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Created August 13, 2019 04:27
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This is just to find out how firefox bookmarks.json files are structured
__author__ = "Benjamin Kane"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import reduce
import json
import operator as op
def collect_types(counter, obj):
counter[(obj['type'], obj['typeCode'])] += 1
for child in obj.get('children', []):
collect_types(counter, child)
return counter
def breadth_first(obj):
yield obj
for child in obj.get('children', []):
yield from breadth_first(child)
def depth_first(obj):
for child in obj.get('children', []):
yield from breadth_first(child)
yield obj
def categorize_keys(bookmarks):
stuff = defaultdict(Counter)
for obj in breadth_first(bookmarks):
stuff[obj['type']][frozenset(obj.keys())] +=1
intersections = []
for type_, counter in stuff.items():
union = reduce(op.or_, counter.keys())
print(f' union: {union}')
intersection = reduce(op.and_, counter.keys())
print(f' intersection: {intersection}')
print(f' outliers: {union - intersection}')
intersection = reduce(op.and_, intersections)
print(f'total intersection: {intersection}')
# Okay, this isn't working right now...
def translate(bookmarks, folder_titles, acc):
if bookmarks['type'] == 'text/x-moz-place':
acc.append({'title': bookmarks['title'], 'tags': folder_titles})
# print(f'Title: {bookmarks["title"]}')
# print(f'Tags: {folder_titles}')
# print()
if bookmarks['type'] == 'text/x-moz-place-container':
for child in bookmarks.get('children', []):
translate(child, folder_titles.copy(), acc)
def main():
with open('./bookmarks-2019-05-28.json') as fp:
bookmarks = json.load(fp)
# counter = collect_types(Counter(), bookmarks)
# # Counter({('text/x-moz-place', 1): 1413, ('text/x-moz-place-container', 2): 59, ('text/x-moz-place-separator', 3): 7})
# So we know that 'typeCode' correspond to 'type'
# Lets see what keys each object contains sorted by type
# categorize_keys(bookmarks)
# # text/x-moz-place-container
# # union: frozenset({'lastModified', 'id', 'title', 'type', 'typeCode', 'dateAdded', 'guid', 'index', 'children', 'annos', 'root'})
# # intersection: frozenset({'lastModified', 'dateAdded', 'id', 'guid', 'index', 'title', 'type', 'typeCode'})
# # outliers: frozenset({'children', 'annos', 'root'})
# # text/x-moz-place
# # union: frozenset({'lastModified', 'id', 'title', 'charset', 'uri', 'iconuri', 'type', 'typeCode', 'dateAdded', 'guid', 'index', 'tags', 'annos'})
# # intersection: frozenset({'lastModified', 'dateAdded', 'id', 'guid', 'index', 'title', 'uri', 'type', 'typeCode'})
# # outliers: frozenset({'tags', 'charset', 'iconuri', 'annos'})
# # text/x-moz-place-separator
# # union: frozenset({'lastModified', 'dateAdded', 'id', 'guid', 'index', 'title', 'type', 'typeCode'})
# # intersection: frozenset({'lastModified', 'dateAdded', 'id', 'guid', 'index', 'title', 'type', 'typeCode'})
# # outliers: frozenset()
# categorize_keys(bookmarks)
acc = []
translate(bookmarks, set(), acc)
for item in acc:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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