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Yusuf Baş basyusuf

  • Turkey
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basyusuf / tr_plate_regex.js
Created May 3, 2021 13:34
Turkey Plate Number Regex [JS][TS]
let plates = ["41K1111","41k1111","41 K 1111","41K 1111","41 YB 443","41 YBA 443","41 k 4141"];
let regexFormule = /^(0[1-9]|[1-7][0-9]|8[01])((\s?[a-zA-Z]\s?)(\d{4,5})|(\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}\s?)(\d{3,4})|(\s?[a-zA-Z]{3}\s?)(\d{2,3}))$/>{
let checkRegex = item.match(regexFormule);
basyusuf / custom_validator.ts
Created March 15, 2021 21:56
Custom validator with decarator
enum ValidationTypes {
'required' = 'required',
'positive' = 'positive',
'number' = 'number'
interface ValidatorConfig {
[property: string]: {
[validatableProp: string]: string[];
basyusuf / good_singleton.ts
Created March 10, 2021 22:42
Good Singleton
class Redis {
private static instance: Redis;
private id: number;
private base_url: string;
private port: number;
private constructor(base_url: string, port: number = 6379) {
this.base_url = base_url;
this.port = port; = new Date().getTime();
basyusuf / bad_singleton.ts
Created March 10, 2021 22:34
Bad Singleton Example
class Redis {
private id: number;
private base_url: string;
private port: number;
constructor(base_url: string, port: number = 6379) {
this.base_url = base_url;
this.port = port; = new Date().getTime();
connect() {
basyusuf / business_logic_bank.js
Created March 3, 2021 23:23
Business Logic Bank Example
let transferAmount = body.amount;
let currentBalance = user.getBalance();
if (transferAmount <= currentBalance) {
// Complete the transfer
} else {
// Unsuccessful transfer. Blocked
basyusuf / exportDynamoDB.js
Created January 8, 2021 08:22
Export all DynamoDB items
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
"sslEnabled": false,
"paramValidation": false,
"convertResponseTypes": false,
"convertEmptyValues": true
basyusuf / turkey-geomap.json
Created January 7, 2021 13:23
Türkiye il ve ilçe koordinatları
"city": "Istanbul",
"lat": "41.0100",
"lng": "28.9603",
"admin_name": "İstanbul",
"capital": "admin",
"population": "15154000",
"population_proper": "15029231"
basyusuf / puppeteer_func_p3.js
Created December 5, 2020 17:58
Main Function
exports.main = async (event, context, callback) => {"Request Event:", event);
let browser = null;
let responseBody = {};
let bucketDomain = "";
let imageUniqueName;
const parsed_body = JSON.parse(event.body);
const PAGE_URL = parsed_body.page_url;
try {
basyusuf / puppeteer_func_p2.js
Created December 5, 2020 17:56
Helper Func S3
const putObjectToS3 = async(key, data) => {"Starting PutObject S3");
let s3Bucket = new AWS.S3();
let params = {
Key: key,
Body: data,
ContentEncoding: 'base64',
ContentType: 'image/jpeg',
ACL: 'public-read'
const chromium = require('chrome-aws-lambda');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const BUCKET_NAME = "screenshot-buckets-test";
AWS.config.region = 'eu-central-1';