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Created September 9, 2024 19:39
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pylele_body with tail block for hollow body, works with trimesh and blender, but fails with cadquery
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Pylele Body
import os
import argparse
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'))
from api.pylele_api import Shape
from pylele2.pylele_base import LeleBase, TunerType, test_loop, main_maker, LeleBodyType
from pylele2.pylele_chamber import LeleChamber
def pylele_body_parser(parser = None):
Pylele Body Element Parser
if parser is None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pylele Configuration')
return parser
class LeleBody(LeleBase):
""" Pylele Body Generator class """
def flat_body_bottom(self):
""" generate the bottom of a flat body """
bot_below = self.api.genLineSplineRevolveX(self.cfg.bodyOrig, self.cfg.bodyPath, -180)\
.scale(1, 1, self.cfg.TOP_RATIO)\
return bot_below
def gen(self) -> Shape:
""" Generate Body """
botRat = self.cfg.BOT_RATIO
midTck = self.cfg.extMidBotTck
bOrig = self.cfg.bodyOrig
bPath = self.cfg.bodyPath
joinTol = self.api.getJoinCutTol()
if self.cli.body_type == LeleBodyType.GOURD:
# Gourd body
bot = self.api.genLineSplineRevolveX(bOrig, bPath, -180).scale(1, 1, botRat)
if midTck > 0:
# Generates flat middle section of body
bot =, 0, -midTck)
midR = self.api.genLineSplineExtrusionZ(bOrig, bPath, -midTck)
bot = bot.join( midR.mirrorXZ_and_join())
elif self.cli.body_type in [LeleBodyType.FLAT, LeleBodyType.TRAVEL]:
bot_below = self.flat_body_bottom().mv(0,0,joinTol)
# Flat body
midR = self.api.genLineSplineExtrusionZ(bOrig, bPath, -self.cli.flat_body_thickness)
bot = midR.mirrorXZ_and_join()
bot = bot.join(bot_below)
if self.cli.body_type in [LeleBodyType.TRAVEL]:
# just for development
chamber = LeleChamber(cli=self.cli, isCut=True)
bot = bot.cut(chamber.shape)
elif self.cli.body_type == LeleBodyType.HOLLOW:
bot_below = self.flat_body_bottom().mv(0,0,joinTol)
# Flat body
# outer wall
midR = self.api.genLineSplineExtrusionZ(bOrig, bPath, -self.cli.flat_body_thickness)
# inner wall
midR2 = midR.dup().mv(0,-self.cli.wall_thickness,0)
chmBackX = self.cli.scale_length + self.cfg.chmBack
tailLen = self.cfg.tailX - chmBackX
midR2_cut = self.api.genBox(tailLen, 200, self.cli.flat_body_thickness)\
.mv(self.cfg.tailX, 0, -self.cli.flat_body_thickness/2)
midR2 = midR2.cut(midR2_cut)
midR = midR.cut(midR2)
bot = midR.mirrorXZ_and_join()
bot = bot.join(bot_below)
assert self.cli.body_type in LeleBodyType.list(), f'Unsupported Body Type {self.cli.body_type}'
self.shape = bot
return bot
def gen_parser(self,parser=None):
pylele Command Line Interface
parser=pylele_body_parser( parser=parser )
return super().gen_parser( parser=parser )
def main(args = None):
""" Generate body """
return main_maker(module_name=__name__,
def test_body(self, apis=None):
""" Test body """
## Cadquery and blender
tests = {
'tail_end' : ['-t',,'-e','60','-E'],
'flat' : ['-bt',str(LeleBodyType.FLAT),'-fbt','50','-refv','1405935'],
'flat_worm' : ['-bt',str(LeleBodyType.FLAT),'-t',,'-e','60','-E'],
'hollow' : ['-bt',str(LeleBodyType.HOLLOW)],
apis = apis,
tests = tests)
def test_body_mock(self):
""" Test body """
test_body(self, apis = ['mock'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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