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SugarCRM: Default filter on search view
extendsFrom: "FilterLayout",
* Applies filter on current contexts
* @param {String} query search string
* @param {Object} dynamicFilterDef(optional)
applyFilter: function(query, dynamicFilterDef) {
// TODO: getRelevantContextList needs to be refactored to handle filterpanels in drawer layouts,
// as it will return the global context instead of filtering a list view within the drawer context.
// As a result, this flag is needed to prevent filtering on the global context.
var filterOptions = this.context.get('filterOptions') || {};
if (filterOptions.auto_apply === false) {
* Start custom filter
// Put your custom filter here
if(this.module === 'GPE_Grupo_empresas' && app.controller.context.get('module') === 'Accounts'){
dynamicFilterDef = dynamicFilterDef || [];
estado: "Activo"
* End custom filter
// to make sure quick filter is handled properly
if (_.isEmpty(query)) {
var filterQuicksearchView = this.getComponent('filter-quicksearch');
query = filterQuicksearchView && filterQuicksearchView.$el.val() || '';
//If the quicksearch field is not empty, append a remove icon so the user can clear the search easily
var self = this;
var ctxList = this.getRelevantContextList();
// Here we split the relevant contexts into two groups, 'count', and
// 'fetch'. For the 'count' contexts, we do a 'fetchOnlyIds' on their
// collection so we can update the count and highlight the subpanel
// icon, even though they are collapsed. For the 'fetch' group, we do a
// full collection fetch so the subpanel can render its list view.
var relevantCtx = _.groupBy(ctxList, function(ctx) {
return ctx.get('collapsed') ? 'count' : 'fetch';
var batchId = relevantCtx.count && relevantCtx.count.length > 1 ? _.uniqueId() : false;
_.each(relevantCtx.count, function(ctx) {
var ctxCollection = ctx.get('collection');
var origFilterDef = dynamicFilterDef || ctxCollection.origFilterDef || [];
var filterDef = self.buildFilterDef(origFilterDef, query, ctx);
var options = {
//Show alerts for this request
showAlerts: true,
apiOptions: {
bulk: batchId
ctxCollection.filterDef = filterDef;
ctxCollection.origFilterDef = origFilterDef;
options = _.extend(options, ctx.get('collectionOptions'));
ctx.set('skipFetch', true);
// We need to reset twice so we can trigger the other bulk call.
options.success = _.bind(function(hasAmount, properties) {
if (!this.disposed) {
ctx.trigger('refresh:count', hasAmount, properties);
}, this);
ctxCollection.hasAtLeast(ctx.get('limit'), options);
// FIXME: Filters should not be triggering the bulk request and should
// be moved to subpanels instead. Will be fixed as part of SC-4533.
if (batchId) {
batchId = relevantCtx.fetch && relevantCtx.fetch.length > 1 ? _.uniqueId() : false;
_.each(relevantCtx.fetch, function(ctx) {
var ctxCollection = ctx.get('collection');
var origFilterDef = dynamicFilterDef || ctxCollection.origFilterDef || [];
var filterDef = self.buildFilterDef(origFilterDef, query, ctx);
var options = {
//Show alerts for this request
showAlerts: true,
apiOptions: {
bulk: batchId
success: function(collection, response, options) {
// Close the preview pane to ensure that the preview
// collection is in sync with the list collection.'preview:close');
ctxCollection.filterDef = filterDef;
ctxCollection.origFilterDef = origFilterDef;
if (!_.isEmpty(ctx._recordListFields)) {
ctx.set('fields', ctx._recordListFields);
ctx.set('skipFetch', false);
if (batchId) {
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