method or property that can be invoked to obtain an instance
/// of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>.
/// </typeparam>
/// <param name="importAction">
/// A callback function to invoke when a implementations of
/// <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/> are created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="getTarget">
/// A function used to obtain an instance of <typeparamref name="TTargetType"/>
/// by using an instance of <typeparamref name="TFactoryType"/>.
/// </param>
/// <param name="importName">
/// The name of this import operation. If not null, exported classes without a matching name are excluded.
/// </param>
/// <param name="options">
/// The import options to use. If null or not provided, the value returned by
/// <see cref="GetDefaultImportOptions"/> is returned.
/// </param>
protected void ImportMultiple<TTargetType, TFactoryType>(
Action<IEnumerable<TTargetType>> importAction,
Func<TFactoryType, TTargetType> getTarget,
string importName = null,
ImportOptions options = null)
where TTargetType : class
where TFactoryType : class
importAction(GetInstances(getTarget, importName, options).ToList());
private IEnumerable<TTargetType> GetInstances<TTargetType>(string importName, ImportOptions options) where TTargetType : class
return GetInstances(
GetImportInfo<TTargetType>(importName, options),
private IEnumerable<TTargetType> GetInstances<TTargetType, TFactoryType>(Func<TFactoryType, TTargetType> getTarget, string importName, ImportOptions options)
where TTargetType : class
where TFactoryType : class
return GetInstances(
type => CreateInstance(type, getTarget));
private ImportInfo GetImportInfo<TTargetType>(
string importName,
ImportOptions options,
Type factoryType = null)
where TTargetType : class
return new ImportInfo(
options ?? GetDefaultImportOptions());
private void ImportSingleType<TTargetType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
ImportInfo import, Func<Type, TTargetType> createInstance)
where TTargetType : class
var candidateTypeNames = GetCandidateTypeNames(import);
var instance =
GetPrioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes(candidateTypeNames, import)
.Select(candidateTypes => ChooseCandidateType(candidateTypes, import))
.Select(t => t == null ? null : createInstance(t))
if (instance != null)
private static void ImportFirstType<TTargetType>(
Action<TTargetType> importAction,
IEnumerable<TTargetType> instances)
where TTargetType : class
var instance = instances.FirstOrDefault();
if (instance != null)
private IEnumerable<TTargetType> GetInstances<TTargetType>(
ImportInfo import,
Func<Type, TTargetType> createInstance)
where TTargetType : class
var candidateTypeNames = GetCandidateTypeNames(import);
var prioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes =
GetPrioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes(candidateTypeNames, import);
return (
from candidateTypes in prioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes
from candidateType in candidateTypes
select createInstance(candidateType))
.Where(instance => instance != null);
private static TTargetType CreateInstance<TTargetType>(Type candidateType)
where TTargetType : class
var instance = Instantiate(candidateType);
var target = instance as TTargetType;
if (target != null)
return target;
return null;
return null;
private static TTargetType CreateInstance<TTargetType, TFactoryType>(
Type candidateType,
Func<TFactoryType, TTargetType> getTarget)
where TTargetType : class
where TFactoryType : class
var instance = Instantiate(candidateType);
var factory = instance as TFactoryType;
if (factory != null)
return getTarget(factory);
var target = instance as TTargetType;
if (target != null)
return target;
return null;
return null;
private static object Instantiate(Type candidateType)
if (candidateType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null)
return Activator.CreateInstance(candidateType);
var ctor =
.OrderByDescending(c => c.GetParameters().Length)
.First(c => c.GetParameters().All(HasDefaultValue));
var args = ctor.GetParameters().Select(p => p.DefaultValue).ToArray();
return Activator.CreateInstance(candidateType, args);
private IEnumerable<IList<Type>> GetPrioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes(
IEnumerable<string> candidateTypeNames,
ImportInfo import)
Func<Type, bool> isPreferredType;
if (import.FactoryType == null)
isPreferredType = type => false;
isPreferredType = GetIsTargetTypeFunc(import, import.FactoryType);
var prioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes =
.Where(export =>
export != null
&& !export.Disabled
&& AreCompatible(import, export))
.GroupBy(x => x.Priority)
.OrderByDescending(g => g.Key)
.Select(g =>
g.OrderByDescending(export => isPreferredType(export.TargetClass))
.ThenBy(export => export.TargetClass.AssemblyQualifiedName)
var uniqueExports = new List<ExportInfo>();
var groupsToRemove = new List<List<ExportInfo>>();
foreach (var group in prioritizedGroupsOfCandidateTypes)
var exportsToRemove = new List<ExportInfo>();
foreach (var export in group)
if (uniqueExports.Any(uniqueExport =>
export.TargetClass == uniqueExport.TargetClass
&& export.Name == uniqueExport.Name
&& export.Priority == uniqueExport.Priority))
foreach (var export in exportsToRemove)
if (group.Count == 0)
foreach (var group in groupsToRemove)
.Select(group => group.Select(g => g.TargetClass).ToList()).ToList();
private static bool AreCompatible(ImportInfo import, ExportInfo export)
if (!import.Options.IncludeNamedExportsFromUnnamedImports
&& export.Name != null
&& import.Name == null)
return false;
return (export.Name == import.Name || import.Name == null);
private IEnumerable<ExportInfo> LoadExportInfosFromAssemblyAttributes(
Type targetType,
IEnumerable<string> directoryPaths)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += AppDomainOnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve;
.SelectMany(assemblyFile =>
LoadExportInfos(assemblyFile, targetType))
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= AppDomainOnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve;
private IEnumerable<ExportInfo> LoadExportInfos(string assemblyFile, Type targetType)
var assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyFile);
// Don't look here.
if (assembly.FullName == typeof(CompositionRootBase).Assembly.FullName)
return Enumerable.Empty<ExportInfo>();
.Where(export => export.TargetClass.AssemblyQualifiedName == targetType.AssemblyQualifiedName);
return Enumerable.Empty<ExportInfo>();
private static Type ChooseCandidateType(
IList<Type> candidateTypes,
ImportInfo import)
if (candidateTypes.Count == 1)
return candidateTypes[0];
if (import.FactoryType != null)
var data =
candidateTypes.Select(type =>
var interfaces = type.GetInterfaces();
return new
Type = type,
IsTarget = interfaces.Any(i => i.AssemblyQualifiedName == import.TargetTypeName),
IsFactory = interfaces.Any(i => i.AssemblyQualifiedName == import.FactoryTypeName)
if (import.Options.PreferTTargetType)
if ((data.Count(x => x.IsTarget) == 1)
&& (data.Count(x => x.IsFactory && !x.IsTarget) == (data.Count - 1)))
return data.Single(x => x.IsTarget).Type;
if ((data.Count(x => x.IsFactory) == 1)
&& (data.Count(x => x.IsTarget && !x.IsFactory) == (data.Count - 1)))
return data.Single(x => x.IsFactory).Type;
return null;
private ExportInfo GetExportInfo(string assemblyQualifiedName)
var type = Type.GetType(assemblyQualifiedName);
if (type == null)
return null;
return GetExportInfo(type);
return null;
private IEnumerable<string> GetCandidateTypeNames(ImportInfo import)
var candidateTypeNamesCache =
_ => new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>());
var candidateTypeNames =
_ =>
var isTargetType = GetIsTargetTypeFunc(import, import.TargetType);
if (import.FactoryType != null)
var isFactoryType = GetIsTargetTypeFunc(import, import.FactoryType);
var isTargetTypeLocal = isTargetType;
isTargetType = type => isTargetTypeLocal(type) || isFactoryType(type);
var candidateTypes =
string.Join("|", import.Options.DirectoryPaths),
__ => GetCandidateTypes(import.Options.DirectoryPaths));
.Select(t => t.AssemblyQualifiedName)
return candidateTypeNames;
private static Func<Type, bool> GetIsTargetTypeFunc(ImportInfo import, Type targetType)
var targetTypeName = targetType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
if (targetTypeName == null)
return typeInQuestion => false;
if (targetType.IsInterface)
return typeInQuestion =>
(typeInQuestion.IsPublic || import.Options.AllowNonPublicClasses)
&& typeInQuestion.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.AssemblyQualifiedName == targetTypeName);
if (targetType.IsClass && !targetType.IsSealed)
return typeInQuestion =>
var type = typeInQuestion;
while (type != null)
if (type.AssemblyQualifiedName == targetTypeName)
return true;
type = type.BaseType;
return false;
return typeInQuestion => false;
private ICollection<Type> GetCandidateTypes(IEnumerable<string> directoryPaths)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve += AppDomainOnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve;
return GetAssemblyFiles(directoryPaths).SelectMany(LoadCandidateTypes).ToList();
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve -= AppDomainOnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve;
private static Assembly AppDomainOnReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
return Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(args.Name);
private static IEnumerable<string> GetAssemblyFiles(IEnumerable<string> directoryPaths)
foreach (var directoryPath in directoryPaths)
IEnumerable<string> dllFiles;
dllFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath, "*.dll");
dllFiles = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
IEnumerable<string> exeFiles;
exeFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directoryPath, "*.exe");
exeFiles = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
foreach (var file in dllFiles.Concat(exeFiles))
yield return file;
private static IEnumerable<Type> LoadCandidateTypes(string assemblyFile)
var assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyFile);
// Don't look here.
if (assembly.FullName == typeof(CompositionRootBase).Assembly.FullName)
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
.Where(t =>
&& !t.IsAbstract
&& t.AssemblyQualifiedName != null
&& HasDefaultishConstructor(t));
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
private static bool HasDefaultishConstructor(Type type)
type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null
|| type.GetConstructors().Any(ctor => ctor.GetParameters().All(HasDefaultValue));
private static bool HasDefaultValue(ParameterInfo parameter)
const ParameterAttributes hasDefaultValue =
ParameterAttributes.HasDefault | ParameterAttributes.Optional;
return (parameter.Attributes & hasDefaultValue) == hasDefaultValue;
private class ImportInfo
private readonly string _name;
private readonly Type _targetType;
private readonly Type _factoryType;
private readonly ImportOptions _options;
public ImportInfo(
string name,
Type targetType,
Type factoryType,
ImportOptions options)
_name = name;
_targetType = targetType;
_factoryType = factoryType;
_options = options;
internal string Name { get { return _name; } }
internal Type TargetType { get { return _targetType; } }
internal Type FactoryType { get { return _factoryType; } }
internal ImportOptions Options { get { return _options; } }
internal string TargetTypeName
return TargetType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
internal string FactoryTypeName
_factoryType == null
? null
: _factoryType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
internal class ExportInfo
private readonly Type _targetClass;
private readonly int _priority;
internal ExportInfo(Type targetClass)
: this(targetClass, -1)
internal ExportInfo(Type targetClass, int priority)
if (targetClass.Assembly.ReflectionOnly)
targetClass = Type.GetType(targetClass.AssemblyQualifiedName);
_targetClass = targetClass;
_priority = priority;
internal Type TargetClass { get { return _targetClass; } }
internal int Priority { get { return _priority; } }
internal string Name { get; set; }
internal bool Disabled { get; set; }
internal static class Extensions
internal static IEnumerable<TAttribute> AsAttributeType<TAttribute>(
this IEnumerable<CustomAttributeData> attributeDataCollection)
where TAttribute : Attribute
foreach (var attributeData in attributeDataCollection)
TAttribute attribute;
if (attributeData.TryGetAttribute(out attribute))
yield return attribute;
private static bool TryGetAttribute<TAttribute>(
this CustomAttributeData attributeData,
out TAttribute attribute)
where TAttribute : Attribute
var attributeType = typeof(TAttribute);
if (attributeData.Constructor == null
|| attributeData.Constructor.DeclaringType == null
|| attributeData.Constructor.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName == null
|| attributeData.Constructor.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName != attributeType.AssemblyQualifiedName)
attribute = null;
return false;
var bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
var args = attributeData.ConstructorArguments.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray();
attribute = (TAttribute)Activator.CreateInstance(attributeType, args);
if (attributeData.NamedArguments != null)
foreach (var namedArgument in attributeData.NamedArguments)
if (namedArgument.MemberInfo is PropertyInfo)
var propertyInfo = attributeType.GetProperty(namedArgument.MemberInfo.Name, bindingFlags);
if (propertyInfo != null)
propertyInfo.SetValue(attribute, namedArgument.TypedValue.Value, null);
else if (namedArgument.MemberInfo is FieldInfo)
var fieldInfo = attributeType.GetField(namedArgument.MemberInfo.Name, bindingFlags);
if (fieldInfo != null)
fieldInfo.SetValue(attribute, namedArgument.TypedValue.Value);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Defines various options for an import operation.
/// </summary>
internal class ImportOptions
private string[] _directoryPaths;
public ImportOptions()
_directoryPaths = new[] { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory };
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow non-public classes to be imported.
/// Default value is false.
/// </summary>
public bool AllowNonPublicClasses { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether a named export will be included from an
/// unnamed import operation. Default value is false.
/// </summary>
public bool IncludeNamedExportsFromUnnamedImports { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether, given equal priorities, an implementation
/// of TTargetType will be chosen over an implementation of TFactoryType. Default
/// value is false.
/// </summary>
public bool PreferTTargetType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the directory paths that are searched for this import operation. The
/// default value is an array containing a single element: the value returned by
/// AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<string> DirectoryPaths
get { return _directoryPaths; }
if (value != null)
_directoryPaths = value.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();
using System;
namespace PLACEHOLDER.StaticDependencyInjection
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that a class should be exported as a static dependency.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=true)]
public sealed class ExportAttribute : Attribute
private readonly int _priority;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
public ExportAttribute()
: this(0)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="priority">The priority of the class.</param>
public ExportAttribute(int priority)
_priority = priority;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value that indicates this class's relative priority.
/// </summary>
public int Priority { get { return _priority; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether this class is explicitly ineligible for exporting.
/// </summary>
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the arbitrary name of this export. Named import operations use
/// this value to filter eligible results.
/// </summary>
public string Name { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that a class should be exported as a static dependency.
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class ExportExternalAttribute : Attribute
private readonly Type _classType;
private readonly int _priority;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportExternalAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classType">The type of the class to export.</param>
public ExportExternalAttribute(Type classType)
: this(classType, 0)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportExternalAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="classType">The type of the class to export.</param>
/// <param name="priority">The priority of the class.</param>
public ExportExternalAttribute(Type classType, int priority)
_priority = priority;
_classType = classType;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type of class to export.
/// </summary>
public Type ClassType { get { return _classType; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value that indicates this class's relative priority.
/// </summary>
public int Priority { get { return _priority; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value indicating whether this class is explicitly ineligible for exporting.
/// </summary>
public bool Disabled { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the arbitrary name of this export. Named import operations use
/// this value to filter eligible results.
/// </summary>
public string Name { get; set; }
// //
// This file was generated by a tool. It would be a bad idea to make changes to it. //
// //
namespace PLACEHOLDER.StaticDependencyInjection
internal static class ModuleInitializer
internal static void Run()
new CompositionRoot().Bootstrap();
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