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Last active October 5, 2021 13:36
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  • Save bb010g/8ac1a2068d84176fc998422a1d200258 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bb010g/8ac1a2068d84176fc998422a1d200258 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"POSIX-compatible" shell comparsion
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
emulate -R zsh
autoload -Uz zmathfunc; zmathfunc
# zmodload -F zsh/mathfunc
unset ENV
unset BASH_ENV
case $NIXPKGS in '') NIXPKGS="nixpkgs/ee084c02040e864eeeb4cf4f8538d92f7c675671";; esac
case $BASH in '')
BASH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#bash" -c bash -c 'command -v bash')
bash_version=$("$BASH" --noprofile -c 'printf "%s\n" "$BASH_VERSION"')
bash_label="Bash $bash_version (bash)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#bash_label})))
bash_posix_label="Bash $bash_version (bash --posix)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#bash_posix_label})))
;; esac
case $BOSH in '')
# bosh_version=$() # TODO
# bosh_label="Schily Bourne Shell (enhanced POSIX compliant) $bosh_version (bosh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#bosh_label})))
;; esac
case $DASH in '')
DASH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#dash" -c bash -c 'command -v dash')
dash_version=$(nix eval --raw "$NIXPKGS#dash" --apply 'p: p.version')
dash_label="Dash $dash_version (dash)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#dash_label})))
;; esac
case $HEIRLOOM_SH in '')
# HEIRLOOM_SH=$(nix shell --impure "github:bb010g/nur-packages#pkgs.bb010g.heirloom-sh" -c bash -c 'command -v sh')
heirloom_sh_nix_expr="(import (builtins.fetchTarball { name = \"source\"; url = \"\"; sha256 = \"0aiplnhcgyz4sp2cdm2dnkyr2xpa13pvlns3zl3bvpxd6ixwhm0s\"; }) { pkgs = (builtins.getFlake \"$NIXPKGS\").legacyPackages.\${builtins.currentSystem}; }).pkgs.heirloom-sh"
HEIRLOOM_SH=$(nix shell --impure --expr "$heirloom_sh_nix_expr" -c bash -c 'command -v sh')
heirloom_sh_version=$(nix eval --raw --impure --expr "$heirloom_sh_nix_expr" --apply 'p: p.version')
heirloom_sh_label="Heirloom Bourne Shell $heirloom_sh_version (sh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#heirloom_sh_label})))
;; esac
case $KSH in '')
KSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#ksh" -c bash -c 'command -v ksh')
ksh_version=$(nix eval --raw "$NIXPKGS#ksh" --apply 'p: p.version')
ksh_label="Korn Shell $ksh_version (ksh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#ksh_label})))
;; esac
case $MKSH in '')
MKSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#mksh" -c bash -c 'command -v mksh')
mksh_version=$(nix eval --raw "$NIXPKGS#mksh" --apply 'p: p.version')
mksh_label="MirBSD Korn Shell $mksh_version (mksh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#mksh_label})))
;; esac
case $MRSH in '')
# MRSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#mrsh" -c bash -c 'command -v mrsh')
MRSH=$(nix shell --impure --expr '(builtins.getFlake "nixpkgs/ee084c02040e864eeeb4cf4f8538d92f7c675671").legacyPackages.${builtins.currentSystem}.mrsh.overrideAttrs (prev: { doCheck = false; })' -c bash -c 'command -v mrsh')
mrsh_version=$(nix eval --raw "$NIXPKGS#mrsh" --apply 'p: p.version')
mrsh_label="mrsh $mrsh_version (mrsh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#mrsh_label})))
;; esac
case $MRSH_DEV in '')
mrsh_dev_version=$(git show -s --format=format:'%ci')
mrsh_dev_label="mrsh (devel) $mrsh_dev_version (mrsh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#mrsh_dev_label})))
;; esac
case $OBOSH in '')
# obosh_version=$() # TODO
# obosh_label="Schily Bourne Shell (non-POSIX SVR4/OpenSolaris) $obosh_version (obosh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#obosh_label})))
;; esac
case $OKSH in '')
OKSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#oksh" -c bash -c 'command -v oksh')
oksh_version=$("$OKSH" -c 'printf "%s\n" "$OKSH_VERSION"')
oksh_label="Portable OpenBSD ksh $oksh_version (oksh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#oksh_label})))
;; esac
case $OSH in '')
OSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#oil" -c bash -c 'command -v osh')
osh_version=$("$OSH" -c 'printf "%s\n" "$OIL_VERSION"')
osh_label="Oil Shell $osh_version (osh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#osh_label})))
;; esac
case $PBOSH in '')
# TODO: Schily Bourne Shell (minimal POSIX compliant)
# pbosh_version=$() # TODO
# pbosh_label="Public Domain Korn Shell $pbosh_version (pbosh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#pbosh_label})))
;; esac
case $PDKSH in '')
# TODO: Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh)
# pdksh_version=$() # TODO
# pdksh_label="Public Domain Korn Shell $pdksh_version (pdksh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#pdksh_label})))
;; esac
case $YASH in '')
# TODO: Yash, yet another shell (yash)
# yash_version=$() # TODO
# yash_label="Yash, yet another shell $yash_version (yash)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#yash_label})))
;; esac
case $ZSH in '')
ZSH=$(nix shell "$NIXPKGS#zsh" -c bash -c 'command -v zsh')
zsh_version=$("$ZSH" -f -c 'printf "%s\n" "$ZSH_PATCHLEVEL"')
zsh_label="Z Shell $zsh_version (zsh)"; max_label_length=$((max(max_label_length, ${#zsh_label})))
;; esac
shells_c() {
printf '\n $ %s\n\n' "$1"
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$bash_label:"; "$BASH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$bash_posix_label:"; "$BASH" --posix -c "$1" 2>&1
# printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$bosh_label:"; "$BOSH" -c "$1" 2>&1 # TODO
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$dash_label:"; "$DASH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$heirloom_sh_label:"; "$HEIRLOOM_SH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$ksh_label:"; "$KSH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$mksh_label:"; "$MKSH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$mrsh_label:"; "$MRSH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$mrsh_dev_label:"; "$MRSH_DEV" -c "$1" 2>&1
# printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$obosh_label:"; "$OBOSH" -c "$1" 2>&1 # TODO
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$oksh_label:"; "$OKSH" -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$osh_label:"; "$OSH" -c "$1" 2>&1
# printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$pbosh_label:"; "$PBOSH" -c "$1" 2>&1 # TODO
# printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$pdksh_label:"; "$PDKSH" -c "$1" 2>&1 # TODO
# printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$yash_label:"; "$YASH" -c "$1" 2>&1 # TODO
printf '%-*s ' "$((max_label_length + 1))" "$zsh_label:"; "$ZSH" -f -c "$1" 2>&1
printf '\n'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << "EOF"
Is `)` an operator? If so, 1.
shells_c '( printf "%3s\n" "1" )'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << "EOF"
Is `}` an operator? If so, 1.
shells_c '{ printf "%3s\n" "1" }'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << "EOF"
Is `)` an operator? If so, 1.
Function variant.
shells_c 'foo() ( printf "%3s\n" "1" ); foo'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << "EOF"
Is `}` an operator? If so, 1.
Function variant.
shells_c 'foo() { printf "%3s\n" "1" }; foo'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << "EOF"
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous simple command? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'false; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function executing `return`? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'ret() { return "$@"; }; ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `return`? If so, 2.
Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'ret() ( return "$@"; ); ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `exit`? If so, 2.
Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'ret() ( exit "$@"; ); ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function executing `return`? If not, 0. Otherwise, tests
integer size of `$?` recieved from `return`.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `return`? If not, 0.
Otherwise, tests integer size of `$?` recieved from `return` in a subshell.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `exit`? If not, 0.
Otherwise, tests integer size of `$?` recieved from `exit` in a subshell.
shells_c 'ret() { return "$@"; }; ret_s() ( return "$@"; ); exit_s() ( exit "$@"; ); foo() { label=$1; shift; printf "{ return %s; }: " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do ret "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n( return %s; ): " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do ret_s "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n( exit %s; ): " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do exit_s "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n"; }; printf "\n"; foo i0 0 -0; foo u1 1 2; foo i1 -1 -2 2; foo i8 127 -128 128; foo i9 255 -256 256; foo i16 32767 -32768 32768; foo i17 65535 -65536 65536; foo i32 2147483647 -2147483648 2147483648; foo i33 4294967295 -4294967296 4294967296; foo i64 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775808; foo i65 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775808; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a single-quoted word between bare words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" a'\''b'\''c; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty single-quoted word between bare words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" a'\'\''c; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a single-quoted word between single-quoted words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" '\''a'\'\''b'\'\''c'\''; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty single-quoted word between single-quoted words form a
# compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" '\''a'\'\'\'\''c'\''; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a single-quoted word between double-quoted words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" "a"'\''b'\''"c"; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty single-quoted word between double-quoted words form a
# compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" "a"'\'\''"c"; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a double-quoted word between bare words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" a"b"c; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty double-quoted word between bare words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" a""c; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a double-quoted word between single-quoted words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" '\''a'\''"b"'\''c'\''; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty double-quoted word between single-quoted words form a
# compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" '\''a'\''""'\''c'\''; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does a double-quoted word between double-quoted words form a compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" "a""b""c"; printf "\n"'
# ((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
# Does an empty double-quoted word between double-quoted words form a
# compound word?
# shells_c 'printf "<%s>" "a""""c"; printf "\n"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" `false``printf "%s\\n" "$?"`'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%7s\n" `false`\ \ \ \ `printf "%s\n" "$?"`'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? (Empty single-quoted word variant.) If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" `false`'\'\''`printf "%s\\n" "$?"`'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? (Empty double-quoted word variant.) If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" `false`""`printf "%s\\n" "$?"`'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
double-quoted word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" "`false``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
double-quoted word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%7s\\n" "`false`... `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same compound
word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\\n" "`false`""`printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\\n" "`false`""""`printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `return` in a
directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same double-quoted
word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" "`return 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
During execution of a function, in a double-quoted command substitution for a
simple command, does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?`
from execution of `return` in a directly previous double-quoted command
substitution in the same double-quoted word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0. If
`return` causes the shell to stop executing the function, nothing.
An elipsis separates the results. If not present, there is no previous result.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
function executing `return` in a double-quoted command substitution for a
simple command? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'foo() { printf "%3s ... " "`return 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"; }; foo; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `exit` in a
directly previous command substitution in the same double-quoted word? If so,
2. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'printf "%3s\n" "`exit 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a function
executing `return` in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution
in the same double-quoted word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
shells_c 'ret() { return "$@"; }; printf "%3s\n" "`ret 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of a directly previous simple command? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a directly
previous variable assignment command? If so, 0. If it recieves `$?` from
execution of the simple command directly previous to the variable assignment
command, 1.
shells_c 'false; foo="$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `false` in a
double-quoted command substitution in the value of a directly previous
variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?` from execution of
`exit` in a subshell directly previous to the variable assignment command, 2.
shells_c '(exit 2); foo="`false`"; printf "%3s\n" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of a directly previous simple command? If so, 1. If it recieves
`$?` from execution of a simple command in double-quoted command substitution
for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the same
double-quoted word, 1.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
a simple command in double-quoted command substitution in the value of a
directly previous variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?`
from double-quoted parameter expansion in the same double-quoted word, 0. If
it recieves `$?` from execution of a simple command directly previous to the
variable assignment command, 1.
shells_c 'false; foo="`false`$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of `exit` in a directly previous subshell? If so, 2. If it
recieves `$?` from execution of a simple command in double-quoted command
substitution for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the
same double-quoted word, 1.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
a simple command in double-quoted command substitution in the value of a
directly previous variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?`
from double-quoted parameter expansion in the same double-quoted word, 0. If
it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell directly previous to
the variable assignment command, 2.
shells_c '(exit 2); foo="`false`$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
shells_c 'true; foo="`true``false`$? `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"``false`"; printf "%7s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"'
((n++)); <<< "## Test $n" << 'EOF'
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of `exit` in a directly previous subshell? If so, 2. If it
recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in double-quoted command substitution
for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the same
double-quoted word, 3.
In a double-quoted command substitution for a variable assignment command
value, does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from
execution of `exit` in an indirectly previous double-quoted command execution
in the same double-quoted word as this double-quoted command substitution? If
so, 3. If it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell directly
previous to this variable assignment command, 2.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
`exit` in double-quoted command substitution for the final command
substitution form in the value of a directly previous variable assignment
command? If so, 4. If it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell
directly previous to the variable assignment command, 2.
shells_c '(exit 2); foo="`exit 3`$? `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"``exit 4`"; printf "%7s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"'
## Test 1
Is `)` an operator? If so, 1.
$ ( printf "%3s\n" "1" )
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 1
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 2
Is `}` an operator? If so, 1.
$ { printf "%3s\n" "1" }
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Dash (dash): /nix/store/k7f2v6j9avqp6sgkkdlw47xk9qdia3nk-dash- 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "}")
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): /nix/store/92xcjwr012b6wk4r6lbzralr057sk9n6-heirloom-sh-050706/bin/sh: syntax error at line 1: `end of file' unexpected
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): /nix/store/jnp4vngnapgafcmfwzd9b301mz2f23c4-ksh-2020.0.0/bin/ksh: syntax error at line 1: `{' unmatched
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: syntax error: unmatched '{'
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): /nix/store/63qsmm2knbyzgf2bf3qlk37s5gq77bai-mrsh-unstable-2021-01-10/bin/mrsh:1:23: syntax error: expected '}'
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): ./build/mrsh:1:23: syntax error: expected '}'
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: syntax error: `{' unmatched
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): { printf "%3s\n" "1" }
[ -c flag ]:1: Expected word type Id.Lit_RBrace, got Id.Eof_Real
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 3
Is `)` an operator? If so, 1.
Function variant.
$ foo() ( printf "%3s\n" "1" ); foo
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 1
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 4
Is `}` an operator? If so, 1.
Function variant.
$ foo() { printf "%3s\n" "1" }; foo
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Dash (dash): /nix/store/k7f2v6j9avqp6sgkkdlw47xk9qdia3nk-dash- 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "}")
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): /nix/store/92xcjwr012b6wk4r6lbzralr057sk9n6-heirloom-sh-050706/bin/sh: syntax error at line 1: `end of file' unexpected
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): /nix/store/jnp4vngnapgafcmfwzd9b301mz2f23c4-ksh-2020.0.0/bin/ksh: syntax error at line 1: `{' unmatched
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: syntax error: unmatched '{'
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): /nix/store/63qsmm2knbyzgf2bf3qlk37s5gq77bai-mrsh-unstable-2021-01-10/bin/mrsh:1:34: syntax error: expected '}'
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): ./build/mrsh:1:34: syntax error: expected '}'
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: syntax error: `{' unmatched
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): foo() { printf "%3s\n" "1" }; foo
[ -c flag ]:1: Expected word type Id.Lit_RBrace, got Id.Eof_Real
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 5
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous simple command? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ false; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 1
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 6
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function executing `return`? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
$ ret() { return "$@"; }; ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2
Dash (dash): 2
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 2
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 2
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 2
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 7
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `return`? If so, 2.
Otherwise, 0.
$ ret() ( return "$@"; ); ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2
Dash (dash): 2
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 2
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 127
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 127
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 2
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 2
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 8
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `exit`? If so, 2.
Otherwise, 0.
$ ret() ( exit "$@"; ); ret 2; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2
Dash (dash): 2
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 2
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 127
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 127
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 2
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 2
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 9
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function executing `return`? If not, 0. Otherwise, tests
integer size of `$?` recieved from `return`.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `return`? If not, 0.
Otherwise, tests integer size of `$?` recieved from `return` in a subshell.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
directly previous function with a subshell body executing `exit`? If not, 0.
Otherwise, tests integer size of `$?` recieved from `exit` in a subshell.
$ ret() { return "$@"; }; ret_s() ( return "$@"; ); exit_s() ( exit "$@"; ); foo() { label=$1; shift; printf "{ return %s; }: " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do ret "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n( return %s; ): " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do ret_s "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n( exit %s; ): " "$label"; for n in "$@"; do exit_s "$n"; printf "%3s -> %3s, " "$n" "$?"; done; printf "\n"; }; printf "\n"; foo i0 0 -0; foo u1 1 2; foo i1 -1 -2 2; foo i8 127 -128 128; foo i9 255 -256 256; foo i16 32767 -32768 32768; foo i17 65535 -65536 65536; foo i32 2147483647 -2147483648 2147483648; foo i33 4294967295 -4294967296 4294967296; foo i64 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775808; foo i65 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775808; printf "\n"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
{ return i33; }: 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( return i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( exit i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
{ return i64; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( return i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( exit i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: exit: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
{ return i65; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( return i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( exit i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: exit: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
{ return i33; }: 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( return i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( exit i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
{ return i64; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( return i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( exit i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: exit: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
{ return i65; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( return i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: return: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
( exit i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, environment: line 1: exit: 9223372036854775808: numeric argument required
9223372036854775808 -> 2,
Dash (dash):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: /nix/store/k7f2v6j9avqp6sgkkdlw47xk9qdia3nk-dash- 1: return: Illegal number: -1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, /nix/store/92xcjwr012b6wk4r6lbzralr057sk9n6-heirloom-sh-050706/bin/sh: -0: bad number
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
{ return i33; }: 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( return i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( exit i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
{ return i64; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
( return i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
( exit i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
{ return i65; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
( return i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
( exit i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, -9223372036854775808 -> 0, 9223372036854775808 -> 255,
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 2147483648
2147483648 -> 1,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 2147483648
2147483648 -> 1,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 2147483648
2147483648 -> 1,
{ return i33; }: /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 4294967295
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -4294967296
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 4294967296
4294967296 -> 1,
( return i33; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 4294967295
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -4294967296
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 4294967296
4294967296 -> 1,
( exit i33; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 4294967295
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: -4294967296
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 4294967296
4294967296 -> 1,
{ return i64; }: /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( return i64; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i64; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
{ return i65; }: /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( return i65; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: return: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i65; ): /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 9223372036854775807
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: -9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/03vr60lxpnd26zfc8y3qv21z6q3mfwva-mksh-59c/bin/mksh: exit: bad number: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh):
{ return i0; }:
( return i0; ): 0 -> 127, -0 -> 127,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 127, -0 -> 127,
{ return u1; }:
( return u1; ): 1 -> 127, 2 -> 127,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 127, 2 -> 127,
{ return i1; }: return: invalid return number '-1'
-1 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2'
-2 -> 1,
( return i1; ): return: invalid return number '-1'
-1 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2'
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 127,
( exit i1; ): usage: exit [n]
-1 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 127,
{ return i8; }:
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, return: invalid return number '-128'
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 127,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, usage: exit [n]
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 127,
{ return i9; }:
( return i9; ): 255 -> 127, return: invalid return number '-256'
-256 -> 1, return: invalid return number '256'
256 -> 1,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 127, usage: exit [n]
-256 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
256 -> 1,
{ return i16; }: return: invalid return number '32767'
32767 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-32768'
-32768 -> 1, return: invalid return number '32768'
32768 -> 1,
( return i16; ): return: invalid return number '32767'
32767 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-32768'
-32768 -> 1, return: invalid return number '32768'
32768 -> 1,
( exit i16; ): usage: exit [n]
32767 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-32768 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
32768 -> 1,
{ return i17; }: return: invalid return number '65535'
65535 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-65536'
-65536 -> 1, return: invalid return number '65536'
65536 -> 1,
( return i17; ): return: invalid return number '65535'
65535 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-65536'
-65536 -> 1, return: invalid return number '65536'
65536 -> 1,
( exit i17; ): usage: exit [n]
65535 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-65536 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
65536 -> 1,
{ return i32; }: return: invalid return number '2147483647'
2147483647 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2147483648'
-2147483648 -> 1, return: invalid return number '2147483648'
2147483648 -> 1,
( return i32; ): return: invalid return number '2147483647'
2147483647 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2147483648'
-2147483648 -> 1, return: invalid return number '2147483648'
2147483648 -> 1,
( exit i32; ): usage: exit [n]
2147483647 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-2147483648 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
2147483648 -> 1,
{ return i33; }: return: invalid return number '4294967295'
4294967295 -> 1,
( return i33; ): return: invalid return number '4294967295'
4294967295 -> 1, -4294967296 -> 127, 4294967296 -> 127,
( exit i33; ): usage: exit [n]
4294967295 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-4294967296 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
4294967296 -> 1,
{ return i64; }: return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1,
( return i64; ): return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1, -9223372036854775808 -> 127, return: invalid return number '9223372036854775808'
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i64; ): usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775807 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
{ return i65; }: return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1,
( return i65; ): return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1, -9223372036854775808 -> 127, return: invalid return number '9223372036854775808'
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i65; ): usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775807 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh):
{ return i0; }:
( return i0; ): 0 -> 127, -0 -> 127,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 127, -0 -> 127,
{ return u1; }:
( return u1; ): 1 -> 127, 2 -> 127,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 127, 2 -> 127,
{ return i1; }: return: invalid return number '-1'
-1 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2'
-2 -> 1,
( return i1; ): return: invalid return number '-1'
-1 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2'
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 127,
( exit i1; ): usage: exit [n]
-1 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 127,
{ return i8; }:
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, return: invalid return number '-128'
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 127,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, usage: exit [n]
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 127,
{ return i9; }:
( return i9; ): 255 -> 127, return: invalid return number '-256'
-256 -> 1, return: invalid return number '256'
256 -> 1,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 127, usage: exit [n]
-256 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
256 -> 1,
{ return i16; }: return: invalid return number '32767'
32767 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-32768'
-32768 -> 1, return: invalid return number '32768'
32768 -> 1,
( return i16; ): return: invalid return number '32767'
32767 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-32768'
-32768 -> 1, return: invalid return number '32768'
32768 -> 1,
( exit i16; ): usage: exit [n]
32767 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-32768 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
32768 -> 1,
{ return i17; }: return: invalid return number '65535'
65535 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-65536'
-65536 -> 1, return: invalid return number '65536'
65536 -> 1,
( return i17; ): return: invalid return number '65535'
65535 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-65536'
-65536 -> 1, return: invalid return number '65536'
65536 -> 1,
( exit i17; ): usage: exit [n]
65535 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-65536 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
65536 -> 1,
{ return i32; }: return: invalid return number '2147483647'
2147483647 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2147483648'
-2147483648 -> 1, return: invalid return number '2147483648'
2147483648 -> 1,
( return i32; ): return: invalid return number '2147483647'
2147483647 -> 1, return: invalid return number '-2147483648'
-2147483648 -> 1, return: invalid return number '2147483648'
2147483648 -> 1,
( exit i32; ): usage: exit [n]
2147483647 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-2147483648 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
2147483648 -> 1,
{ return i33; }: return: invalid return number '4294967295'
4294967295 -> 1,
( return i33; ): return: invalid return number '4294967295'
4294967295 -> 1, -4294967296 -> 127, 4294967296 -> 127,
( exit i33; ): usage: exit [n]
4294967295 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-4294967296 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
4294967296 -> 1,
{ return i64; }: return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1,
( return i64; ): return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1, -9223372036854775808 -> 127, return: invalid return number '9223372036854775808'
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i64; ): usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775807 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
{ return i65; }: return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1,
( return i65; ): return: invalid return number '9223372036854775807'
9223372036854775807 -> 1, -9223372036854775808 -> 127, return: invalid return number '9223372036854775808'
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i65; ): usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775807 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, usage: exit [n]
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -0: unknown option
-0 -> 1,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -0: unknown option
-0 -> 1,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -0: unknown option
-0 -> 1,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -1: unknown option
-1 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -1: unknown option
-1 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -1: unknown option
-1 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -2: unknown option
-2 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -1: unknown option
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -1: unknown option
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -1: unknown option
-128 -> 1, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-256 -> 1, 256 -> 256,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-256 -> 1, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -2: unknown option
-256 -> 1, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 32767, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -3: unknown option
-32768 -> 1, 32768 -> 32768,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -3: unknown option
-32768 -> 1, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -3: unknown option
-32768 -> 1, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 65535, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -6: unknown option
-65536 -> 1, 65536 -> 65536,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -6: unknown option
-65536 -> 1, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -6: unknown option
-65536 -> 1, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483647: bad number
2147483647 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-2147483648 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483648: bad number
2147483648 -> 1,
( return i32; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483647: bad number
2147483647 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -2: unknown option
-2147483648 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483648: bad number
2147483648 -> 1,
( exit i32; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483647: bad number
2147483647 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -2: unknown option
-2147483648 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 2147483648: bad number
2147483648 -> 1,
{ return i33; }: /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967295: bad number
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -4: unknown option
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967296: bad number
4294967296 -> 1,
( return i33; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967295: bad number
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -4: unknown option
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967296: bad number
4294967296 -> 1,
( exit i33; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967295: bad number
4294967295 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -4: unknown option
-4294967296 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 4294967296: bad number
4294967296 -> 1,
{ return i64; }: /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( return i64; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i64; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
{ return i65; }: /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( return i65; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: return: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i65; ): /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775807: bad number
9223372036854775807 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: exit: -9: unknown option
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, /nix/store/13q65k5nrdi16ab19vsvdgx9p607fqnr-oksh-6.9/bin/oksh: 9223372036854775808: bad number
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> -1, -2 -> -2, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> -128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> -256, 256 -> 256,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 32767, -32768 -> -32768, 32768 -> 32768,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 65535, -65536 -> -65536, 65536 -> 65536,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 2147483647, -2147483648 -> -2147483648, 2147483648 -> 2147483648,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
2147483648 -> 1,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
2147483648 -> 1,
{ return i33; }: 4294967295 -> 4294967295, -4294967296 -> -4294967296, 4294967296 -> 4294967296,
( return i33; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
4294967295 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-4294967296 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
4294967296 -> 1,
( exit i33; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
4294967295 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-4294967296 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
4294967296 -> 1,
{ return i64; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775808 -> -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808 -> 9223372036854775808,
( return i64; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775807 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i64; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775807 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
{ return i65; }: 9223372036854775807 -> 9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775808 -> -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808 -> 9223372036854775808,
( return i65; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775807 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
( exit i65; ): Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775807 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: signed integer is less than minimum
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
-9223372036854775808 -> 1, Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 328, in _cpython_main_hook
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 301, in main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/bin/", line 292, in AppBundleMain
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 675, in Main
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in Batch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1498, in ExecuteAndCatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 988, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 998, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1113, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 993, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1401, in _ExecuteList
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 644, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 636, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 477, in _RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 224, in RunSimpleCommand
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1642, in RunProc
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 1345, in _Execute
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/osh/", line 674, in _Dispatch
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 330, in RunSubshell
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 940, in RunWait
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 880, in Start
File "/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/core/", line 723, in Run
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/nix/store/iz02wfvpiy92b54mjrz8110fs165n477-oil-0.9.2/bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
9223372036854775808 -> 1,
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh):
{ return i0; }: 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( return i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
( exit i0; ): 0 -> 0, -0 -> 0,
{ return u1; }: 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( return u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
( exit u1; ): 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2,
{ return i1; }: -1 -> -1, -2 -> -2, 2 -> 2,
( return i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
( exit i1; ): -1 -> 255, -2 -> 254, 2 -> 2,
{ return i8; }: 127 -> 127, -128 -> -128, 128 -> 128,
( return i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
( exit i8; ): 127 -> 127, -128 -> 128, 128 -> 128,
{ return i9; }: 255 -> 255, -256 -> -256, 256 -> 256,
( return i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
( exit i9; ): 255 -> 255, -256 -> 0, 256 -> 0,
{ return i16; }: 32767 -> 32767, -32768 -> -32768, 32768 -> 32768,
( return i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
( exit i16; ): 32767 -> 255, -32768 -> 0, 32768 -> 0,
{ return i17; }: 65535 -> 65535, -65536 -> -65536, 65536 -> 65536,
( return i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
( exit i17; ): 65535 -> 255, -65536 -> 0, 65536 -> 0,
{ return i32; }: 2147483647 -> 2147483647, -2147483648 -> -2147483648, 2147483648 -> -2147483648,
( return i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
( exit i32; ): 2147483647 -> 255, -2147483648 -> 0, 2147483648 -> 0,
{ return i33; }: 4294967295 -> -1, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( return i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
( exit i33; ): 4294967295 -> 255, -4294967296 -> 0, 4294967296 -> 0,
{ return i64; }: 9223372036854775807 -> -1, ret: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 858993460, ret: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> -858993460,
( return i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, ret_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 52, ret_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 204,
( exit i64; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, exit_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 52, exit_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 204,
{ return i65; }: 9223372036854775807 -> -1, ret: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 858993460, ret: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> -858993460,
( return i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, ret_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 52, ret_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 204,
( exit i65; ): 9223372036854775807 -> 255, exit_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
-9223372036854775808 -> 52, exit_s: number truncated after 18 digits: 9223372036854775808
9223372036854775808 -> 204,
## Test 10
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" `false``printf "%s\\n" "$?"`
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 11
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%7s\n" `false`\ \ \ \ `printf "%s\n" "$?"`
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 12
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? (Empty single-quoted word variant.) If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" `false`''`printf "%s\\n" "$?"`
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 13
In an unquoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous unquoted command substitution in the same unquoted
compound word? (Empty double-quoted word variant.) If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" `false`""`printf "%s\\n" "$?"`
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 14
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
double-quoted word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" "`false``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 15
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
double-quoted word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%7s\\n" "`false`... `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): ... 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): ... 1
Dash (dash): ... 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): ... 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): ... 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): ... 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): ... 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): ... 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): ... 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): ... 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): ... 1
## Test 16
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same compound
word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\\n" "`false`""`printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 17
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a simple command
in an indirectly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same
compound word? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\\n" "`false`""""`printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 18
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `return` in a
directly previous double-quoted command substitution in the same double-quoted
word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" "`return 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: line 1: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): /nix/store/qfb4j7w2fjjq953nd9xncz5mymj5n0kb-bash-5.1-p8/bin/bash: line 1: return: can only `return' from a function or sourced script
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): /nix/store/92xcjwr012b6wk4r6lbzralr057sk9n6-heirloom-sh-050706/bin/sh: cannot return when not in function
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 2
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): return 2
[ backticks at ... ]:1: fatal: Invalid control flow 'return' in pipeline / subshell / background
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 19
During execution of a function, in a double-quoted command substitution for a
simple command, does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?`
from execution of `return` in a directly previous double-quoted command
substitution in the same double-quoted word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0. If
`return` causes the shell to stop executing the function, nothing.
An elipsis separates the results. If not present, there is no previous result.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a
function executing `return` in a double-quoted command substitution for a
simple command? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
$ foo() { printf "%3s ... " "`return 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"; }; foo; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2 ... 0
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2 ... 0
Dash (dash): 0 ... 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2 ... 0
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2 ... 0
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0 ... 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0 ... 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 2 ... 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0 ... 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): return 2
[ backticks at ... ]:1: fatal: Invalid control flow 'return' in pipeline / subshell / background
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2 ... 0
## Test 20
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `exit` in a
directly previous command substitution in the same double-quoted word? If so,
2. Otherwise, 0.
$ printf "%3s\n" "`exit 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 2
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 21
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a function
executing `return` in a directly previous double-quoted command substitution
in the same double-quoted word? If so, 2. Otherwise, 0.
$ ret() { return "$@"; }; printf "%3s\n" "`ret 2``printf "%3s\\n" "$?"`"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 2
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 2
Dash (dash): 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 2
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 2
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 2
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 2
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 2
## Test 22
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of a directly previous simple command? If so, 1. Otherwise, 0.
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of a directly
previous variable assignment command? If so, 0. If it recieves `$?` from
execution of the simple command directly previous to the variable assignment
command, 1.
$ false; foo="$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1 0
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1 0
Dash (dash): 1 0
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1 0
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1 0
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1 0
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 1 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1 0
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1 0
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1 0
## Test 23
In a double-quoted command substitution for a simple command, does parameter
expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of `false` in a
double-quoted command substitution in the value of a directly previous
variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?` from execution of
`exit` in a subshell directly previous to the variable assignment command, 2.
$ (exit 2); foo="`false`"; printf "%3s\n" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1
Dash (dash): 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1
## Test 24
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of a directly previous simple command? If so, 1. If it recieves
`$?` from execution of a simple command in double-quoted command substitution
for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the same
double-quoted word, 1.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
a simple command in double-quoted command substitution in the value of a
directly previous variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?`
from double-quoted parameter expansion in the same double-quoted word, 0. If
it recieves `$?` from execution of a simple command directly previous to the
variable assignment command, 1.
$ false; foo="`false`$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1 1
Dash (dash): 1 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 1 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 1 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 1 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1 1
## Test 25
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of `exit` in a directly previous subshell? If so, 2. If it
recieves `$?` from execution of a simple command in double-quoted command
substitution for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the
same double-quoted word, 1.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
a simple command in double-quoted command substitution in the value of a
directly previous variable assignment command? If so, 1. If it recieves `$?`
from double-quoted parameter expansion in the same double-quoted word, 0. If
it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell directly previous to
the variable assignment command, 2.
$ (exit 2); foo="`false`$?"; printf "%3s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1 1
Dash (dash): 2 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 2 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 127 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 2 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1 1
## Test 26
$ true; foo="`true``false`$? `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"``false`"; printf "%7s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 1 1 1
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 1 1 1
Dash (dash): 0 0 1
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 1 1 1
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 1 1 1
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 0 0 1
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 0 0 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 1 1 1
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 0 0 1
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 1 1 1
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 1 1 1
## Test 27
Does parameter expansion for a variable assignment command value recieve `$?`
from execution of `exit` in a directly previous subshell? If so, 2. If it
recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in double-quoted command substitution
for a command substitution form directly previous to `$?` in the same
double-quoted word, 3.
In a double-quoted command substitution for a variable assignment command
value, does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from
execution of `exit` in an indirectly previous double-quoted command execution
in the same double-quoted word as this double-quoted command substitution? If
so, 3. If it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell directly
previous to this variable assignment command, 2.
Does parameter expansion for a simple command recieve `$?` from execution of
`exit` in double-quoted command substitution for the final command
substitution form in the value of a directly previous variable assignment
command? If so, 4. If it recieves `$?` from execution of `exit` in a subshell
directly previous to the variable assignment command, 2.
$ (exit 2); foo="`exit 3`$? `printf "%3s\\n" "$?"``exit 4`"; printf "%7s %3s\n" "$foo" "$?"
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash): 3 3 4
Bash 5.1.8(1)-release (bash --posix): 3 3 4
Dash (dash): 2 2 4
Heirloom Bourne Shell 050706 (sh): 3 3 4
Korn Shell 2020.0.0 (ksh): 3 3 4
MirBSD Korn Shell 59c (mksh): 2 2 4
mrsh 2021-01-10 (mrsh): 127 127 0
mrsh (devel) 2021-05-18 09:24:13 +0200 (mrsh): 127 127 0
Portable OpenBSD ksh oksh 6.9 (oksh): 2 2 4
Oil Shell 0.9.2 (osh): 3 3 4
Z Shell zsh-5.8-0-g77d203f (zsh): 3 3 4
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