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Created July 15, 2020 10:06
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Scroll the current window horizontally with h, l, H, L instead of zh, zl, zH, zL with the help of a popup window
" Simple script that adds a new horizontal scrolling mode using a popup
" window.
" Pressing z/ opens a small popup window in the botton right corner of the
" screen. While the popup window is open, the current window can be scrolled
" with h (left one char), l (right one char), H (one half screen left), L (one
" half screen right). Close the window with q or ENTER.
scriptencoding utf-8
function s:error(msg)
echohl ErrorMsg | echomsg a:msg | echohl None
function s:popup_filter(winid, key) abort
if a:key ==# 'l'
execute 'normal! zl'
elseif a:key ==# 'h'
execute 'normal! zh'
elseif a:key ==# 'L'
execute 'normal! zL'
elseif a:key ==# 'H'
execute 'normal! zH'
elseif a:key ==# 's'
execute 'normal! zs'
elseif a:key ==# 'e'
execute 'normal! ze'
elseif a:key ==# 'q' || a:key ==# "\<cr>"
call popup_close(a:winid)
return v:false
return v:true
function s:scroll_horizontal() abort
if &wrap
return s:error("Horizonal scrolling only work when 'wrap' is off")
let text =<< trim END
hleft one character
lright one character
H → left half a screen width
L → right half a screen width
scursor to left screen side
ecursor to right screen side
let winid = popup_create(text, {
\ 'pos': 'botright',
\ 'line': &lines - &cmdheight - 1,
\ 'col': &columns,
\ 'padding': [0,1,0,1],
\ 'border': [],
\ 'borderchars': ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
\ 'mapping': v:false,
\ 'filtermode': 'n',
\ 'filter': funcref('s:popup_filter')
\ })
call matchadd('Title', '^\w', 1, -1, {'window': winid})
call matchadd('Special', '', 1, -1, {'window': winid})
nnoremap <silent> z/ :<c-u>call <sid>scroll_horizonal()<cr>
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