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Created February 25, 2015 03:14
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Python yield_loop macro
import macropy.activate
import test
from yield_loop import macros, yield_loop
from macropy.tracing import macros, show_expanded
with show_expanded:
def f():
with yield_loop(i, some_aysnc_iterator()):
from macropy.core.macros import *
from macropy.core.quotes import macros, q, ast, name
macros = Macros()
def yield_loop(tree, gen_sym, args, **kw):
# We can't use 'target' because of
target, args = args
iter = gen_sym()
with q as new_tree:
name[iter] = ast[args]
while (yield name[iter].fetch_next()):
ast[target] = name[iter].next_object
# Is there some form similar to ast[tree] that can be used in the above
# quasiquoted block? ast[] seems to want expressions, not statements.
new_tree[-1].body += tree
return new_tree
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