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Created March 15, 2013 22:43
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Truncate a single table across multiple db types. I made this a private method in my application controller (app/controllers/application_controller.rb). Adapted from:
def truncate_table table_name
config = Rails.configuration.database_configuration
connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
connection.disable_referential_integrity do
next if connection.select_value("SELECT count(*) FROM #{table_name}") == 0
case config[Rails.env]["adapter"]
when "mysql", "mysql2", "postgresql"
connection.execute("TRUNCATE #{table_name}")
when "sqlite", "sqlite3"
connection.execute("DELETE FROM #{table_name}")
connection.execute("DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence where name='#{table_name}'")
connection.execute("VACUUM") if config[Rails.env]["adapter"] == "sqlite3"
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