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Last active July 4, 2018 12:32
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  • Save beancurd1/186a7ccd8abbe9a12f1070dd480d1601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This can be used to upgrade/downgrade/uninstall/deploy an application(s) via Shutdown/Startup scripts or GPO e.g. Immediate Task. Rem out the lines which useful to you.
::This script can be used to Upgrade, Downgrade, Remove or Deploy an application
::It extracts software GUID, then use the GUID to search it's related keys/values pairs
::This is the FASTEST Way to find out Name, Version & UninstallString
::Get DisplayName & DisplayVersion from 32bit (or 64bit) "Java 8 Update 172" or any software Uninstall GUID,
::End script (or you can use this to downgrade your version of Java), if both Name and Version found and matched.
::If Name found but version doesn't match, get the UninstallString, uninstall ALL 32bit (or 64bit) Java then install the one defined in script silently.
::If Name NOT found, then end script or you can install it
@echo off
set SoftwareName=Java 8
set NewVersion=8.0.1720.11
set x86GUID=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
set x64GUID=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
REM set Installer=\\dc\sources\jre-8u172-windows-i586.exe
set Installer=D:\Downloads\Java\jre-8u172-windows-i586.exe
REM It's faster to first locate the software GUID, then search it's Name, Version & UninstallString
for /f "delims=" %%P in ('reg query "%x86GUID%" /s /f "%SoftwareName%" 2^>nul ^| findstr "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"') do (
echo %%P
reg query "%%P" /v "DisplayVersion" 2>nul | findstr /r /c:" %NewVersion%" >nul && (
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "%%P" /v "DisplayName" 2^>nul ^|findstr "DisplayName"') do echo %%B has already been installed
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "%%P" /v "DisplayVersion" 2^>nul ^|findstr "DisplayVersion"') do echo Version: %%B
goto :EOF
) || (
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "%%P" /v "DisplayName" 2^>nul ^|findstr "DisplayName"') do echo Found other version %%B, upgrade in progress
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "%%P" /v "UninstallString" 2^>nul ^|findstr "UninstallString"') do (
echo %%B | findstr /c:"MsiExec.exe" >nul && (
set UninstallStr=%%B
set UninstallStr=!UninstallStr:/I=/X!
if exist %Installer% (
echo !UninstallStr! /quiet /norestart
rem !UninstallStr! /quiet /norestart
echo %Installer% %Switch%
rem %Installer% %Switch%
)else (echo %Installer% doesn't exist)
) || (
echo None MsiExec Uninstall String %%B
set UninstallStr=%%B
rem !UninstallStr! /S
if not defined UninstallStr (
echo %SoftwareName% not found, install it?
rem if exist %Installer% (%Installer% %Switch%)else (echo %Installer% doesn't exist)
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