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Created February 1, 2022 16:07
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Bash functions to run other commands in parallel with output serialized
# Contains common functions that can be sourced by other bash scripts
function RunParallel
# Usage: Set the PROCESSES and CONCURRENCY variables and invoke RunParallel without parameters
# PROCESSES: An array of commands to execute
# CONCURRENCY: The number of commands to execute concurrently
# - Takes a list of processes in the PROCESSES variable, runs them in parallel, waits for
# each to complete, and then serializes their output (i.e. not interleaved).
# - If any process fails, then RunParallel will return a non-0 value.
# - Assumes that an error trap is NOT in effect. An error trap will cause termination
# of this function upon the first command to fail.
# Check inputs.
if ((CONCURRENCY < 1))
echo "ERROR: CONCURRENCY must be >0"
return 1
if ((num_processes == 0))
echo "PROCESSES array can not be empty"
return 2
# Determine concurrency level.
((concurrency = num_processes<CONCURRENCY ? num_processes : CONCURRENCY))
echo "Running ${num_processes} processes total, ${concurrency} concurrently"
# Loop through "PROCESSES" and execute each in the background, capturing stdout/stderr in
# a separate file for each. Once concurrency is reached, wait for an existing process to
# complete before starting a new one.
((total_rc = 0))
for ((nr=0,np=0; np<${num_processes-1}; np++))
echo "Loop: nr=${nr}, np=${np}, total_rc=${total_rc}"
if ((nr >= concurrency))
# At full concurrency. Wait for a process to complete before starting another.
# Spawn a child process and capture stdout/stderr in a temp file.
output[np]=$(mktemp -t parallel.XXXXXX)
echo "Spawning ${np}: \"${PROCESSES[np]}\"..."
${PROCESSES[np]} >${output[np]} 2>&1 &
((pids[np] = $!))
((nr = nr + 1))
echo "Spawned ${np}: pid ${pids[np]}"
# Wait for remaining processes to complete, if any.
while ((nr > 0))
return $total_rc
function WaitForProcess
# - Called by RunParallel
# - Waits for a specific process to complete
# - Captures the return code and prints the output to stdout
((wait_for = np - nr)) # The index of the process to wait for.
echo "Waiting for ${wait_for}: ${pids[wait_for]}"
eval "wait ${pids[wait_for]}"
((total_rc = total_rc|rc))
echo "=============================================================================="
echo "PID ${pids[wait_for]}: \"${PROCESSES[wait_for]}\" exited with $rc"
eval "cat ${output[wait_for]}"
echo "=============================================================================="
eval "rm ${output[wait_for]}"
((nr = nr - 1))
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