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Created September 6, 2017 00:59
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Circuit Playground MakeCode turning test
let current_x = 0
let turning_right = 0
let turning_left = 0
let threshold_changed = 0
let threshold_increment = 0
let turning_threshold = 0
input.buttonA.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
turning_threshold += threshold_increment
turning_threshold = Math.constrain(turning_threshold, 0, 1023)
threshold_changed = 1
input.buttonB.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Click, function () {
turning_threshold += -1 * threshold_increment
turning_threshold = Math.constrain(turning_threshold, 0, 1023)
threshold_changed = 1
loops.forever(function () {
if (threshold_changed) {
threshold_changed = 0
serial.writeValue("turning_threshold", turning_threshold)
turning_left = 0
turning_right = 0
// Sample the current X axis accelerometer reading
// which will be from -1023 to 1023.
current_x = input.acceleration(Dimension.X)
serial.writeValue("current_x", current_x)
// Check the X accelerometer value and see if it
// exceeds the threshold indicating a turn, and set
// turning_left or turning_right as appropriate.
if (current_x >= turning_threshold) {
turning_left = 1
} else {
if (current_x <= -1 * turning_threshold) {
turning_right = 1
// Change LED color based on turning direction, green
// for left.
if (turning_left) {
`red red red red red black black black black black`
} else {
// If turning right, make all the pixels red, if not,
// we must be going straight, so make all the pixels
// white
if (turning_right) {
`black black black black black red red red red red`
} else {
function show_current_threshold() {
// The turning threshold will now be clamped to
// 0-1023. Map this to one of the ten Neopixels and
// light it up to show the current threshold as user
// feedback.
), Colors.Yellow)
turning_threshold = 512
threshold_increment = 128
threshold_changed = 1
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