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Last active November 9, 2023 21:31
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insert prepared snippets when you press Esc-j, with fuzzy search
# insert prepared snippets when you press Esc-j, with fuzzy search
fu-complete() {
# the whole command line up to last pipe left of the cursor
local prefix=$(printf "%s" "${LBUFFER}"|sed -E 's/(.*[|] *).*/\1/')
# everything left of cursor after the last pipe, gets used as the fzf prompt
local suffix=$(printf "%s" "${LBUFFER}"|sed -E 's/.*[|] *//')
# Grab snippets from ~/.cmd-line-fu . The file can have optional one-line comments before
# commands, which appear in fzf inlined and are searchable, eg:
# # print first column
# awk '{print $1}'
# appears as:
# awk '{print $1}' ## print first column
# and will filter if you type 'column'.
# since comments result in long lines and the picker doesn't wrap,
# the preview panel is set up to show the wrapped comment and command.
local guess=$(\
awk '/^#/{c=" #"$0}/^[^#]/{printf"%s%s\n",$0,c;c=""}' ~/.cmd-line-fu \
| fzf --query="${suffix}" \
--prompt="${suffix}>" \
--preview="printf '%s' {}|sed -E 's/(.*) ##(.*)/#\2\n\1/'|bat -l zsh --color=always --style=plain" \
--preview-window=wrap \
--header="${prefix}" \
local ret=$?
LBUFFER="${prefix}${guess/ ##*/}"
zle reset-prompt
return $ret
zle -N fu-complete
# bind `alt + j` to fu-complete
bindkey '\ej' fu-complete
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