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Last active February 23, 2020 19:32
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Orange Pi Zero DS18B20 and I2C bme280
# !!
apt-get install mc htop nano curl wget git python3-pip i2c-tools python3-setuptools
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
git clone
cd WiringOP-Zero
chmod +x ./build
sudo ./build
gpio readall
i2cdetect -y 0
nano /boot/armbianEnv.txt
# PWM1/PA06 pin on Orange Pi Zero (0 this is A port, 6 this is 06 pin. for PD14 use <&pio 3 14 0>)
# param_w1_pin_int_pullup=1
nano /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf
| 3.3v 1 2 | DS18B20 3.3v -> PIN17 |
| SDA/SDI 3 4 | GND -> PIN6 |
| SCL/SCK 5 6 GND | DATA -> PIN7 |
| PA06/PWM1 7 8 | |
| GND 9 10 | BMP280 3.3v -> PIN1 |
| 11 12 | GND -> PIN9 |
| 13 14 | SDA -> PIN3 |
| 15 16 | SCL -> PIN7 |
| 3.3v 17 18 +-----------------------+
| 19 20 |
| 21 22 |
| 23 24 |
| 25 26 |
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools wheel
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