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Last active August 8, 2019 10:32
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# ref.:
# original.:
# added fast tanh of JUCE library
from numpy import *
import scipy as sp
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
#matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 1 * matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi']
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20,5)
f = 1./7.8
t = linspace(0, N, N)
freq = fft.fftfreq(N*factor, t.shape[-1])
sine = sin(2*pi*f*t)
saw = sp.signal.sawtooth(2*pi*f*t)
def showAbsFFT(signal):
window = blackman(N)
windowed = window*signal
padded = pad(windowed, (0, N*factor - N), 'constant', constant_values=(0))
signalX = fft.fft(padded) / N
amplX = abs(signalX)
plt.plot(freq[0:int(len(padded)/2)], 20*log(amplX)[0:int(len(padded)/2)])
def vox_fasttanh_ultra(X):
ax = fabs( X );
x2 = X * X;
Z = X * ( 0.773062670268356 + ax +
( 0.757118539838817 + 0.0139332362248817 * x2 * x2 ) *
x2 * ax );
return( Z / ( 0.795956503022967 + fabs( Z )))
def vox_fasttanh2( x ):
ax = fabs( x );
x2 = x * x;
return( x * ( 2.45550750702956 + 2.45550750702956 * ax +
( 0.893229853513558 + 0.821226666969744 * ax ) * x2 ) /
( 2.44506634652299 + ( 2.44506634652299 + x2 ) *
fabs( x + 0.814642734961073 * x * ax )));
def juce_tanh( x ):
x2 = x * x;
numerator = x * (-135135 + x2 * (17325 + x2 * (-378 + x2)));
denominator = -135135 + x2 * (62370 + x2 * (-3150 + 28 * x2));
return numerator / denominator;
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