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Guide to Dagger

Guide to Dagger

Quick defs

Providing refers to the availability of an object in the Dagger graph. If something provides a class, it adds it to the graph. A class requires its dependencies to be provided in order to injected using Dagger.

Satisfying dependencies

  1. @Inject constructor

        public MyClass(Parameter p1) {
            this.p1 = p1;
    • Used to provide instances of MyClass
    • This is the preferred way of injecting things
    • Tries to inject parameters; parameters must be provided
    • Requires that you assign fields manually
    • Cannot be used for external dependencies
    • Cannot be used in Android Application, Activity, or Fragment classes
  2. @Inject fields

    class MyClass {
        Field f1;
        Field f2;
    • Does not allow for injecting instances of MyClass
    • Injects fields directly
    • All fields must be provided
    • Cannot be used for external dependencies
  3. @Provides

    MyClass provideMyClass(Parameter p1) {
        return new MyClass(p1);
    • Allows for specific implementations of a class to be provided
    • Works with external dependencies
    • Parameters must be provided
    • Must be in a Module
  4. @Binds

    abstract MyClass bindMyClass(Parameter p1);
    • Used to provide simple instances of MyClass where the parameters of the method directly refer to the parameters required by MyClass
    • Works with external dependencies. Probably would never be used for internal dependencies since if this works, then @Inject constructor will work too, and @Inject constructor is preferred.
    • Parameters must be provided
    • Must be in a Module
  5. @BindsInstances

    interface Builder {
        @BindsInstance Builder foo(Foo foo);
        @BindsInstance Builder bar( @Blue Bar bar);
    // or
    interface Factory {
        MyComponent newMyComponent(
            @BindsInstance Foo foo,
            @BindsInstance @Blue Bar bar
    • Not entirely sure how this one works tbh
  6. AndroidInjection.inject() (Android only)

    class MyActivity extends Activity {
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    • Used to inject dependencies into an Activity or Fragment.
    • Requires a Subcomponent that extends AndroidInjector with this activity as the generic.
    • In an Activity, it must be called in onCreate, before the super call.
    • In a Fragment, it must be called in onAttach. It does not matter whether it is called before or after the super call.
  7. AndroidInjector (Android only)

    interface MyActivitySubcomponet extends AndroidInjector<MyActivity> {
        public interface Factory extends AndroidInjector.Factory<MyActivity> {}
    • Use this to enable AndroidInjection.inject(this) on an Activity.
    • Require a base Application that implements HasAndroidInjector
  8. @ContributesAndroidInjector (Android only)

    abstract class MyModule {
        abstract MyActivity contributeMyAndroidInjector();
    • Generates an AndroidInjector Subcomponent within a Module.
    • Accepts Module dependencies
  9. DaggerActivity (Android only)

    class MyActivity extends DaggerActivty {
        void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    • Removes the need to call AndroidInjection.inject(this);
    • Implements HasAndroidInjector, so it provides an injector for all children (Fragments, etc.)
  10. DaggerAppCompatActivity (Android only)

    • see DaggerActivty
  11. DaggerApplication (Android only)

    • see DaggerActivity
    • provides AndroidInjector at Application level
    • still needs AppComponent
    public class MyApplication extends DaggerApplication {
        protected AndroidInjector<? extends AndroidSampleApp> applicationInjector() {
            return DaggerMyApplicationComponent.builder().create(this);
    • DaggerMyApplicationComponent is a generated class. This will probably show as an error until you compile the project as Dagger is a compile-time dependency.
  12. DaggerFragment (Android only)

    • see DaggerActivity
  13. DaggerAppCompatFragment (Android only)

    • see DaggerActivity

Building the graph

  1. @Module

    abstract class MyClassModule {
        abstract MyClass1 bindMyClass1();
        MyClass2 provideMyClass2(Parameter p1) {
            return new MyClass2(p1);
    • Container for @Binds and @Provides methods
    • Needs a Component to access non-static methods
    • May inherit from other Modules
    • Modules are usually abstract classes
  2. @Component

    @Component(modules = {MyClassModule.class})
    interface MyClassComponent {
    • Allows you access non-static methods in a Module.

    • To create an instance, you must use the generated builder:

      MyClassComponent myClassComponent = DaggerMyClassComponent.builder()
          .myClassModule(new MyClassModule())
    • If all dependencies have 0-arg constructors, then you can also do:

      MyClassComponent myClassComponent = DaggerMyClassComponent.create()
    • Components are usually interfaces

  3. @Subcomponent

    • They're basically just components that are children of other components. May be attached to modules in the Module annotation.
    • Typically set up like this (I think):
    interface MySubComponent {
    @Module(subcomponents = {MySubComponent.class})
    abstract class MyModule {
    @Component(modules = {MyModule.class})
    interface MyComponent {
    • Subcomponents are usually interfaces
  4. HasAndroidInjector (Android only)

    public class YourApplication extends Application implements HasAndroidInjector {
        @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<Object> dispatchingAndroidInjector;
        public void onCreate() {
        public AndroidInjector<Object> androidInjector() {
            return dispatchingAndroidInjector;
    • Used to allow injection into and Android project at the Application level.
    • May also be used in Activities or Fragments
    • Implementation must override androidInjector() and supply and instance of DispatchingAndroindInjector.
    • This is standard when using the dagger-android library.
    • A class may both implement HasAndroidInjector and use AndroidInjection.inject().

Provision methods

  • Lazy

    Lazy<MyClass> getMyClass();
    • Provides a single instance of a class. The instance is initialized until the first call to the method.
  • Provider

    Provider<MyClass> getMyClass();
    • Provides a new instance of a class everytime this is called.

Helpful examples

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