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Created July 24, 2019 00:39
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Reorder rows of a matrix by hierarchical average linkage clustering on Euclidean distances
function [dataMatrixClustered,dataMatrixNorm] = clusterReorderRows(dataMatrix)
distanceMetric = 'Euclidean';
linkageMethod = 'average';
% Normalize columns:
dataMatrixNorm = zscore(dataMatrix);
% Pairwise distances:
R = pdist(dataMatrix,distanceMetric);
% Do hierarchical linkage:
links = linkage(R,linkageMethod);
f = figure('color','w');
set(gcf,'Visible','off'); % suppress figure output
[~,~,ord] = dendrogram(links,0);
close(f); % close the invisible figure used for the dendrogram
% Reorder rows:
dataMatrixClustered = dataMatrixNorm(ord,:);
% Plot:
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Note that the column normalization step is something you should think about for your application (also whether it makes sense to normalize along rows) [and also whether a normalization other than z-score is more suitable]

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