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Created September 30, 2013 18:45
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# Copyright (c) 2005 Gustavo Niemeyer <>
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
@var Unassigned: Helper object instance representing unassigned values
@sort: Problem, Variable, Domain
@group Solvers: Solver,
@group Constraints: Constraint,
import random
import copy
__all__ = ["Problem", "Variable", "Domain", "Unassigned",
"Solver", "BacktrackingSolver", "RecursiveBacktrackingSolver",
"MinConflictsSolver", "Constraint", "FunctionConstraint",
"AllDifferentConstraint", "AllEqualConstraint", "MaxSumConstraint",
"ExactSumConstraint", "MinSumConstraint", "InSetConstraint",
"NotInSetConstraint", "SomeInSetConstraint",
class Problem(object):
Class used to define a problem and retrieve solutions
def __init__(self, solver=None):
@param solver: Problem solver used to find solutions
(default is L{BacktrackingSolver})
@type solver: instance of a L{Solver} subclass
self._solver = solver or BacktrackingSolver()
self._constraints = []
self._variables = {}
def reset(self):
Reset the current problem definition
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariable("a", [1, 2])
>>> problem.reset()
>>> problem.getSolution()
del self._constraints[:]
def setSolver(self, solver):
Change the problem solver currently in use
>>> solver = BacktrackingSolver()
>>> problem = Problem(solver)
>>> problem.getSolver() is solver
@param solver: New problem solver
@type solver: instance of a C{Solver} subclass
self._solver = solver
def getSolver(self):
Obtain the problem solver currently in use
>>> solver = BacktrackingSolver()
>>> problem = Problem(solver)
>>> problem.getSolver() is solver
@return: Solver currently in use
@rtype: instance of a L{Solver} subclass
return self._solver
def addVariable(self, variable, domain):
Add a variable to the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariable("a", [1, 2])
>>> problem.getSolution() in ({'a': 1}, {'a': 2})
@param variable: Object representing a problem variable
@type variable: hashable object
@param domain: Set of items defining the possible values that
the given variable may assume
@type domain: list, tuple, or instance of C{Domain}
if variable in self._variables:
raise ValueError, "Tried to insert duplicated variable %s" % \
if type(domain) in (list, tuple):
domain = Domain(domain)
elif isinstance(domain, Domain):
domain = copy.copy(domain)
raise TypeError, "Domains must be instances of subclasses of "\
"the Domain class"
if not domain:
raise ValueError, "Domain is empty"
self._variables[variable] = domain
def addVariables(self, variables, domain):
Add one or more variables to the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3])
>>> solutions = problem.getSolutions()
>>> len(solutions)
>>> {'a': 3, 'b': 1} in solutions
@param variables: Any object containing a sequence of objects
represeting problem variables
@type variables: sequence of hashable objects
@param domain: Set of items defining the possible values that
the given variables may assume
@type domain: list, tuple, or instance of C{Domain}
for variable in variables:
self.addVariable(variable, domain)
def addConstraint(self, constraint, variables=None):
Add a constraint to the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3])
>>> problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: b == a+1, ["a", "b"])
>>> solutions = problem.getSolutions()
@param constraint: Constraint to be included in the problem
@type constraint: instance a L{Constraint} subclass or a
function to be wrapped by L{FunctionConstraint}
@param variables: Variables affected by the constraint (default to
all variables). Depending on the constraint type
the order may be important.
@type variables: set or sequence of variables
if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint):
if callable(constraint):
constraint = FunctionConstraint(constraint)
raise ValueError, "Constraints must be instances of "\
"subclasses of the Constraint class"
self._constraints.append((constraint, variables))
def getSolution(self):
Find and return a solution to the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.getSolution() is None
>>> problem.addVariables(["a"], [42])
>>> problem.getSolution()
{'a': 42}
@return: Solution for the problem
@rtype: dictionary mapping variables to values
domains, constraints, vconstraints = self._getArgs()
if not domains:
return None
return self._solver.getSolution(domains, constraints, vconstraints)
def getSolutions(self):
Find and return all solutions to the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.getSolutions() == []
>>> problem.addVariables(["a"], [42])
>>> problem.getSolutions()
[{'a': 42}]
@return: All solutions for the problem
@rtype: list of dictionaries mapping variables to values
domains, constraints, vconstraints = self._getArgs()
if not domains:
return []
return self._solver.getSolutions(domains, constraints, vconstraints)
def getSolutionIter(self):
Return an iterator to the solutions of the problem
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> list(problem.getSolutionIter()) == []
>>> problem.addVariables(["a"], [42])
>>> iter = problem.getSolutionIter()
{'a': 42}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
domains, constraints, vconstraints = self._getArgs()
if not domains:
return iter(())
return self._solver.getSolutionIter(domains, constraints,
def _getArgs(self):
domains = self._variables.copy()
allvariables = domains.keys()
constraints = []
for constraint, variables in self._constraints:
if not variables:
variables = allvariables
constraints.append((constraint, variables))
vconstraints = {}
for variable in domains:
vconstraints[variable] = []
for constraint, variables in constraints:
for variable in variables:
vconstraints[variable].append((constraint, variables))
for constraint, variables in constraints[:]:
constraint.preProcess(variables, domains,
constraints, vconstraints)
for domain in domains.values():
if not domain:
return None, None, None
#doArc8(getArcs(domains, constraints), domains, {})
return domains, constraints, vconstraints
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Solvers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def getArcs(domains, constraints):
Return a dictionary mapping pairs (arcs) of constrained variables
@attention: Currently unused.
arcs = {}
for x in constraints:
constraint, variables = x
if len(variables) == 2:
variable1, variable2 = variables
arcs.setdefault(variable1, {})\
.setdefault(variable2, [])\
arcs.setdefault(variable2, {})\
.setdefault(variable1, [])\
return arcs
def doArc8(arcs, domains, assignments):
Perform the ARC-8 arc checking algorithm and prune domains
@attention: Currently unused.
check = dict.fromkeys(domains, True)
while check:
variable, _ = check.popitem()
if variable not in arcs or variable in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
arcsvariable = arcs[variable]
for othervariable in arcsvariable:
arcconstraints = arcsvariable[othervariable]
if othervariable in assignments:
otherdomain = [assignments[othervariable]]
otherdomain = domains[othervariable]
if domain:
changed = False
for value in domain[:]:
assignments[variable] = value
if otherdomain:
for othervalue in otherdomain:
assignments[othervariable] = othervalue
for constraint, variables in arcconstraints:
if not constraint(variables, domains,
assignments, True):
# All constraints passed. Value is safe.
# All othervalues failed. Kill value.
changed = True
del assignments[othervariable]
del assignments[variable]
#if changed:
# check.update(dict.fromkeys(arcsvariable))
if not domain:
return False
return True
class Solver(object):
Abstract base class for solvers
@sort: getSolution, getSolutions, getSolutionIter
def getSolution(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Return one solution for the given problem
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to their domains
@type domains: dict
@param constraints: List of pairs of (constraint, variables)
@type constraints: list
@param vconstraints: Dictionary mapping variables to a list of
constraints affecting the given variables.
@type vconstraints: dict
raise NotImplementedError, \
"%s is an abstract class" % self.__class__.__name__
def getSolutions(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Return all solutions for the given problem
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to domains
@type domains: dict
@param constraints: List of pairs of (constraint, variables)
@type constraints: list
@param vconstraints: Dictionary mapping variables to a list of
constraints affecting the given variables.
@type vconstraints: dict
raise NotImplementedError, \
"%s provides only a single solution" % self.__class__.__name__
def getSolutionIter(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Return an iterator for the solutions of the given problem
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to domains
@type domains: dict
@param constraints: List of pairs of (constraint, variables)
@type constraints: list
@param vconstraints: Dictionary mapping variables to a list of
constraints affecting the given variables.
@type vconstraints: dict
raise NotImplementedError, \
"%s doesn't provide iteration" % self.__class__.__name__
class BacktrackingSolver(Solver):
Problem solver with backtracking capabilities
>>> result = [[('a', 1), ('b', 2)],
... [('a', 1), ('b', 3)],
... [('a', 2), ('b', 3)]]
>>> problem = Problem(BacktrackingSolver())
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3])
>>> problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: b > a, ["a", "b"])
>>> solution = problem.getSolution()
>>> sorted(solution.items()) in result
>>> for solution in problem.getSolutionIter():
... sorted(solution.items()) in result
>>> for solution in problem.getSolutions():
... sorted(solution.items()) in result
def __init__(self, forwardcheck=True):
@param forwardcheck: If false forward checking will not be requested
to constraints while looking for solutions
(default is true)
@type forwardcheck: bool
self._forwardcheck = forwardcheck
def getSolutionIter(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
forwardcheck = self._forwardcheck
assignments = {}
queue = []
while True:
# Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics
lst = [(-len(vconstraints[variable]),
len(domains[variable]), variable) for variable in domains]
for item in lst:
if item[-1] not in assignments:
# Found unassigned variable
variable = item[-1]
values = domains[variable][:]
if forwardcheck:
pushdomains = [domains[x] for x in domains
if x not in assignments and
x != variable]
pushdomains = None
# No unassigned variables. We've got a solution. Go back
# to last variable, if there's one.
yield assignments.copy()
if not queue:
variable, values, pushdomains = queue.pop()
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
while True:
# We have a variable. Do we have any values left?
if not values:
# No. Go back to last variable, if there's one.
del assignments[variable]
while queue:
variable, values, pushdomains = queue.pop()
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
if values:
del assignments[variable]
# Got a value. Check it.
assignments[variable] = values.pop()
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
for constraint, variables in vconstraints[variable]:
if not constraint(variables, domains, assignments,
# Value is not good.
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
# Push state before looking for next variable.
queue.append((variable, values, pushdomains))
raise RuntimeError, "Can't happen"
def getSolution(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
iter = self.getSolutionIter(domains, constraints, vconstraints)
except StopIteration:
return None
def getSolutions(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
return list(self.getSolutionIter(domains, constraints, vconstraints))
class RecursiveBacktrackingSolver(Solver):
Recursive problem solver with backtracking capabilities
>>> result = [[('a', 1), ('b', 2)],
... [('a', 1), ('b', 3)],
... [('a', 2), ('b', 3)]]
>>> problem = Problem(RecursiveBacktrackingSolver())
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3])
>>> problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: b > a, ["a", "b"])
>>> solution = problem.getSolution()
>>> sorted(solution.items()) in result
>>> for solution in problem.getSolutions():
... sorted(solution.items()) in result
>>> problem.getSolutionIter()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: RecursiveBacktrackingSolver doesn't provide iteration
def __init__(self, forwardcheck=True):
@param forwardcheck: If false forward checking will not be requested
to constraints while looking for solutions
(default is true)
@type forwardcheck: bool
self._forwardcheck = forwardcheck
def recursiveBacktracking(self, solutions, domains, vconstraints,
assignments, single):
# Mix the Degree and Minimum Remaing Values (MRV) heuristics
lst = [(-len(vconstraints[variable]),
len(domains[variable]), variable) for variable in domains]
for item in lst:
if item[-1] not in assignments:
# Found an unassigned variable. Let's go.
# No unassigned variables. We've got a solution.
return solutions
variable = item[-1]
assignments[variable] = None
forwardcheck = self._forwardcheck
if forwardcheck:
pushdomains = [domains[x] for x in domains if x not in assignments]
pushdomains = None
for value in domains[variable]:
assignments[variable] = value
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
for constraint, variables in vconstraints[variable]:
if not constraint(variables, domains, assignments,
# Value is not good.
# Value is good. Recurse and get next variable.
self.recursiveBacktracking(solutions, domains, vconstraints,
assignments, single)
if solutions and single:
return solutions
if pushdomains:
for domain in pushdomains:
del assignments[variable]
return solutions
def getSolution(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
solutions = self.recursiveBacktracking([], domains, vconstraints,
{}, True)
return solutions and solutions[0] or None
def getSolutions(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
return self.recursiveBacktracking([], domains, vconstraints,
{}, False)
class MinConflictsSolver(Solver):
Problem solver based on the minimum conflicts theory
>>> result = [[('a', 1), ('b', 2)],
... [('a', 1), ('b', 3)],
... [('a', 2), ('b', 3)]]
>>> problem = Problem(MinConflictsSolver())
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2, 3])
>>> problem.addConstraint(lambda a, b: b > a, ["a", "b"])
>>> solution = problem.getSolution()
>>> sorted(solution.items()) in result
>>> problem.getSolutions()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: MinConflictsSolver provides only a single solution
>>> problem.getSolutionIter()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: MinConflictsSolver doesn't provide iteration
def __init__(self, steps=1000):
@param steps: Maximum number of steps to perform before giving up
when looking for a solution (default is 1000)
@type steps: int
self._steps = steps
def getSolution(self, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
assignments = {}
# Initial assignment
for variable in domains:
assignments[variable] = random.choice(domains[variable])
for _ in xrange(self._steps):
conflicted = False
lst = domains.keys()
for variable in lst:
# Check if variable is not in conflict
for constraint, variables in vconstraints[variable]:
if not constraint(variables, domains, assignments):
# Variable has conflicts. Find values with less conflicts.
mincount = len(vconstraints[variable])
minvalues = []
for value in domains[variable]:
assignments[variable] = value
count = 0
for constraint, variables in vconstraints[variable]:
if not constraint(variables, domains, assignments):
count += 1
if count == mincount:
elif count < mincount:
mincount = count
del minvalues[:]
# Pick a random one from these values.
assignments[variable] = random.choice(minvalues)
conflicted = True
if not conflicted:
return assignments
return None
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Variable(object):
Helper class for variable definition
Using this class is optional, since any hashable object,
including plain strings and integers, may be used as variables.
def __init__(self, name):
@param name: Generic variable name for problem-specific purposes
@type name: string
""" = name
def __repr__(self):
Unassigned = Variable("Unassigned")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Domains
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Domain(list):
Class used to control possible values for variables
When list or tuples are used as domains, they are automatically
converted to an instance of that class.
def __init__(self, set):
@param set: Set of values that the given variables may assume
@type set: set of objects comparable by equality
list.__init__(self, set)
self._hidden = []
self._states = []
def resetState(self):
Reset to the original domain state, including all possible values
del self._hidden[:]
del self._states[:]
def pushState(self):
Save current domain state
Variables hidden after that call are restored when that state
is popped from the stack.
def popState(self):
Restore domain state from the top of the stack
Variables hidden since the last popped state are then available
diff = self._states.pop()-len(self)
if diff:
del self._hidden[-diff:]
def hideValue(self, value):
Hide the given value from the domain
After that call the given value won't be seen as a possible value
on that domain anymore. The hidden value will be restored when the
previous saved state is popped.
@param value: Object currently available in the domain
list.remove(self, value)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constraints
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Constraint(object):
Abstract base class for constraints
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
Perform the constraint checking
If the forwardcheck parameter is not false, besides telling if
the constraint is currently broken or not, the constraint
implementation may choose to hide values from the domains of
unassigned variables to prevent them from being used, and thus
prune the search space.
@param variables: Variables affected by that constraint, in the
same order provided by the user
@type variables: sequence
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to their domains
@type domains: dict
@param assignments: Dictionary mapping assigned variables to their
current assumed value
@type assignments: dict
@param forwardcheck: Boolean value stating whether forward checking
should be performed or not
@return: Boolean value stating if this constraint is currently
broken or not
@rtype: bool
return True
def preProcess(self, variables, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Preprocess variable domains
This method is called before starting to look for solutions,
and is used to prune domains with specific constraint logic
when possible. For instance, any constraints with a single
variable may be applied on all possible values and removed,
since they may act on individual values even without further
knowledge about other assignments.
@param variables: Variables affected by that constraint, in the
same order provided by the user
@type variables: sequence
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to their domains
@type domains: dict
@param constraints: List of pairs of (constraint, variables)
@type constraints: list
@param vconstraints: Dictionary mapping variables to a list of
constraints affecting the given variables.
@type vconstraints: dict
if len(variables) == 1:
variable = variables[0]
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if not self(variables, domains, {variable: value}):
constraints.remove((self, variables))
vconstraints[variable].remove((self, variables))
def forwardCheck(self, variables, domains, assignments,
Helper method for generic forward checking
Currently, this method acts only when there's a single
unassigned variable.
@param variables: Variables affected by that constraint, in the
same order provided by the user
@type variables: sequence
@param domains: Dictionary mapping variables to their domains
@type domains: dict
@param assignments: Dictionary mapping assigned variables to their
current assumed value
@type assignments: dict
@return: Boolean value stating if this constraint is currently
broken or not
@rtype: bool
unassignedvariable = _unassigned
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
if unassignedvariable is _unassigned:
unassignedvariable = variable
if unassignedvariable is not _unassigned:
# Remove from the unassigned variable domain's all
# values which break our variable's constraints.
domain = domains[unassignedvariable]
if domain:
for value in domain[:]:
assignments[unassignedvariable] = value
if not self(variables, domains, assignments):
del assignments[unassignedvariable]
if not domain:
return False
return True
class FunctionConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint which wraps a function defining the constraint logic
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> def func(a, b):
... return b > a
>>> problem.addConstraint(func, ["a", "b"])
>>> problem.getSolution()
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> def func(a, b):
... return b > a
>>> problem.addConstraint(FunctionConstraint(func), ["a", "b"])
>>> problem.getSolution()
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
def __init__(self, func, assigned=True):
@param func: Function wrapped and queried for constraint logic
@type func: callable object
@param assigned: Whether the function may receive unassigned
variables or not
@type assigned: bool
self._func = func
self._assigned = assigned
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False,
parms = [assignments.get(x, _unassigned) for x in variables]
missing = parms.count(_unassigned)
if missing:
return ((self._assigned or self._func(*parms)) and
(not forwardcheck or missing != 1 or
self.forwardCheck(variables, domains, assignments)))
return self._func(*parms)
class AllDifferentConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are different
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint())
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]]
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False,
seen = {}
for variable in variables:
value = assignments.get(variable, _unassigned)
if value is not _unassigned:
if value in seen:
return False
seen[value] = True
if forwardcheck:
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in seen:
if value in domain:
if not domain:
return False
return True
class AllEqualConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of all given variables are equal
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(AllEqualConstraint())
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 1)], [('a', 2), ('b', 2)]]
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False,
singlevalue = _unassigned
for value in assignments.values():
if singlevalue is _unassigned:
singlevalue = value
elif value != singlevalue:
return False
if forwardcheck and singlevalue is not _unassigned:
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
if singlevalue not in domain:
return False
for value in domain[:]:
if value != singlevalue:
return True
class MaxSumConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of given variables sum up to
a given amount
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(MaxSumConstraint(3))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 1)], [('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]]
def __init__(self, maxsum, multipliers=None):
@param maxsum: Value to be considered as the maximum sum
@type maxsum: number
@param multipliers: If given, variable values will be multiplied by
the given factors before being summed to be checked
@type multipliers: sequence of numbers
self._maxsum = maxsum
self._multipliers = multipliers
def preProcess(self, variables, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Constraint.preProcess(self, variables, domains,
constraints, vconstraints)
multipliers = self._multipliers
maxsum = self._maxsum
if multipliers:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value*multiplier > maxsum:
for variable in variables:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value > maxsum:
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
multipliers = self._multipliers
maxsum = self._maxsum
sum = 0
if multipliers:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
if variable in assignments:
sum += assignments[variable]*multiplier
if type(sum) is float:
sum = round(sum, 10)
if sum > maxsum:
return False
if forwardcheck:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if sum+value*multiplier > maxsum:
if not domain:
return False
for variable in variables:
if variable in assignments:
sum += assignments[variable]
if type(sum) is float:
sum = round(sum, 10)
if sum > maxsum:
return False
if forwardcheck:
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if sum+value > maxsum:
if not domain:
return False
return True
class ExactSumConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of given variables sum exactly
to a given amount
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(ExactSumConstraint(3))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]]
def __init__(self, exactsum, multipliers=None):
@param exactsum: Value to be considered as the exact sum
@type exactsum: number
@param multipliers: If given, variable values will be multiplied by
the given factors before being summed to be checked
@type multipliers: sequence of numbers
self._exactsum = exactsum
self._multipliers = multipliers
def preProcess(self, variables, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
Constraint.preProcess(self, variables, domains,
constraints, vconstraints)
multipliers = self._multipliers
exactsum = self._exactsum
if multipliers:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value*multiplier > exactsum:
for variable in variables:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value > exactsum:
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
multipliers = self._multipliers
exactsum = self._exactsum
sum = 0
missing = False
if multipliers:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
if variable in assignments:
sum += assignments[variable]*multiplier
missing = True
if type(sum) is float:
sum = round(sum, 10)
if sum > exactsum:
return False
if forwardcheck and missing:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if sum+value*multiplier > exactsum:
if not domain:
return False
for variable in variables:
if variable in assignments:
sum += assignments[variable]
missing = True
if type(sum) is float:
sum = round(sum, 10)
if sum > exactsum:
return False
if forwardcheck and missing:
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if sum+value > exactsum:
if not domain:
return False
if missing:
return sum <= exactsum
return sum == exactsum
class MinSumConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of given variables sum at least
to a given amount
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(MinSumConstraint(3))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)], [('a', 2), ('b', 2)]]
def __init__(self, minsum, multipliers=None):
@param minsum: Value to be considered as the minimum sum
@type minsum: number
@param multipliers: If given, variable values will be multiplied by
the given factors before being summed to be checked
@type multipliers: sequence of numbers
self._minsum = minsum
self._multipliers = multipliers
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
return True
multipliers = self._multipliers
minsum = self._minsum
sum = 0
if multipliers:
for variable, multiplier in zip(variables, multipliers):
sum += assignments[variable]*multiplier
for variable in variables:
sum += assignments[variable]
if type(sum) is float:
sum = round(sum, 10)
return sum >= minsum
class InSetConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of given variables are present in
the given set
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([1]))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 1)]]
def __init__(self, set):
@param set: Set of allowed values
@type set: set
self._set = set
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
# preProcess() will remove it.
raise RuntimeError, "Can't happen"
def preProcess(self, variables, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
set = self._set
for variable in variables:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value not in set:
vconstraints[variable].remove((self, variables))
constraints.remove((self, variables))
class NotInSetConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that values of given variables are not present in
the given set
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(NotInSetConstraint([1]))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 2), ('b', 2)]]
def __init__(self, set):
@param set: Set of disallowed values
@type set: set
self._set = set
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
# preProcess() will remove it.
raise RuntimeError, "Can't happen"
def preProcess(self, variables, domains, constraints, vconstraints):
set = self._set
for variable in variables:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value in set:
vconstraints[variable].remove((self, variables))
constraints.remove((self, variables))
class SomeInSetConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that at least some of the values of given
variables must be present in a given set
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(SomeInSetConstraint([1]))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 1)], [('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]]
def __init__(self, set, n=1, exact=False):
@param set: Set of values to be checked
@type set: set
@param n: Minimum number of assigned values that should be present
in set (default is 1)
@type n: int
@param exact: Whether the number of assigned values which are
present in set must be exactly C{n}
@type exact: bool
self._set = set
self._n = n
self._exact = exact
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
set = self._set
missing = 0
found = 0
for variable in variables:
if variable in assignments:
found += assignments[variable] in set
missing += 1
if missing:
if self._exact:
if not (found <= self._n <= missing+found):
return False
if self._n > missing+found:
return False
if forwardcheck and self._n-found == missing:
# All unassigned variables must be assigned to
# values in the set.
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value not in set:
if not domain:
return False
if self._exact:
if found != self._n:
return False
if found < self._n:
return False
return True
class SomeNotInSetConstraint(Constraint):
Constraint enforcing that at least some of the values of given
variables must not be present in a given set
>>> problem = Problem()
>>> problem.addVariables(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
>>> problem.addConstraint(SomeNotInSetConstraint([1]))
>>> sorted(sorted(x.items()) for x in problem.getSolutions())
[[('a', 1), ('b', 2)], [('a', 2), ('b', 1)], [('a', 2), ('b', 2)]]
def __init__(self, set, n=1, exact=False):
@param set: Set of values to be checked
@type set: set
@param n: Minimum number of assigned values that should not be present
in set (default is 1)
@type n: int
@param exact: Whether the number of assigned values which are
not present in set must be exactly C{n}
@type exact: bool
self._set = set
self._n = n
self._exact = exact
def __call__(self, variables, domains, assignments, forwardcheck=False):
set = self._set
missing = 0
found = 0
for variable in variables:
if variable in assignments:
found += assignments[variable] not in set
missing += 1
if missing:
if self._exact:
if not (found <= self._n <= missing+found):
return False
if self._n > missing+found:
return False
if forwardcheck and self._n-found == missing:
# All unassigned variables must be assigned to
# values not in the set.
for variable in variables:
if variable not in assignments:
domain = domains[variable]
for value in domain[:]:
if value in set:
if not domain:
return False
if self._exact:
if found != self._n:
return False
if found < self._n:
return False
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
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