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Ben Leivian benleivian

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JustSteveKing / pint.json
Last active August 18, 2024 19:25
Laravel Pint configuration
"preset": "per",
"rules": {
"align_multiline_comment": true,
"array_indentation": true,
"array_syntax": true,
"blank_line_after_namespace": true,
"blank_line_after_opening_tag": true,
"combine_consecutive_issets": true,
"combine_consecutive_unsets": true,
withchandra /
Last active July 9, 2024 09:04
Laravel + PHP CS Fixer + Prettier + ESLint + airbnb-base + Husky + lint-staged + commitlint + pre-commit hook + pre-push hook

This is my personal setup for linting and repo branches protection for a new laravel project. Feel free to copy and adjust.


I am using both bitbucket and github for mostly private projects, while bitbucket allows private repo to use advance features such as branch permission, github limit their protected branch feature for free-user.

On the other hand, implementing standard linting for both JS and PHP will help code-reviewer to read and evaluate the code.

Last but not least, standardized commit message will make everybody happy. =)

MelMacaluso / expose_ACF_fields_to_REST.php
Created June 4, 2019 22:54
Automatically expose all the ACF fields to the Wordpress REST API in Pages and in your custom post types.
function create_ACF_meta_in_REST() {
$postypes_to_exclude = ['acf-field-group','acf-field'];
$extra_postypes_to_include = ["page"];
$post_types = array_diff(get_post_types(["_builtin" => false], 'names'),$postypes_to_exclude);
array_push($post_types, $extra_postypes_to_include);
foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
register_rest_field( $post_type, 'ACF', [
binoclard /
Last active November 15, 2021 22:19
Fresh Statamic install, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured

Fresh Statamic install, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured

In 5 minutes, you’ll have a brand new clean Statamic site, with Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS configured.

It assumes that you work on a Mac, you put your site in ~/sites and you use Laravel Valet.

All the credit go to Jack McDade and philipboomy, from whom I stole and adapt the build scripts and the PurgeCSS config, because I have really absolutely no idea what I am doing with all this Terminal Black Magic ™; this is only a detailed write up of the process.

You'll need Yarn and Node. You can install them both in one command via Brew: brew install yarn

philipboomy / webpack.mix.js
Created May 1, 2018 15:10 — forked from gmcz/webpack.mix.js
Webpack config for Statamic, Tailwind CSS, and PurgeCSS
const {mix} = require('laravel-mix');
const tailwindcss = require('tailwindcss');
const glob = require('glob-all');
const PurgecssPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin');
.js('js/src/theme-name.js', 'js/theme-name.js')
.sass('sass/theme-name.scss', 'css')
processCssUrls: false,
thijskok / config.yml
Last active April 4, 2023 05:47
CircleCI 2.0 Laravel build configuration with PHP 7.1, NodeJS, and MySQL support. Runs both PHPunit as well as Laravel Dusk. Proper GD configuration for image editing purposes. Several linters included (requires including them in composer / package.json).
version: 2
working_directory: ~/user/repo
BASH_ENV: ~/.bashrc
codfish / .php_cs.dist
Last active July 6, 2023 19:12
PHP-CS-Fixer configuration file. PSR-2 plus some opinionated options to make code cleaner.
* Rules we follow are from PSR-2 as well as the rectified PSR-2 guide.
* -
* -
* -
* If something isn't addressed in either of those, some other common community rules are
MichalZalecki / Dockerfile
Last active January 25, 2023 23:23
Install oh-my-zsh in Docker
RUN ["apt-get", "update"]
RUN ["apt-get", "install", "-y", "zsh"]
RUN wget -O - | zsh || true
# docker exec -it my-app-container /bin/zsh
balbuf / wordpress-import-update.php
Created October 15, 2016 17:54
Force the WordPress importer to update existing posts instead of skipping them
* When using the WordPress Importer, update existing
* posts instead of skipping them. Updates content according
* to the import file even if the existing post was updated
* more recently.
* To use, drop this file into your /mu-plugins/ folder or
* copy this code into your functions.php file.
DomenicF / get_current_post_type.php
Last active December 5, 2022 07:11 — forked from bradvin/get_current_post_type.php
Get the current post_type context in the WordPress admin.
* gets the current post type in the WordPress Admin
function get_current_post_type() {
global $post, $typenow, $current_screen;
//we have a post so we can just get the post type from that
if ( $post && $post->post_type ) {
return $post->post_type;