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Created February 22, 2016 09:59
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plea for GIO examples for python + gdbus servers#
import sys
from gi.repository import Gio, Gtk
class App(Gio.Application):
def __init__(self):
# flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE)
self.connect("activate", self.activateCb)
# self.connect("command-line", self.my_argv)
def xyzdo_command_line (self, args):
# adopted from multiple examples do_command_line is needed any time
# HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE is triggered, which can happen in multiple ways.
# by default, it calls signals activate, which invokes some kind of main
# loop with an appropriate context
print "XYZ", args.get_arguments( )
# help(args)
# help(line)
# self.do_activate(self)
self.activate( )
return 0
return Gio.Application.do_activate(self)
def activateCb(self, app):
print "ACTIVATED!"
# sans GUI default loop taking over, there is nothing to do
many apps supply GUIs, and will launch windows in the "main" instance.
What about internet of things apps, which need to export informatin
over dbus/websocket and simply want to export data, maybe signals, and
if lucky methods, on a bus?
With a gui this works, and even registers on properly on d-feet.
For now it's not clear how to launch managed objects purely as a
library, and potentially export them on new threads as appropriate for
library usage.
It has something to do with iterating a MainLoop using MainContext's
push_thread_default, but no documentation or examples makes this
window = Gio.ApplicationWindow()
def do_local_command_line (self, args):
print "XXX", self, args
# run any argparse here, including argcomplete?
# Let Gio/Gio
foo = Gio.Application.do_local_command_line(self, args[:1])
# print foo
ret = (True, None, 0) # allows dispatchin inner mainloop
# ret = (False, None, 0) # continue invoking do_command_line logic, regardless of registered Flags!!
# print foo == ret
print ret
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = App()
# this does not work either...
except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
print "Quitting"
app.quit( )
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