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Created August 23, 2021 12:57
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request ts
package NBifrost;
message TEvent {
optional string UserId = 1;
optional int64 EventType = 2;
optional int64 ItemType = 3;
optional sfixed64 ItemId = 4;
optional int64 Timestamp = 5;
optional int32 CountryGeoId = 6;
optional int64 VideoPositionSec = 7;
optional int32 Pos = 8;
optional int32 GalleryViewTime = 9;
optional sfixed64 FlightId = 10;
optional sfixed64 OriginalItemId = 11;
optional bool IsShortVideo = 12;
optional int64 RequestTimestamp = 13;
message TPythiaEvent {
optional string UserId = 1;
optional fixed32 TimestampSec = 2;
optional sfixed64 UrlHash = 3;
optional sfixed64 DomainHash = 4;
optional int32 CountryGeoId = 5;
repeated uint32 Words = 6 [packed=true];
optional bool Whitelist = 7;
optional int64 ItemType = 8;
optional bool FromDecodedVc = 9;
optional int32 ViewTime = 10;
optional int32 Duration = 11;
optional bool IsWatchedOnYoutube = 12;
message TItemEvent {
optional string UserId = 1;
optional int64 EventType = 2;
optional int64 ItemType = 3;
optional sfixed64 ItemId = 4;
optional int64 Timestamp = 5;
optional int32 CountryGeoId = 6;
optional int32 VideoPositionSec = 7;
optional int32 GalleryViewTime = 8;
optional sfixed64 FlightId = 9;
optional int64 SourceItemType = 10;
optional sfixed64 SourceItemId = 11;
optional bool IsShortVideo = 12;
message TItemSecData {
optional int64 timestamp = 1;
repeated int32 promotions = 2;
optional int64 layoutCandidatesType = 4;
optional int64 recommenderCandidatesTypesBitMask = 6;
optional int64 flightIdO = 7;
optional int32 targetEventO = 8;
optional int64 bidAsMicroUnitsO = 9;
optional int32 itemSelectorType = 10;
optional bool isForTeeth = 11;
optional int64 originalItemIdO = 12;
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