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Created October 28, 2019 22:31
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  • Save benchonaut/f11f83ba3d0a5c15ee63ad2fc7678d7a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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gtalk sms group sender
# be ready to confirm on your phone because android will ask if you send many sms
# expect high latency in gtalksms when sending
# be sure to change myphone@xmpp.tld
## choose a good server ( e.g not the rate-limiting and set it in .sendxmpprc
#ATTENTION: ubuntu/mint sometimes uses the "old" sendxmpp which whe didnt get to work
echo "Erzeuge Opfer-Datei"
echo "Nur-Text-Nachricht hier eingeben , speichern und beenden(!!!) Anfuehrungsstriche werden entfernt" > /tmp/opfer.txt
xed /tmp/opfer.txt
msg=$(cat /tmp/opfer.txt|sed 's/"//g;s/'"'"'//g')
echo "NUMMERN"
read numbers;
echo "Sende an "$(echo "$numbers"|sed 's/,/\n/g;s/+/00/g;s/ //g;s/-//g;s/\(\[\|\]\)//g'|wc -l)" Empfaenger";
echo ;echo "-----";echo "$msg"|head -n3;echo "...";echo "$msg"|tail -n3
echo ;echo ;
echo "(ja/nein)"
read yesno
echo "$yesno" |grep -q "^ja$" && (
echo "SENDE..";echo
echo "$numbers"|sed 's/,/\n/g;s/+/00/g;s/ \+//g;s/-//g;s/\(\[\|\]\)//g'|while read numba;do
echo -e "sms:"$numba":$msg" | ~/.sendxmpp myphone@xmpp.tld --tls-ca-path /etc/ssl/certs/ -n -t 2>>/tmp/mass-gtalk.log 1>>/tmp/mass-gtalk.log && echo "ERFOLG $numba" || echo "FEHLER $numba"
sleep 7
) || echo "ANSWER with >ja< to send .."
echo "ende, warte 30 sekunden"
sleep 30
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