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Last active December 16, 2015 23:49
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AngularJS Breadcrumbs Service
angular.module('services.breadcrumbs', []);
angular.module('services.breadcrumbs').factory('breadcrumbs', ['$rootScope', '$location', function($rootScope, $location){
var breadcrumbs = [];
var breadcrumbsService = {};
//we want to update breadcrumbs only when a route is actually changed
//as $location.path() will get updated imediatelly (even if route change fails!)
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(event, current){
var pathElements = $location.path().split('/'), result = [], i;
var breadcrumbPath = function (index) {
return '/' + (pathElements.slice(0, index + 1)).join('/');
for (i=0; i<pathElements.length; i++) {
result.push({name: pathElements[i], path: breadcrumbPath(i)});
breadcrumbs = result;
breadcrumbsService.getAll = function() {
return breadcrumbs;
breadcrumbsService.getFirst = function() {
return breadcrumbs[0] || {};
return breadcrumbsService;
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