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Hacky Simple IPPlan to {php}IPAM script
* Quick and dirty script to import IPv4 addresses from an IPPlan export (converted to CSV)
* into {php}IPAM to suit a particular use case:
* - IPv4 only
* - no consideration of VLANs, VRFs
* - subnets already exist (we could import the IPPlan export directly into {php}IPAM
* Released in the hope it can be hacked to help someone else. It's very hacky as is!
* Barry O'Donovan <barry (at) islandbridgenetworks (dot) ie>
* MIT License
$db = mysqli_connect('localhost','phpipam','password','phpipam')
or die( "Could not connect to MySQL" );
$fp = fopen('ipplan-exported-addresses.csv','r')
or die("Could not open CSV");
while( ( $data = fgetcsv($fp,4096,',') ) !== false ) {
$ip = $data[0] ?? null;
if( !$ip ) continue;
$desc = trim( trim( ( $data[1] ?? "" ) ) . ' [' . trim( ( $data[2] ?? "" ) ) . ']' . ' (' . trim( ( $data[3] ?? "" ) ) . ')' );
if( $desc == '[] ()' ) continue;
$dns = $data[4] ?? "";
$note = "";
foreach( [5,6,7,8] as $i) {
if( trim( $data[$i] ?? "" ) !== "" )
$note .= trim( $data[$i] ) . "\n";
// have data, find address / subnet and add
// does address exist
$r = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM ipaddresses WHERE ip_addr = INET_ATON('{$ip}')");
if( mysqli_num_rows($r) ) {
// address exists, just update:
$a = mysqli_fetch_row( $r );
mysqli_query( $db, sprintf( "UPDATE ipaddresses SET description = '%s', dns_name = '%s', note = '%s' WHERE id = %d",
mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$desc), mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$dns),mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$note),$a[0]
echo "UPDATED $ip\n";
// address does not exist - first find subnet (smallest containing subnet)
$r = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM subnets WHERE subnet <= INET_ATON('{$ip}') AND (subnet+(POWER(2,32-mask))) > INET_ATON('{$ip}') ORDER BY mask DESC LIMIT 1");
if( mysqli_num_rows($r) ) {
$a = mysqli_fetch_row( $r );
if( !mysqli_query( $db, sprintf( "INSERT INTO ipaddresses
( subnetId, ip_addr, description, dns_name, note, editDate )
VALUES ( %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', NOW() )",
$a[0], ip2long($ip), mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$desc), mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$dns),mysqli_real_escape_string($db,$note)
) {
echo "ERROR $ip: " . mysqli_error($db) . "\n";
echo "INSERTED $ip\n";
echo "ERROR $ip No Subnet\n";
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DrTBag commented Jul 15, 2021

I don't really understand PHP. Any instrucitions on how about I can run this

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