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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait AllowedTransfomation[I, O]
trait ToType[A, B]
trait Monoid[A]{
def zero : A
def append(a: A, b: A): A
object Monoid {
implicit object Void extends Monoid[Unit] {
def zero = ()
def append(a: Unit, b: Unit) = ()
trait Traverser[T] {
type MatchResult[U <: T, A] = Option[(U, A)]
abstract class Matcher[+A] {
def compose[B >: A : Monoid](m: => Matcher[B]) = new Matcher[B] {
def apply[I <: T, O <: T](tree: I)(implicit x: ToType[I, O]) = {
this(tree).map {
case t @ (a1, a2) => m(a1) //Error:(31, 35) could not find implicit value for parameter x: ToType[O,O]
.map{case (b1, b2) => (b1, implicitly[Monoid[B]].append(a2, b2))}
def apply[I <: T, O <: T](t: I)(implicit x: ToType[I, O]): MatchResult[O, A]
def traverse[I <: T, A : Monoid](tree: I, f: Matcher[A]) : MatchResult[I, A]
trait Combinators[T] { self: Traverser[T] =>
def children[A : Monoid](f: => Matcher[A]) = new Matcher[A]{
def apply[I <: T, O >: I <: T](tree: I)(implicit x: ToType[I, O]) = traverse(tree, f)
def down[A : Monoid](m: Matcher[A]): Matcher[A] = new Matcher[A]{
def apply[I <: T, O <: T](tree: I)(implicit x: ToType[I, O]) =
(m compose children(down[A](m))).apply[I, O](tree)
def transform[U <: T : ClassTag, V <: T, A : Monoid](f: PartialFunction[U, (V, A)])(implicit x: AllowedTransfomation[U, V]) = new Matcher[A]{
def apply[I <: U, O >: V](tree: I)(implicit x: ToType[I, O]) = tree match {
case t: U => Some(f(t))
case _ => None
trait AST
trait Term extends AST
trait Stat extends AST
case class Value(x: Int) extends Term
case class If(cond: Term, thn: Term, els: Term) extends Term
case class Block(stats: List[Term]) extends Term
object ASTTraverser extends Traverser[AST] with Combinators[AST] {
implicit object a1 extends ToType[Value, Term]
implicit object a2 extends ToType[If, Term]
implicit object a3 extends ToType[Block, Term]
implicit object a4 extends ToType[Term, Term]
def traverse[I <: AST, A : Monoid](tree: I, f: Matcher[A]): MatchResult[I, A] = tree match {
//here I have to use asInstanceOf. In real life we would rather require the data structure to be copiable..
case Value(x) => Some((Value(x).asInstanceOf[I], implicitly[Monoid[A]].zero))
case If(cond, thn, els) => for {
(a1, a2) <- f(cond)
(b1, b2) <- f(thn)
(c1, c2) <- f(els)
} yield (If(a1, b1, c1).asInstanceOf[I], implicitly[Monoid[A]].append(a2, implicitly[Monoid[A]].append(b2, c2)))
case Block(stats) =>
val (newStats, newResults) = (for {
s <- stats
(a1, a2) <- f(s)
} yield (a1, a2)).unzip
Some((Block(newStats).asInstanceOf[I], newResults.foldLeft(implicitly[Monoid[A]].zero)((acc, a) => implicitly[Monoid[A]].append(acc, a))))
object Hey extends App {
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