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Created May 27, 2016 01:28
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simple syslog implementation for jython (requires UDP to be enabled in rsyslog)
* Copyright (C) 2007 Matt Shelton.
* @author Matt Shelton <>
* @version $Id$
* This module provides an interface to the UNIX syslog daemon on the
* local host.
* The CPython syslog module uses UNIX domain sockets
* ( to communicate with
* the syslog daemon. Since domain sockets are not implemented on
* systems other than UNIX, Java does not support them. Therefore, this
* module communicates with the syslog daemon via UDP.
* In order to use this module, the local syslog daemon must be
* listening to UDP port 514. This can be done by starting syslogd with
* the '-r' switch.
public class syslog {
// Priority Levels (high to low)
public static int LOG_EMERG = 0;
public static int LOG_ALERT = 1;
public static int LOG_CRIT = 2;
public static int LOG_ERR = 3;
public static int LOG_WARNING = 4;
public static int LOG_NOTICE = 5;
public static int LOG_INFO = 6;
public static int LOG_DEBUG = 7;
// Facilities
public static int LOG_KERN = 0;
public static int LOG_USER = 8;
public static int LOG_MAIL = 16;
public static int LOG_DAEMON = 24;
public static int LOG_AUTH = 32;
public static int LOG_LRP = 48;
public static int LOG_NEWS = 56;
public static int LOG_UUCP = 64;
public static int LOG_CRON = 72;
public static int LOG_LOCAL0 = 128;
public static int LOG_LOCAL1 = 136;
public static int LOG_LOCAL2 = 144;
public static int LOG_LOCAL3 = 152;
public static int LOG_LOCAL4 = 160;
public static int LOG_LOCAL5 = 168;
public static int LOG_LOCAL6 = 176;
public static int LOG_LOCAL7 = 184;
// Log Options
public static int LOG_PID = 1;
public static int LOG_CONS = 2;
public static int LOG_NDELAY = 8;
public static int LOG_NOWAIT = 16;
public static int LOG_PERROR = 32;
// Data used by the module operations.
private static syslog logger = null;
private DatagramSocket socket = null;
private InetAddress daemon = null;
private String ident = "syslog";
private int facility = LOG_USER;
private int logopt = 0;
private int logmask = 255;
* Send a message to the system logger. Each message is tagged with
* a priority composed of a <i>facility</i> and a <i>level</i>.
* @param priority Priority in numeric format.
* @param message Message to send to the system logger.
public static void syslog(int priority, String message) {
// Ensure that there is a syslog instance created.
if (logger == null)
// Log the message.
logger.log(priority, message);
* Send a message to the system logger. The priority defaults at
* @param message Message to send to the system logger.
public static void syslog(String message) {
syslog(LOG_INFO, message);
* Logging options other than the defaults can be set explicitly
* opening the log file with <i>openlog()</i> prior to calling
* <i>syslog()</i>.
* @param ident A name uniquely identifying the application.
* @param logopt Syslog Options
* @param facility Syslog Facility
public static void openlog(String ident, int logopt, int facility) {
// Create a new instance of the logger.
logger = new syslog(ident, logopt, facility);
* Logging options other than the defaults can be set explicitly
* opening the log file with <i>openlog()</i> prior to calling
* <i>syslog()</i>. Facility defaults to <b>LOG_USER</b>.
* @param ident A name uniquely identifying the application.
* @param logopt Syslog Options
public static void openlog(String ident, int logopt) {
openlog(ident, logopt, LOG_USER);
* Logging options other than the defaults can be set explicitly
* opening the log file with <i>openlog()</i> prior to calling
* <i>syslog()</i>. Options default to 0 and facility defaults to
* <b>LOG_USER</b>.
* @param ident A name uniquely identifying the application.
public static void openlog(String ident) {
openlog(ident, 0, LOG_USER);
* Default logging options.
public static void openlog() {
openlog("syslog", 0, LOG_USER);
* Close the log file.
public static void closelog() {
logger = null;
* Set the priority mask to <i>maskpri</i> and return the previous
* mask value.
* @param maskpri Priority in numeric format.
* @return Previous mask value.
public static int setlogmask(int maskpri) {
// Ensure that there is a syslog instance created.
if (logger == null)
// Log the message.
return logger.setLogmask(maskpri);
* For use with <i>setlogmask</i>. This will mask a single
* priority.
* @param pri Priority in numeric format.
* @return Input suitable for <i>setlogmask</i>.
public static int LOG_MASK(int pri) {
return (1 << (pri));
* For use with <i>setlogmask</i>. All priorities through the
* given priority.
* @param pri Priority in numeric format.
* @return Input suitable for <i>setlogmask</i>.
public static int LOG_UPTO(int pri) {
return ((1 << ((pri)+1)) - 1);
* Create a new instance of the syslog module.
* @param ident A name uniquely identifying the application.
* @param logopt Syslog Options
* @param facility Syslog Facility
public syslog(String ident, int logopt, int facility) {
// Open a socket to the localhost.
try {
socket = new DatagramSocket();
daemon = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
} catch (SocketException ex) {
// Do nothing, right now.
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
// Do nothing, right now.
// Assign logger configuration variables.
this.ident = ident;
this.logopt = logopt;
this.facility = facility;
* Send a message to this instance's logger.
* @param priority The syslog priority of the message.
* @param message The message to be logged.
public void log(int priority, String message) {
// Check the priority against the setlogmask values.
if ((syslog.LOG_MASK(priority & 0x07) & logmask) == 0)
// Construct the message.
int syslogCode = ((facility << 3) | priority );
String buffer = "<" + syslogCode + ">" + ident + ": " + message;
byte[] payload = buffer.getBytes();
// Construct the UDP packet.
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(
payload, payload.length, daemon, 514);
// Send the UDP packet off.
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Do nothing, yet.
* Set the priority mask to <i>maskpri</i> and return the previous
* mask value.
* @param maskpri
* @return Previous mask value.
public int setLogmask(int maskpri) {
int mask = logmask;
logmask = maskpri;
return mask;
* Close out the syslog connection.
public void close() {
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