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Last active July 10, 2021 17:23
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package monocle
import monocle.Lens
import monocle.syntax.all.*
import java.time.{Clock, Instant}
import scala.collection.immutable.*
//for an intro to Monocle see the video
// and the thread of references above it.
// and the documentation
// note this is Scala 3 code
sealed trait Resource[T] {
def content: T
def created: Instant
//def modified: Instant
def now: Instant = Clock.systemUTC().instant()
case class Container(
content: Map[String, Resource[_]] = Map(),
created: Instant = now
) extends Resource[Map[String, Resource[_]]]
// of course there could be many more Resources (eg. RDF Graphs, Pictures, etc)
case class TextResource(
content: String,
created: Instant = now
) extends Resource[String]
object Server {
val root = Container()
val contents = Lens[Container, Map[String, Resource[_]]](_.content){ newmap =>
cont => cont.copy(content = newmap)
def POST(slug: String, text: String): Container => Container = contents.modify(oldMap =>
oldMap + (slug -> TextResource(text))
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