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Last active March 30, 2019 18:51
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Simple processing Sketch to generate .gcode files for all SVGs in a directory
This sketch is an adaptation from Sighack's Gcode Export
Blog post:
import geomerative.*;
* Gcode-generation settings. Edit these as per your needs.
* CONFIG_SVGS_DIR : Directory containing the SVG files
* CONFIG_PRINT_WIDTH_MM : The width of paper in mm
* CONFIG_PRINT_HEIGHT_MM : The height of the paper in mm
* CONFIG_PRINT_HEIGHT_MM : The height of the paper in mm
* CONFIG_GCODE_PEN_UP : The gcode for raising up the pen
* CONFIG_GCODE_PEN_DOWN : The gcode for lowering the pen
* CONFIG_GCODE_MOVE_FEEDRATE : The feedrate during drawing moves
* CONFIG_GCODE_RAPID_FEEDRATE: The feedrate during rapid moves
* CONFIG_GCODE_PRE : This is added to the top of the file
* CONFIG_GCODE_POST : This is added at the end of the file
final String CONFIG_SVGS_DIR = "/home/bernardo/sketchbook/processing_gcode_generator/svgs/";
final int CONFIG_PRINT_WIDTH_MM = 100;
final int CONFIG_PRINT_HEIGHT_MM = 100;
final String CONFIG_GCODE_PEN_DOWN = "M05\n";
final String CONFIG_GCODE_PEN_UP = "M03 S20\n";
final String CONFIG_GCODE_MOVE_FEEDRATE = "3000";
final String CONFIG_GCODE_RAPID_FEEDRATE = "10000";
final String CONFIG_GCODE_PRE =
/* Use absolute positioning */
"G90\n" +
/* Raise the pen (in case it's currently lowered) */
/* Move to origin: (0, 0) */
final String CONFIG_GCODE_POST =
/* Raise the pen (in case it's currently lowered) */
/* Move to origin: (0, 0) */
void setup() {
File[] files = listFiles(CONFIG_SVGS_DIR);
for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++){
File f = files[i];
saveGcode(f.getAbsolutePath(), true);
void draw() {
void saveGcode(String svg_filename, boolean writeToFile) {
println("Generating Gcode for " + svg_filename + "...");
__saveGcode(svg_filename, writeToFile);
void __saveGcode(String svg_filename, boolean writeToFile) {
RShape grp;
RPoint[][] paths;
boolean ignoringStyles = false;
String gcode = CONFIG_GCODE_PRE;
/* Load SVG file and convert to paths */
grp = RG.loadShape(svg_filename);
grp.centerIn(g, 0, 0, 0);
paths = grp.getPointsInPaths();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
if (paths[i] == null)
//boolean outOfClip = true;
boolean initialized = false;
float lastx = 0;
float lasty = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < paths[i].length; j++) {
//vertex(pointPaths[i][j].x, pointPaths[i][j].y);
float xmapped = map(paths[i][j].x, 0, grp.width, 0, CONFIG_PRINT_WIDTH_MM);
/* Flip Y axis since GRBL expects (0, 0) to be at the bottom left */
float ymapped = map(paths[i][j].y, 0, grp.height, CONFIG_PRINT_HEIGHT_MM, 0);
if (!initialized) {
lastx = xmapped;
lasty = ymapped;
initialized = true;
gcode += __drawLine(lastx, lasty, xmapped, ymapped, false);
lastx = xmapped;
lasty = ymapped;
penDown = false;
if (writeToFile) {
/* Write out the Gcode file */
PrintWriter out = createWriter(svg_filename + ".gcode");
} else {
* Encode a given point (x, y) into the different regions of
* a clip window as specified by its top-left corner (cx, cy)
* and it's width and height (cw, ch).
int encode_endpoint(
float x, float y,
float clipx, float clipy, float clipw, float cliph)
int code = 0; /* Initialized to being inside clip window */
/* Calculate the min and max coordinates of clip window */
float xmin = clipx;
float xmax = clipx + clipw;
float ymin = clipy;
float ymax = clipy + clipw;
if (x < xmin) /* to left of clip window */
code |= (1 << 0);
else if (x > xmax) /* to right of clip window */
code |= (1 << 1);
if (y < ymin) /* below clip window */
code |= (1 << 2);
else if (y > ymax) /* above clip window */
code |= (1 << 3);
return code;
class ClippedLineResponse {
public float x0, y0;
public float x1, y1;
public boolean clipped;
public boolean reject;
ClippedLineResponse() {
clipped = false;
reject = false;
void set(float px0, float py0, float px1, float py1) {
x0 = px0;
y0 = py0;
x1 = px1;
y1 = py1;
ClippedLineResponse line_clipped(
float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1,
float clipx, float clipy, float clipw, float cliph) {
/* Stores encodings for the two endpoints of our line */
int e0code, e1code;
ClippedLineResponse ret = new ClippedLineResponse();
/* Calculate X and Y ranges for our clip window */
float xmin = clipx;
float xmax = clipx + clipw;
float ymin = clipy;
float ymax = clipy + cliph;
/* Whether the line should be drawn or not */
//boolean accept = false;
ret.reject = true;
do {
/* Get encodings for the two endpoints of our line */
e0code = encode_endpoint(x0, y0, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph);
e1code = encode_endpoint(x1, y1, clipx, clipy, clipw, cliph);
if (e0code == 0 && e1code == 0) {
/* If line inside window, accept and break out of loop */
//accept = true;
ret.reject = false;
} else if ((e0code & e1code) != 0) {
* If the bitwise AND is not 0, it means both points share
* an outside zone. Leave accept as 'false' and exit loop.
} else {
/* Pick an endpoint that is outside the clip window */
int code = e0code != 0 ? e0code : e1code;
float newx = 0, newy = 0;
* Now figure out the new endpoint that needs to replace
* the current one. Each of the four cases are handled
* separately.
if ((code & (1 << 0)) != 0) {
/* Endpoint is to the left of clip window */
newx = xmin;
newy = ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) * (newx - x0) + y0;
} else if ((code & (1 << 1)) != 0) {
/* Endpoint is to the right of clip window */
newx = xmax;
newy = ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0)) * (newx - x0) + y0;
} else if ((code & (1 << 3)) != 0) {
/* Endpoint is above the clip window */
newy = ymax;
newx = ((x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0)) * (newy - y0) + x0;
} else if ((code & (1 << 2)) != 0) {
/* Endpoint is below the clip window */
newy = ymin;
newx = ((x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0)) * (newy - y0) + x0;
/* Now we replace the old endpoint depending on which we chose */
if (code == e0code) {
x0 = newx;
y0 = newy;
} else {
x1 = newx;
y1 = newy;
ret.clipped = true;
} while (true);
/* Only draw the line if it was not rejected */
if (!ret.reject)
ret.set(x0, y0, x1, y1);
return ret;
boolean penDown = false;
String __moveTo(float x, float y, boolean rapid) {
return "G1 F" + feed +
" X" + str(x) +
" Y" + str(y) + "\n";
String __drawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, boolean rapid) {
String snippet = "";
ClippedLineResponse ret = line_clipped(x0, y0, x1, y1, 0, 0, CONFIG_PRINT_WIDTH_MM, CONFIG_PRINT_HEIGHT_MM);
if (ret.reject) {
if (penDown) {
penDown = false;
return snippet;
snippet += __moveTo(ret.x0, ret.y0, rapid);
if (!penDown) {
penDown = true;
snippet += __moveTo(ret.x1, ret.y1, rapid);
if (ret.clipped) {
penDown = false;
return snippet;
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