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Created March 27, 2013 22:28
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' Note: For instructions on enabling IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode,
' visit
Imports System.Web.Http
Imports System.Web.Optimization
Public Class MvcApplication
Inherits System.Web.HttpApplication
Sub Application_Start()
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(NestedView.Engine) 'Ruhumuz huzura erdi!
End Sub
End Class
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.Mvc
Imports System.Web
Public NotInheritable Class NestedView
''' <summary>
''' Global.asax, Application_Start() içerisinde ViewEngines.Engines.Add(NestedView.Engine) olarak tanımlanmalı.
''' </summary>
''' <returns>RazorViewEngine</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function Engine() As RazorViewEngine
Dim vList As New List(Of String)
Dim pList As New List(Of String)
Dim mList As New List(Of String)
Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Views/"))
ViewEngines.Engines.Clear() 'Geçmiş siliniyor. -Bu satır olmadan zaten standart yapı dahil olur. Aşağıdaki 3 satıra ihtiyaç olmaz.
vList.Add("~/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml") 'Standart yapı yeniden ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/Home/Index.vbhtml"
pList.Add("~/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml") 'Standart yapı yeniden ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.vbhtml"
mList.Add("~/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml") 'Standart yapı yeniden ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/Shared/_pLogOnPartial.vbhtml"
For Each item As DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories ' "~/Views/" klasörü taranıyor.
vList.Add("~/Views/" + item.Name + "/{1}/{0}.vbhtml") 'Views altı klasör desenine uygun view yapısı ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/TESTS/First/Index.vbhtml"
pList.Add("~/Views/" + item.Name + "/_Shared/Partial/{0}.vbhtml") 'Views altı klasör desenine uygun partial yapısı ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/TESTS/_Shared/Partial/_pLogOnPartial.vbhtml"
mList.Add("~/Views/" + item.Name + "/_Shared/Layout/{0}.vbhtml") 'Views altı klasör desenine uygun layout yapısı ekleniyor. -> "~/Views/TESTS/_Shared/Layout/Master1.vbhtml"
Dim customEngine As New RazorViewEngine
customEngine.ViewLocationFormats = vList.ToArray 'Location-Format Set ediliyor.
customEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats = pList.ToArray 'Location-Format Set ediliyor.
customEngine.MasterLocationFormats = mList.ToArray 'Location-Format Set ediliyor.
Return customEngine
End Function
End Class
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