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export const chaosTestStrings = (): void => {
const textNodes = getAllTextNodes(document.body);
for (const node of textNodes) {
const textNodeLength = node.textContent ? node.textContent.length : 0;
if (node.textContent === null) {
if (node.parentElement instanceof Element) {
if (node.parentElement.dataset.originalText === undefined) {
TERM: xterm-256color
size: 14
family: "Dank Mono"
style: Regular
style: Bold
Baldinof / Caddyfile
Created July 8, 2021 16:06
PHP-fpm with Caddy web server
supervisor {
root * .
sindresorhus /
Last active September 20, 2024 23:01
Pure ESM package

Pure ESM package

The package that linked you here is now pure ESM. It cannot be require()'d from CommonJS.

This means you have the following choices:

  1. Use ESM yourself. (preferred)
    Use import foo from 'foo' instead of const foo = require('foo') to import the package. You also need to put "type": "module" in your package.json and more. Follow the below guide.
  2. If the package is used in an async context, you could use await import(…) from CommonJS instead of require(…).
  3. Stay on the existing version of the package until you can move to ESM.
rw3iss / launch.js
Last active April 11, 2021 01:35
browsersync script to hot reload any client project
const bs = require('browser-sync').create();
const url = require('url');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const PORT = 3300
const OUTPUT_DIR = './build'
const DEFAULT_FILE = "index.html"`${OUTPUT_DIR}/**/*.js`, function (event, file) {
aleclarson /
Last active July 31, 2024 14:24
The best Rollup config for TypeScript libraries


🔥 Blazing fast builds
😇 CommonJS bundle
🌲 .mjs bundle
.d.ts bundle + type-checking
🧐 Source maps


Baldinof / .dockerignore
Last active February 13, 2024 22:52
Single PHP FPM container with Caddy
supercid / phpcs_pre-commit
Created December 31, 2018 09:39
Run phpcs and phpcbf on all staged files before a commit is made
PROJECT=`php -r "echo dirname(dirname(dirname(realpath('$0'))));"`
STAGED_FILES_CMD=`git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | grep \\\\.php`
# Determine if a file list is passed
if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]
mkjiau / axios-interceptors-refresh-token.js
Last active September 10, 2024 11:22
Axios interceptors for token refreshing and more than 2 async requests available
let isRefreshing = false;
let refreshSubscribers = [];
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: Config.API_URL,
instance.interceptors.response.use(response => {
return response;
}, error => {
culttm / axios.refresh_token.js
Created October 5, 2017 18:46
axios interceptors for refresh token
axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (error) {
const originalRequest = error.config;
if (error.response.status === 401 && !originalRequest._retry) {
originalRequest._retry = true;