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Last active September 14, 2024 11:54
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  • Save barraIhsan/bc901bc9c3604749d48361d23a094d29 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Youtube Premium Logo

YouTube Premium Logo


The YouTube Premium Logo userscript replaces the YouTube logo with the YouTube Premium. idk why you need this, but using an adblocker1 + this script, will give the appearance that you have YouTube Premium.






Please note that you will need a user script manager to run the user script. Consider using one of the following:

Starting from Manifest v3 on Chrome[-ium], you need to enable "Developer Mode" at chrome://extensions/

See more: Chrome for Developers article and Tampermonkey FAQ

To install the script, click the following link:

By default, it will still show yoodle (youtube animated logo), for example:


If you want to disable yoodle (and thus will show the premium logo), click the following link instead:

Installation Video

Installation Video for Firefox users
Installation Video for Chrome[-ium] users


  1. Use uBlock Origin (Chrome[-ium] | Firefox). For chrome[-ium] users, because of the depreciation of manifest v2, use uBO Lite instead.

// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Premium Logo
// @version 1.6.1
// @description Changes the YouTube logo to a premium version
// @author barraIhsan
// @match*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// fix "TrustedError" on chrome[-ium], code snippet from zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass@d2cbcc0
if (window.trustedTypes && trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
if (!trustedTypes.defaultPolicy) {
const passThroughFn = (x) => x;
trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createHTML: passThroughFn,
createScriptURL: passThroughFn,
createScript: passThroughFn,
// Add load event listener to only spawn MutationObserver when the web actually loaded
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// Function to be called when the target element is found
function modifyYtIcon(ytIcons) {
ytIcons.forEach(ytIcon => {
ytIcon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 97 20');
ytIcon.closest('ytd-logo').setAttribute('is-red-logo', '');
ytIcon.innerHTML = '<g viewBox="0 0 97 20" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" class="style-scope yt-icon"><g class="style-scope yt-icon"><path d="M27.9704 3.12324C27.6411 1.89323 26.6745 0.926623 25.4445 0.597366C23.2173 2.24288e-07 14.2827 0 14.2827 0C14.2827 0 5.34807 2.24288e-07 3.12088 0.597366C1.89323 0.926623 0.924271 1.89323 0.595014 3.12324C-2.8036e-07 5.35042 0 10 0 10C0 10 -1.57002e-06 14.6496 0.597364 16.8768C0.926621 18.1068 1.89323 19.0734 3.12324 19.4026C5.35042 20 14.285 20 14.285 20C14.285 20 23.2197 20 25.4468 19.4026C26.6769 19.0734 27.6435 18.1068 27.9727 16.8768C28.5701 14.6496 28.5701 10 28.5701 10C28.5701 10 28.5677 5.35042 27.9704 3.12324Z" fill="#FF0000" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M11.4275 14.2854L18.8475 10.0004L11.4275 5.71533V14.2854Z" fill="white" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path></g><g id="youtube-red-paths" class="style-scope yt-icon"><path d="M40.0566 6.34524V7.03668C40.0566 10.4915 38.5255 12.5118 35.1742 12.5118H34.6638V18.5583H31.9263V1.42285H35.414C38.6078 1.42285 40.0566 2.7728 40.0566 6.34524ZM37.1779 6.59218C37.1779 4.09924 36.7287 3.50658 35.1765 3.50658H34.6662V10.4727H35.1365C36.6064 10.4727 37.1803 9.40968 37.1803 7.10253L37.1779 6.59218Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M46.5336 5.8345L46.3901 9.08238C45.2259 8.83779 44.264 9.02123 43.836 9.77382V18.5579H41.1196V6.0391H43.2857L43.5303 8.75312H43.6337C43.9183 6.77288 44.8379 5.771 46.0232 5.771C46.1949 5.7757 46.3666 5.79687 46.5336 5.8345Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M49.6567 13.2456V13.8782C49.6567 16.0842 49.779 16.8415 50.7198 16.8415C51.6182 16.8415 51.8228 16.1501 51.8439 14.7178L54.2734 14.8613C54.4568 17.5565 53.0481 18.763 50.6586 18.763C47.7588 18.763 46.9004 16.8627 46.9004 13.4126V11.223C46.9004 7.58707 47.8599 5.80908 50.7409 5.80908C53.6407 5.80908 54.3769 7.32131 54.3769 11.0984V13.2456H49.6567ZM49.6567 10.6703V11.5687H51.7193V10.675C51.7193 8.37258 51.5547 7.71172 50.6821 7.71172C49.8096 7.71172 49.6567 8.38669 49.6567 10.675V10.6703Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M68.4103 9.09902V18.5557H65.5928V9.30834C65.5928 8.28764 65.327 7.77729 64.7132 7.77729C64.2216 7.77729 63.7724 8.06186 63.4667 8.59338C63.4832 8.76271 63.4902 8.93439 63.4879 9.10373V18.5605H60.668V9.30834C60.668 8.28764 60.4022 7.77729 59.7884 7.77729C59.2969 7.77729 58.8665 8.06186 58.5631 8.57456V18.5628H55.7456V6.03929H57.9728L58.2221 7.63383H58.2621C58.8947 6.42969 59.9178 5.77588 61.1219 5.77588C62.3072 5.77588 62.9799 6.36854 63.288 7.43157C63.9418 6.34973 64.9225 5.77588 66.0443 5.77588C67.7564 5.77588 68.4103 7.00119 68.4103 9.09902Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M69.8191 2.8338C69.8191 1.4862 70.3106 1.09814 71.3501 1.09814C72.4132 1.09814 72.8812 1.54734 72.8812 2.8338C72.8812 4.22373 72.4108 4.57181 71.3501 4.57181C70.3106 4.56945 69.8191 4.22138 69.8191 2.8338ZM69.9837 6.03935H72.6789V18.5629H69.9837V6.03935Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M81.891 6.03955V18.5631H79.6849L79.4403 17.032H79.3792C78.7466 18.2573 77.827 18.7677 76.684 18.7677C75.0095 18.7677 74.2522 17.7046 74.2522 15.3975V6.0419H77.0697V15.2352C77.0697 16.3382 77.3002 16.7874 77.867 16.7874C78.3844 16.7663 78.8477 16.4582 79.0688 15.9902V6.0419H81.891V6.03955Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M96.1901 9.09893V18.5557H93.3726V9.30825C93.3726 8.28755 93.1068 7.7772 92.493 7.7772C92.0015 7.7772 91.5523 8.06177 91.2465 8.59329C91.263 8.76027 91.2701 8.9296 91.2677 9.09893V18.5557H88.4502V9.30825C88.4502 8.28755 88.1845 7.7772 87.5706 7.7772C87.0791 7.7772 86.6487 8.06177 86.3453 8.57447V18.5627H83.5278V6.0392H85.7527L85.9973 7.63139H86.0372C86.6699 6.42725 87.6929 5.77344 88.8971 5.77344C90.0824 5.77344 90.755 6.3661 91.0631 7.42913C91.7169 6.34729 92.6976 5.77344 93.8194 5.77344C95.541 5.77579 96.1901 7.0011 96.1901 9.09893Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M40.0566 6.34524V7.03668C40.0566 10.4915 38.5255 12.5118 35.1742 12.5118H34.6638V18.5583H31.9263V1.42285H35.414C38.6078 1.42285 40.0566 2.7728 40.0566 6.34524ZM37.1779 6.59218C37.1779 4.09924 36.7287 3.50658 35.1765 3.50658H34.6662V10.4727H35.1365C36.6064 10.4727 37.1803 9.40968 37.1803 7.10253L37.1779 6.59218Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path></g></g>';
// Disconnect the observer once the element is found
// Function to check if the target element exists and call the modification function
function checkYtIconExistence() {
const ytIcons = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-topbar-logo-renderer a > div svg.external-icon');
if (ytIcons.length == 2) {
// Observe changes in the DOM
const observer = new MutationObserver(checkYtIconExistence);
// Start observing the document
observer.observe(document.querySelector('ytd-topbar-logo-renderer'), {childList: true, subtree: true});
// Call the function once at the beginning in case the element is already present
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Premium Logo No Yoodle
// @version 1.6.1
// @description Changes the YouTube logo to a premium version even if noodle exists
// @author barraIhsan
// @match*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// fix "TrustedError" on chrome[-ium], code snippet from zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass@d2cbcc0
if (window.trustedTypes && trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
if (!trustedTypes.defaultPolicy) {
const passThroughFn = (x) => x;
trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
createHTML: passThroughFn,
createScriptURL: passThroughFn,
createScript: passThroughFn,
// Add load event listener to only spawn MutationObserver when the web actually loaded
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// Function to be called when the target element is found
function modifyYtIcon(ytIcons) {
ytIcons.forEach(ytIcon => {
ytIcon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 97 20');
ytIcon.closest('ytd-logo').setAttribute('is-red-logo', '');
ytIcon.innerHTML = '<g viewBox="0 0 97 20" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" class="style-scope yt-icon"><g class="style-scope yt-icon"><path d="M27.9704 3.12324C27.6411 1.89323 26.6745 0.926623 25.4445 0.597366C23.2173 2.24288e-07 14.2827 0 14.2827 0C14.2827 0 5.34807 2.24288e-07 3.12088 0.597366C1.89323 0.926623 0.924271 1.89323 0.595014 3.12324C-2.8036e-07 5.35042 0 10 0 10C0 10 -1.57002e-06 14.6496 0.597364 16.8768C0.926621 18.1068 1.89323 19.0734 3.12324 19.4026C5.35042 20 14.285 20 14.285 20C14.285 20 23.2197 20 25.4468 19.4026C26.6769 19.0734 27.6435 18.1068 27.9727 16.8768C28.5701 14.6496 28.5701 10 28.5701 10C28.5701 10 28.5677 5.35042 27.9704 3.12324Z" fill="#FF0000" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M11.4275 14.2854L18.8475 10.0004L11.4275 5.71533V14.2854Z" fill="white" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path></g><g id="youtube-red-paths" class="style-scope yt-icon"><path d="M40.0566 6.34524V7.03668C40.0566 10.4915 38.5255 12.5118 35.1742 12.5118H34.6638V18.5583H31.9263V1.42285H35.414C38.6078 1.42285 40.0566 2.7728 40.0566 6.34524ZM37.1779 6.59218C37.1779 4.09924 36.7287 3.50658 35.1765 3.50658H34.6662V10.4727H35.1365C36.6064 10.4727 37.1803 9.40968 37.1803 7.10253L37.1779 6.59218Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M46.5336 5.8345L46.3901 9.08238C45.2259 8.83779 44.264 9.02123 43.836 9.77382V18.5579H41.1196V6.0391H43.2857L43.5303 8.75312H43.6337C43.9183 6.77288 44.8379 5.771 46.0232 5.771C46.1949 5.7757 46.3666 5.79687 46.5336 5.8345Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M49.6567 13.2456V13.8782C49.6567 16.0842 49.779 16.8415 50.7198 16.8415C51.6182 16.8415 51.8228 16.1501 51.8439 14.7178L54.2734 14.8613C54.4568 17.5565 53.0481 18.763 50.6586 18.763C47.7588 18.763 46.9004 16.8627 46.9004 13.4126V11.223C46.9004 7.58707 47.8599 5.80908 50.7409 5.80908C53.6407 5.80908 54.3769 7.32131 54.3769 11.0984V13.2456H49.6567ZM49.6567 10.6703V11.5687H51.7193V10.675C51.7193 8.37258 51.5547 7.71172 50.6821 7.71172C49.8096 7.71172 49.6567 8.38669 49.6567 10.675V10.6703Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M68.4103 9.09902V18.5557H65.5928V9.30834C65.5928 8.28764 65.327 7.77729 64.7132 7.77729C64.2216 7.77729 63.7724 8.06186 63.4667 8.59338C63.4832 8.76271 63.4902 8.93439 63.4879 9.10373V18.5605H60.668V9.30834C60.668 8.28764 60.4022 7.77729 59.7884 7.77729C59.2969 7.77729 58.8665 8.06186 58.5631 8.57456V18.5628H55.7456V6.03929H57.9728L58.2221 7.63383H58.2621C58.8947 6.42969 59.9178 5.77588 61.1219 5.77588C62.3072 5.77588 62.9799 6.36854 63.288 7.43157C63.9418 6.34973 64.9225 5.77588 66.0443 5.77588C67.7564 5.77588 68.4103 7.00119 68.4103 9.09902Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M69.8191 2.8338C69.8191 1.4862 70.3106 1.09814 71.3501 1.09814C72.4132 1.09814 72.8812 1.54734 72.8812 2.8338C72.8812 4.22373 72.4108 4.57181 71.3501 4.57181C70.3106 4.56945 69.8191 4.22138 69.8191 2.8338ZM69.9837 6.03935H72.6789V18.5629H69.9837V6.03935Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M81.891 6.03955V18.5631H79.6849L79.4403 17.032H79.3792C78.7466 18.2573 77.827 18.7677 76.684 18.7677C75.0095 18.7677 74.2522 17.7046 74.2522 15.3975V6.0419H77.0697V15.2352C77.0697 16.3382 77.3002 16.7874 77.867 16.7874C78.3844 16.7663 78.8477 16.4582 79.0688 15.9902V6.0419H81.891V6.03955Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M96.1901 9.09893V18.5557H93.3726V9.30825C93.3726 8.28755 93.1068 7.7772 92.493 7.7772C92.0015 7.7772 91.5523 8.06177 91.2465 8.59329C91.263 8.76027 91.2701 8.9296 91.2677 9.09893V18.5557H88.4502V9.30825C88.4502 8.28755 88.1845 7.7772 87.5706 7.7772C87.0791 7.7772 86.6487 8.06177 86.3453 8.57447V18.5627H83.5278V6.0392H85.7527L85.9973 7.63139H86.0372C86.6699 6.42725 87.6929 5.77344 88.8971 5.77344C90.0824 5.77344 90.755 6.3661 91.0631 7.42913C91.7169 6.34729 92.6976 5.77344 93.8194 5.77344C95.541 5.77579 96.1901 7.0011 96.1901 9.09893Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path><path d="M40.0566 6.34524V7.03668C40.0566 10.4915 38.5255 12.5118 35.1742 12.5118H34.6638V18.5583H31.9263V1.42285H35.414C38.6078 1.42285 40.0566 2.7728 40.0566 6.34524ZM37.1779 6.59218C37.1779 4.09924 36.7287 3.50658 35.1765 3.50658H34.6662V10.4727H35.1365C36.6064 10.4727 37.1803 9.40968 37.1803 7.10253L37.1779 6.59218Z" class="style-scope yt-icon"></path></g></g>';
// Show country code
document.querySelectorAll("#country-code").forEach(el => el.removeAttribute('hidden'));
// Show normal logo
document.querySelectorAll(".ytd-topbar-logo-renderer[hidden]").forEach(el => el.removeAttribute('hidden'));
// Hide yoodle using the hidden attribute (from youtube)
document.querySelectorAll("ytd-yoodle-renderer").forEach(el => el.setAttribute('hidden',''));
// Change the tooltip when hovering youtube logo
document.querySelectorAll("a#logo").forEach(el => el.setAttribute("title","YouTube Home"))
// Disconnect the observer once the element is found
// Function to check if the target element exists and call the modification function
function checkYtIconExistence() {
const ytIcons = document.querySelectorAll('ytd-topbar-logo-renderer a > div svg.external-icon');
if (ytIcons.length == 2) {
// Observe changes in the DOM
const observer = new MutationObserver(checkYtIconExistence);
// Start observing the document
observer.observe(document.querySelector('ytd-topbar-logo-renderer'), {childList: true, subtree: true});
// Call the function once at the beginning in case the element is already present
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Naxy21 commented Jan 26, 2022

it doesn't work since mid January, I tried everything but I can't get the YouTube text to change, before it worked well

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@Naxy21 updated 👍.

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Vic836 commented May 31, 2022

Does not work any more
i have it running
but still syas Youtube instead of Premium

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Does not work any more i have it running but still syas Youtube instead of Premium

mine work fine.

Is it actually running?

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Updated: Sometimes YouTube takes longer to load the logo. Now the script will continuously search for the logo until it is found, and then apply the new logo.

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gitguys commented Sep 1, 2023

This is working great, thank you! If I want to alter the Premium logo graphic a little bit, is there a way for me to change something in the code to do that custom change?

Edit: I think I figured it out myself by altering the path stuff. Working on it now.

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gitguys commented Sep 12, 2023

Stopped working with Firefox last couple days.

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is there a opppsite one??? like replace youtube logo with premium one?

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is there a opppsite one??? like replace youtube logo with premium one?

late reply but, yeah, it's a mistake that I made in the README.

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updated: now it also changes the logo on the expandable menu


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Thanks for this replace, working fine!

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Kerenzy commented Jul 31, 2024

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 11 33 47 it work!! thankyou for this replace script.

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hey bro, the script doesn't work for me anymore 9/8/24 it seems that there have been some changes
I hope you fix it soon, thaaank you <33!

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barraIhsan commented Aug 12, 2024

hey bro, the script doesn't work for me anymore 9/8/24 it seems that there have been some changes I hope you fix it soon, thaaank you <33!

did you mean the yoodle?


I will provide the version of script that will ignore this 👍

Edit: You can now found the link on the README, or click this:

Install the script with yoodle disabled

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Update: It seems that youtube is testing trustedTypes on chrome[-ium], see the following comment: zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass#247 (comment)

I just fixed it using the code snippet from zerodytrash/Simple-YouTube-Age-Restriction-Bypass@d2cbcc0

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yes, it's working again now, thanks

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is there a way i can edit the premium

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is there a way i can edit the premium

"edit" the logo premium? it is possible to change it to a vector/bitmap image by changing the code a little bit.

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