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Last active January 4, 2016 06:09
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Setting up AppSignal on Shelly Cloud

Setting up AppSignal on Shelly Cloud

To set up AppSignal on Shelly Cloud, you first have to add both the dotenv-rails and the appsignal gem to your Gemfile. Make sure that the dotenv-rails gem is the very first gem in your Gemfile as it will set up important environment variables as soon as it is required.

# Gemfile

source ''

gem 'dotenv-rails'
gem 'appsignal'

# All of your other gems

Next, you have to create a new configuration file for your cloud to set up the APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY environment variable. This is pretty simple using shelly config create .env and enter this as its content:

APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY: your-appsignal-push-api-key-here

Finally make sure you have a proper config/appsignal.yml file set up. Simply create it with something similar to this as its content:

default: &defaults
  push_api_key: "<%= ENV['APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY'] %>"

  # Your app's name
  name: "Your app's name here"

  # The cuttoff point in ms above which a request is considered slow, default is 200
  # slow_request_threshold: 200

# Configuration per environment, leave out an environment or set active
# to false to not push metrics for that environment.
  <<: *defaults
  active: false

  <<: *defaults
  active: true

Thats it! After pushing your changes to Shelly Cloud, you should be seeing data showing up in AppSignal soon.

Bonus: Deployment notifications

If you want to get deployment notifications every time you deploy a new version of your application to Shelly Cloud, simply create a file called config/deploy/shelly/after_successful_deploy:

set -e

bundle exec dotenv appsignal notify_of_deploy --revision=$DEPLOYED_REVISION --user=$DEPLOY_AUTHOR --environment=$RAILS_ENV 
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