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Created November 19, 2014 21:23
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- root
- If
- Term.Name
- true
- false
- 42
- 42L
- 42.0
- 42.0f
- 'c'
- "foo"
- 'foo'
- null
- ()
- x
- `x`
- a.b.c
- a.b c
- foo.this
- this
- a.super[b].c
- super[b].c
- a.super.c
- super.c
- s"a $b c"
- f(0)
- f(x = 0)
- f(x: _*)
- a + b
- a + b + c
- a :: b
- a :: b :: c
- !a
- a = true
- a(0) = true
- return
- return 1
- throw 1
- 1: Int
- 1: @foo
- (true, false)
- { true; false }
- { true }
- if (true) true else false
- if (true) true
- (x => x)
- (x: Int) => x
- (_: Int) => x
- _ => ()
- { implicit x => () }
- 1 match { case 1 => true }
- 1 match { case 1 => }
- 1 match { case 1 if true => }
- try 1
- try 1 catch 1
- try 1 catch { case _ => }
- try 1 finally 1
- { case 1 => () }
- while (true) false
- do false while(true)
- for (a <- b; if c; x = a) x
- for (a <- b; if c; x = a) yield x
- f(_)
- _ + 1
- 1 + _
- f _
- new {}
- new { x }
- new A
- new A {}
- new A with B
- new { val x: Int = 1 } with A
- new { self: T => }
- a + (b = c)
- (a = b) + c
- a + (b = c).d
- a + (b: _*)
- more informative error messages *** FAILED ***
"...that x.>(3) is false[]
where x = 2" did not equal "...that x.>(3) is false[
where x = 2" (InvariantSuite.scala:12)
- trait T
- trait T {}
- trait F[T]
- trait A extends B
- trait A extends { val x: Int } with B
- trait A extends { self: B => }
- trait T { def x: Int }
- class C
- class C[T]
- class A extends B
- class A extends { val x: Int } with B
- class A extends { self: B => }
- class A { this => }
- class C { def x: Int }
- class C(x: Int)
- class C private(x: Int)
- class C(val x: Int)
- class C(var x: Int)
- class C(implicit x: Int)
- object O
- case object O
- object A extends B
- object A extends { val x: Int } with B
- object A extends { self: B => }
- Change Lit.Int(_) to Lit.Int(1)
- val x: Int (raw)
- val x: Int (code)
- ~(1 + 2) + ~x.y(z) + (~x).y(z)
- (a + b + c) && (a + (b + c)) && (a :: b :: c) && ((a :: b) :: c)
- (x map y).foo
- string literals with newlines and double quotes *** FAILED ***
"... None, Lit.String("\[r\n x\r]\n ")), Defn.Va..." did no
l "... None, Lit.String("\[n x]\n ")), Defn.Va..." (ShowSuite.
- interpolations *** FAILED ***
"... None, Lit.String("\[r\n $x\r\n $y\r\n ..$z\r]
"))))" did not equal "... None, Lit.String("\[n $x\n $y\n
..$z]\n "))))" (ShowSuite.scala:57)
- { baz } *** FAILED ***
" {[
}" did not equal " {[
}" (ShowSuite.scala:72)
- Template.self stringifications *** FAILED ***
"new {[
val x = 2
val y = 3]
}" did not equal "new {[
val x = 2
val y = 3
}" (ShowSuite.scala:83)
- new X
- ascribe and annotate
- compound types
- packages
- type parameter mods
- primary constructor mods
- parentheses in patterns *** FAILED ***
"x match {[
case (xs: List[Int]) :+ x =>
}" did not equal "x match {[
case (xs: List[Int]) :+ x =>
}" (ShowSuite.scala:167)
- List(x, y) :: z *** FAILED ***
"x match {[
case List(x, y) :: z =>
}" did not equal "x match {[
case List(x, y) :: z =>
}" (ShowSuite.scala:177)
- secondary ctor
- case semicolons *** FAILED ***
"x match {[
case y =>
}" did not equal "x match {[
case y =>
}" (ShowSuite.scala:190)
- assorted literals
- context and view bounds
- some tricky parenthesization
- more trickiness
- class C extends (() => Int)
- class C(x: Int)(implicit y: String, z: Boolean)
- class C(var x: Int)
- private/protected within something *** FAILED ***
"class C {[
private[this] val x = 1
private[D] val y = 2
protected[this] val z = 3
protected[D] val w = 4]
}" did not equal "class C {[
private[this] val x = 1
private[D] val y = 2
protected[this] val z = 3
protected[D] val w = 4
}" (ShowSuite.scala:265)
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import
- import foo.{bar}
- import foo.{bar, baz}
- import foo.{bar => baz}
- import foo.{bar => _}
- import foo.{bar => _, _}
- import foo.{bar, baz => _, _}
- Collect Lit.Int(_)
- idents
- vals
- result
- T
- F[T]
- F#T
- A \/ B
- f.T
- f.type
- super.T
- this.T
- (A, B)
- (A, B) => C
- T @foo
- A with B
- A with B {}
- {}
- A { def x: A; val y: B; type C }
- F[_ >: lo <: hi]
- F[_ >: lo
- F[_ <: hi]
- F[_]
- F[T] forSome { type T }
- a.T forSome { val a: A }
- appendScratchpad
- val x = 2
- var x = 2
- val x, y = 2
- val x: Int = 2
- var x: Int = _
- val (x: Int) = 2
- type A = B
- type F[T] = List[T]
- def x = 2
- def x[A <: B] = 2
- def x[A <% B] = 2
- def x[A: B] = 2
- def f(a: Int)(implicit b: Int) = a + b
- def proc { return 42 }
- def f(x: Int): Int = macro impl
- String.parse (partial import)
- String.parse (full import)
- _
- a @ _
- a
- a: Int
- _: Int
- _: F[t]
- foo(x)
- foo(_*)
- foo(x @ _*)
- a :: b
- 1 | 2 | 3
- (true, false)
- foo"bar"
- foo"a $b c"
- foo"${b @ foo()}"
- class C
- package foo; class C
- package foo { class C }
- package; class C
- package { class C }
- package foo; package bar; class C
- package foo { package bar { class C } }
- package foo {}; package bar {}
- package object foo
- import; package object baz
- package foo; package bar; package baz
- val x: Int
- var x: Int
- val x, y: Int
- var x, y: Int
- type T
- type T <: hi
- type T >: lo
- type T >: lo <: hi
- type F[T]
- type F[_]
- type F[A <: B]
- type F[+T]
- def f
- def f(x: Int)
- def f(x: Int*)
- def f(x: => Int)
- def f(implicit x: Int)
- def f: X
- def f[T]: T
Run completed in 1 second, 104 milliseconds.
Total number of tests run: 231
Suites: completed 20, aborted 0
Tests: succeeded 222, failed 9, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
*** 9 TESTS FAILED ***
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