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ole /
Created August 7, 2020 18:51
Extract a value from the SwiftUI environment by the name of its associated EnvironmentKey (e.g. "ForegroundColorKey").

Extract a value from the SwiftUI environment by the name of its associated EnvironmentKey (e.g. "ForegroundColorKey").

Tested only in Xcode 12.0 beta 4 in the iOS simulator. May break in other environments because it uses reflection. If SwiftUI's private type hierarchy changes, it will probably stop working.

ole / !
Last active June 24, 2024 18:00
A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

A dump of the SwiftUI.framework binary for the iOS simulator (as of Xcode 12.0 beta 2) using the swift-reflection-dump tool.

Note: I used a Swift 5.3 compiler build from a few weeks ago that I had laying around. Because of ABI stability, I don't think the swift-reflection-dump version has to match the compiler version that was used to build the binary, but I'm not 100% sure.

Cosmo / SwiftUI Interface.swift
Created November 15, 2019 08:26
SwiftUI Interface (Module Names removed)
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.1.1 (swiftlang-1100.2.274.2 clang-1100.2.32.1)
// swift-module-flags: -target arm64e-apple-ios13.2 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -Osize -module-name SwiftUI
import Combine
import CoreData
import CoreFoundation
import CoreGraphics
import CoreText
import Darwin
import Foundation
AliSoftware / Bindings.swift
Last active September 2, 2024 22:48
Re-implementation of @binding and @State (from SwiftUI) myself to better understand it
This is a concept re-implementation of the @Binding and @State property wrappers from SwiftUI
The only purpose of this code is to implement those wrappers myself
just to understand how they work internally and why they are needed,
⚠️ This is not supposed to be a reference implementation nor cover all
subtleties of the real Binding and State types.
The only purpose of this playground is to show how re-implementing
them myself has helped me understand the whole thing better
# Carthage has no built-in way of testing if built products are already up-to-date
# Lets use a stampfile ourselves, so we don't have to rebuild each time if nothing changed
Carthage: Carthage/Build/build.stamp
Carthage/Build/build.stamp: Cartfile.resolved
-$(RM) -r Carthage/Build
$(CARTHAGE) bootstrap --platform iOS,watchOS
@touch '$@'
require ["envelope", "imapflags", "fileinto", "reject", "notify", "vacation", "regex", "relational", "comparator-i;ascii-numeric", "body", "copy"];
# Spam processing
if not header :contains ["X-Spam-known-sender"] "yes" {
if allof (
header :contains ["X-Backscatter"] "yes",
not header :matches ["X-LinkName"] "*"
) {
steventroughtonsmith / Tweak.xm
Created October 14, 2015 06:33
iOS 9 Enable Splitscreen Jailbreak Tweak (Theos)
/* How to Hook with Logos
Hooks are written with syntax similar to that of an Objective-C @implementation.
You don't need to #include <substrate.h>, it will be done automatically, as will
the generation of a class list and an automatic constructor.
%hook ClassName
// Hooking a class method
+ (id)sharedInstance {
vmbrasseur / negotiation.markdown
Last active April 24, 2018 17:20
Negotiation Articles/Resources
anonymous / syncs.d
Created February 9, 2015 00:02
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -q -s
Overly spammy, mostly covered by the other probes (every "read" or "write" is a "request")
CFPreferencesServer$target:::request {
printf("REQUEST from pid %d at %Y ( domain: %s, user: %s, host: %s, container: %s, managed: %d)\n", arg0, walltimestamp, copyinstr(arg1) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg1) : "(NULL)" ?: "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg2) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg2) : "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg3) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg3) : "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg4) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg4) : "(NULL)", arg5);
CFPreferencesServer$target:::write_rejected {
printf("REJECTED WRITE OF KEY %s request from pid %d for reason %s at %Y ( domain: %s, user: %s, host: %s, container: %s)\n", copyinstr(arg1) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg1) : "(NULL)", arg0, copyinstr(arg6) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg6) : "(NULL)", walltimestamp, copyinstr(arg2) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg2) : "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg3) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg3) : "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg4) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg4) : "(NULL)", copyinstr(arg5) != NULL ? copyinstr(arg5)
// Props to the fine folks on this thread
// Example output of a call to dailyUsageStasticsForBundleIdentifier or weeklyUsageStasticsForBundleIdentifier
// Inline comments are educated guesses at meaning
// {
// Airdrop = 0; // Has App used Airdrop
// Airplay = 0; // Has App used Airplay
// BBCondition = 0; // ?? BB = Backboard? This number is a float (ie 24.8766038700895)
// // No idea what the below units are, or what BLD means