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Created February 7, 2016 12:49
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An experiment with the console

An experiment with the console

Adding additional info to a console dump of an object.

A Pen by zardozcs on CodePen.


|H3ll0, {World}
|Check the console log, it's all happening there.
var clear = false;
// an object of stuff to debug
var Stuff = {
_undefined: undefined,
_null: null,
_boolean: true,
_integer: -123,
_number: 12.34e+2,
_NaN: NaN,
_Infinity: Infinity,
_string: "string",
_Function: function () {},
_RegExp: /regex/,
_Array: [],
_Object: {},
_Date: new Date(),
_window: window,
_document: document,
_Element: document.getElementById("el"),
'-': '-'
// map data type to polish notation prefix
var PolishMap = {
"undefined": "u",
"object/null": "o",
"boolean": "b",
"number": "n",
"string": "s",
"function": "f",
"RegExp": "r",
"array": "a",
"object": "o",
"date": "d",
"unknown": "x"
console.log("window", window);
console.log("body", document.body);
console.log("Stuff", Stuff);
// get data types (augmented typeof) for object properties or simple type
function types (obj) {
var key, Types = typeof obj;
if ("object" === Types) {
Types = {};
for (key in obj) {
Types[key] = typeof obj[key];
if (null === obj[key]) {
Types[key] += "/null";
else if ("array" === Types) {
return Types;
// get polish notation prefix for object keys or simple data type
function polish (obj) {
var Types = types(obj), Polish = {}, key;
if ("object" === typeof Types) {
for (key in Types) {
if (Types.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Polish[key] = ".";
else {
Polish[key] = "^";
Polish[key] += PolishMap[Types[key]] || PolishMap.unknown;
else {
Polish = PolishMap[Types] || PolishMap.unknown;
return Polish;
// show api of an object ordered by inheritance and data types
// members of object first .n-property
// inherited members later ^n-inherited
function api (obj) {
var API = {}, Polish, key;
if ("object" === typeof obj) {
Polish = polish(obj);
for (key in Polish) {
if (Polish.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
API[Polish[key] + "-" + key] = obj[key];
else {
API = polish(obj);
return API;
console.log("types(array)", types([1, false, "this"]));
console.log("types(object)", types(Stuff));
console.log("polish(string)", polish("what"));
console.log("polish(object)", polish(Stuff));
console.log("polish(element)", polish(Stuff._Element));
console.log("api(element)", api(Stuff._Element));
console.dir("api(d3(element))", api("h1#el")[0]));
if (clear) {
console.log("### ASSERT log if condition false ###");
console.log("IE10: (x) [object Object]");
console.assert(true === true, { assert: true });
console.assert(true === false, { assert: false });
if ("undefined" === typeof console.debug) { console.debug = console.log; }
console.log("### DEBUG alias for LOG ###");
console.log("IE10: (x) does not support method");
console.debug(true === true, { debug: true });
console.log("### DIR show/interact with object properties ###");
console.log("IE10: \"[object Object]\"");
console.dir(true === true, { dir: true });
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background: black;
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font-family: ProFontWindows, Consolas, Courier, Monospace, Fixed, Serif;
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