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Stephen Bau bauhouse

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PurpleBooth /
Last active September 24, 2024 10:44
A template to make good

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


designermonkey / data_1.xml
Created February 12, 2013 23:06
Using Names and Matches together in XSL templates, we can choose and apply templates dynamically, based on content provided within the XML being transformed. I've searched for ages on how to do this properly, and a number of sources led me to this solution.
<section handle="test-section">Test Section</section>
<page-path handle="about">/about</page-path>
<page-title handle="about">About</page-title>
<title handle="about-this-company">About This Company</title>
<item id="2" handle="content" section-handle="page-templates" section-name="Page Templates">Content</item>
alpacaaa / ROADMAP.markdown
Created December 10, 2012 19:21
xpathr plan

xpathr – first iteration

In this first iteration, unauthenticated users should be able to test xslt code, save snippets and eventually come back to edit them without signing up. xpathr will work without javascript enabled, so client side code shouldn't be taken in consideration for now.


  • XML textarea
  • XSL textarea
  • RESULT read-only textarea
DavidOliver / SymCMS - Getting data notes.mkd
Last active March 29, 2019 09:02
Notes on getting data from within Symphony CMS

Written based on hacking away at a custom event which aimed to take its data solely from entry data and $_SESSION values, and not posted values (which I understand may have been open to DOM hacking and required "ugly" frontend hidden fields).

Things I think I've learned

Use Xpath in PHP when possible

I was traversing the XMLElement object generated by SymQL (or Entry object generated by EntryManager) with the object's methods and foreach to get values, which seems to require a lot of effort and code:

designermonkey / A-Symphony-Workflow.markdown
Created February 17, 2011 00:51
Just mapping out a git workflow for Symphony development

A Symphony Workflow

I'm describing my workflow in these articles, before I start my next Symphony project. Mostly for myself, to iron out my recurring problems, it is based on solid git techniques, taking heed of advice learned from Symphony community members, many many tips on the web, and flicking through the pages of O'Reilly's Version Control with git.

The core aim of this article, is to get a good Symphony development and deployment environment using git as the basis for the organisation, and have it written down for reference.

This workflow can be applied to any project, in theory, that has a starting point being a private remote git repo.
