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Last active April 24, 2024 14:52
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Data Engineer Coding Exercise (American Express | Digital Acquisition Platform Excellence)

This exercise consists of developing a distributed Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) application.

Your application should ingest the data from a source relational database system and use a distributed data processing tool such as Apache Hadoop or Apache Spark to compute some statistics and output them in a form that can be loaded into some destination storage system for consumption.

Please write your application in Python, Java, Scala or Kotlin. The application must be buildable from the command line; it should not require an IDE to build or run.

The exercise should generally not take more than 3 or 4 hours, although you're free to take as much time as you'd like to work on it. If you don't finish within a few hours, that's okay; submit what you've got anyway.

Source database

Build the source database by provisioning an instance of MySQL or equivalent. Use the this SQL script to create the database schema and load it with seed data. Note that if you choose a different RDBMS than MySQL, you may need to edit the SQL script to make it work with the chosen system.

The source database is based on Sean Lahman's baseball database, available by virtue of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Extract data and compute statistics

The application should extract data from the source database and perform the following computations on the extracted data:

  1. Calculate the average salary for infielders and pitchers for each year
  2. Calculate the number of all star appearances for each Hall of Fame pitcher and their average ERA their all-star years and list the year they were inducted into the Hall of Fame
  3. Calculate the top 10 pitchers' average regular season and post-season ERAs and average win/loss (w/(w+l)) percentages
    • i.e. The top 10 pitcher's ERAs ((0.65(player1) + 0.72(player2) + ...) / 10) and (win/loss of player1 + win/loss of player2 + ...)/10
    • The pitchers in the top 10 may not have been on a team that made it to the post-season, so average the ERAs & win/loss of the pitchers that made it into the post-season
  4. List the first and last place teams and their number of at-bats for each year

N.B. These computations should be performed in code using the extracted data set. They should not be performed as SQL queries against the source database.

Prepare data for loading

The application should format the output data set into a number of CSV files as specified in the below examples and upload them to a storage system of your choosing (e.g. S3) for daily download by consumers.

  1. Average Salaries
Year, Fielding, Pitching
1985, "2,028,571", "1,713,333"
1990, "2,100,000", "2,600,000"
2000, "3,111,000", "4,500,000"
  1. Hall of Fame All Star Pitchers
Player, ERA, # All Star Appearances, Hall of Fame Induction Year
abcdef01, 3.11, 8, 1999
defghi01, 2.31, 8, 1988
ghijkl01, 1.91, 11, 2006
  1. Pitching
Year, Player, Regular Season ERA, Regular Season Win/Loss, Post-season ERA, Post-season Win/Loss
1990, defgei01, 1.74, 73, 1.14, 100
1991, abcdhi01, 1.36, 71, 2.14, 85
1992, fdwesi01, 2.06, 70, 1.85, 90
1993, sdfwei01, 1.90, 65, 0.85, 87
  1. Rankings
Team ID, Year, Rank, At Bats
PH1, 1871, 1, 1281
RC1, 1871, 9, 1036
LAA, 2014, 1, 5652
CHN, 2014, 5, 5508

(These are examples for illustrative purposes only. They are not meant to demonstrate the actual data points that will the application will output.)

Other considerations

  • Include whatever documentation you believe is necessary for others to understand and maintain the application.
  • Include tests that verify the behavior of your application, if time permits

Bonus points

Implement your application in a stream-oriented fashion, or explain how you would do so in addition to implementing a batch-oriented application.


To submit the exercise,

  1. Push the code to a private GitHub or Bitbucket repository. We'll provide usernames for you to give access. We cannot accept email attachments or file sharing links.

  2. Deploy the application to some public location where we can interact with it (e.g. Heroku or AWS).

Please follow all of the above instructions and send code that you are proud to show us!

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