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Forked from uraimo/
Last active September 4, 2024 03:59
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Create a new homebrew formula and submit it/private tap

Creating a new Homebrew formula

Simplified procedure extracted from the contribution guidelines and the guide.

Example for a new go application, the install step and the dependencies will be different if you are building something else.

  1. Update brew:

    brew update

  2. Brew create with the latest source tgz from github:

    brew create

  3. Edit the formula, you'll need an install step that build the sources and installs them and a test step that verifies that the build binary is in the right palce or that it works correctly.

class GitBug < Formula
  desc "Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "78a6c7dee159cdad4ad69066d6d8fc4b7c259d5ea6351aaf6709b6ac03ff3d2f"

  depends_on "go" => :build

  def install
    system "make", "build"
    bin.install "git-bug"

  test do
    assert_includes shell_output("#{bin}/git-bug --version"),"git-bug version"

Yout new formula will be at the usual place, under /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/.

  1. Audit the formula for errors:

     brew audit --new git-bug
     brew audit --strict git-bug
  2. Install your local formula:

    HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install -v git-bug

  3. If you want to open a PR to Homebrew, create a commit with the new formula with the title " (new formula)" (either cloning the homebrew repo or from github) and open a PR.

Make your own brew tap

Instead of pushing the new formula on

Create a new GitHub repository "homebrew-<name> and add your formulas to the root.

Install the tap and then install one of your formulas:

brew tap uraimo/<name>
brew install uraimo/<name>/yourformula
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