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Created August 22, 2013 12:57
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Tweak from my other Gist, Outputs seconds into "h+:mm:ss"
/* Author: Didrik Nordström, */
/* Specifically for */
* Format a duration in seconds to a human readable format using the notion
* "h+:mm:ss", e.g. "4:40:78". Negative durations are preceeded by "-".
* @param t Duration in seconds
* @return The formatted duration string
var readableDuration = (function() {
// Each unit is an object with a suffix s and divisor d
var units = [
{s: '', d: 1}, // Seconds
{s: ':', d: 60}, // Minutes
{s: ':', d: 60}, // Hours
// Closure function
return function(t) {
t = parseInt(t); // In order to use modulus
var trunc, n = Math.abs(t), i, out = []; // out: list of strings to concat
for (i = 0; i < units.length; i++) {
n = Math.floor(n / units[i].d); // Total number of this unit
// Truncate e.g. 26h to 2h using modulus with next unit divisor
if (i+1 < units.length) // Tweak substr with two digits
trunc = ('00'+ n % units[i+1].d).substr(-2, 2); // …if not final unit
trunc = n;
out.unshift(''+ trunc + units[i].s); // Output
(t < 0) ? out.unshift('-') : null; // Handle negative durations
return out.join('');
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