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Last active October 31, 2016 20:08
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Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime example
// do note that you'll need to include dependencies in here
module GoogleMessages =
open Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime
open FSharp.Data
/// types around the messages visible to a mobile client
module ClientFacing =
/// an upstream message is a message that came from a mobile device or web browser
type Upstream = {
From : string
Category : string
MessageId : string
Data : Map<string,JsonValue>
/// an Ack is a signal that we processed the message specified
type Ack = {
To : string
MessageId : string
/// system messages the server gets from Firebase XMPP
module Control =
/// never different than SentToDevice
type ReceiptMessageStatus = | SentToDevice
with static member TryParse s =
if s = "MESSAGE_SENT_TO_DEVICE" then Some SentToDevice else None
/// the server will ask for receipt of particular messages sometimes
type Receipt = {
From : string
MessageId : string
Category : string option
MessageStatus : ReceiptMessageStatus option
OriginalMessageId : string option
DeviceRegistrationId : string option
/// the server is telling us to disconnect and reconnect
type ControlType = | ConnectionDraining
with static member TryParse s = if s = "CONNECTION_DRAINING" then Some ConnectionDraining else None
type Control = {
Type : ControlType
type CCS = | Receipt of Receipt | Control of Control
/// functions that try to extract out google's JSON messages from a particular XMPP-XML stanza
module Parsing =
open ClientFacing
open Control
open Yaaf.Xml
open Yaaf.Helper
open Yaaf.Xmpp.XmlStanzas
open Yaaf.Xmpp.XmlStanzas.Parsing
open Yaaf.Xmpp.XmlStanzas.StanzaParseException
open FSharp.Data
let ns = "google:mobile:data"
let gcmNodeName = getXName "gcm" ns
/// an IStanza is an XMPP stanza that the library has parsed for us
let isMessage (stanza : IStanza) = stanza.Header.StanzaType = XmlStanzaType.Message
let tryGetChild name (stanza : IStanza) =
|> Seq.tryHead
|> Option.bind (fun (el : System.Xml.Linq.XElement) -> if el.Name = name then Some el else None )
/// a google message has only one chile, 'gcm'
let isGoogleMessage (stanza : IStanza) =
isMessage stanza
&& stanza.Contents.Children.Length = 1
&& (stanza.Contents.Children.[0]).Name = getXName "gcm" ns
let tryGetMessageBody (stanza : IStanza) =
|> tryGetChild gcmNodeName
|> (fun el -> el.FirstNode.ToString())
|> JsonValue.Parse
let toMap json : Map<string,JsonValue> =
match json with
| JsonValue.Record r ->
r |> Array.fold (fun m (k,v) -> m |> Map.add k v ) Map.empty
| _ -> Map.empty
let jsonString (v:JsonValue) = v.AsString()
let isReceipt (data : Map<string,JsonValue>) =
match data |> Map.tryFind "message_type" with
| Some (JsonValue.String s) when s = "receipt" -> true
| _ -> false
let isControl (data : Map<string, JsonValue>) =
match data |> Map.tryFind "message_type" with
| Some (JsonValue.String s) when s = "control" -> true
| _ -> false
/// try to parse out all receipt members from a json blob
let parseReceipt (data : Map<string,JsonValue>) : Receipt =
let dataNode = data |> Map.tryFind "data" |> toMap
{ From = data |> Map.find "from" |> jsonString
MessageId = data |> Map.find "message_id" |> jsonString
Category = data |> Map.tryFind "category" |> jsonString
MessageStatus =
|> Option.bind (Map.tryFind "message_status")
|> Option.bind (jsonString >> ReceiptMessageStatus.TryParse)
OriginalMessageId = dataNode |> Option.bind (Map.tryFind "original_message_id") |> jsonString
DeviceRegistrationId = dataNode |> Option.bind (Map.tryFind "device_registration_id") |> jsonString }
let parseControl data : Control =
data |> Map.tryFind "control_type" |> Option.bind (jsonString >> ControlType.TryParse) |> Option.get |> fun c -> {Control.Type = c }
let parseUpstream (data : Map<string, JsonValue>) : Upstream =
{ From = data |> Map.find "from" |> jsonString
Category = data |> Map.find "category" |> jsonString
MessageId = data |> Map.find "message_id" |> jsonString
Data = defaultArg (data |> Map.tryFind "data" |> toMap) Map.empty }
let isUpstreamMessage data = not <| isControl data && not <| isReceipt data
/// uses the datatypes and parsing above to implement a service that can notify of receipt of google XMPP messages
module Plugin =
open Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime
open Yaaf.Xml
open Yaaf.Xmpp
open Yaaf.Xmpp.XmlStanzas
open Yaaf.Helper
open GoogleMessages
/// this plugin filters out random stanzas and notifies when firebase XMPP messages are received
type IFirebaseService =
[<CLIEvent>] abstract ReceiptReceived : IEvent<Control.Receipt>
[<CLIEvent>] abstract ControlReceived : IEvent<Control.Control>
[<CLIEvent>] abstract UpstreamReceived : IEvent<ClientFacing.Upstream>
/// I take in all stanzas, and fire for some subset of them
type FirebaseMessagePlugin(stanzas : IXmlStanzaService, registrar : IPluginManagerRegistrar) =
let receiptReceived = Event<_>()
let controlReceived = Event<_>()
let upstreamReceived = Event<_>()
let stanzaReceived (stanza : Stanza) =
if not <| GoogleMessages.Parsing.isGoogleMessage stanza then ()
let inline handle test parse trigger data =
if test data
then trigger (parse data)
/// for each message I get that is a google message, I should fire one of these handlers
match GoogleMessages.Parsing.tryGetMessageBody stanza |> GoogleMessages.Parsing.toMap with
| None -> ()
| Some data ->
handle GoogleMessages.Parsing.isReceipt GoogleMessages.Parsing.parseReceipt receiptReceived.Trigger data
handle GoogleMessages.Parsing.isControl GoogleMessages.Parsing.parseControl controlReceived.Trigger data
handle GoogleMessages.Parsing.isUpstreamMessage GoogleMessages.Parsing.parseUpstream upstreamReceived.Trigger data
let pipeline = {
new IRawStanzaPlugin with
member __.ReceivePipeline =
{ Pipeline.empty "Google Firebase plugin" with
HandlerState = fun _ -> HandlerState.ExecuteUnhandled
Process =
fun info -> async {
let elem = info.Result.Element
stanzaReceived elem
} |> Async.StartAsTaskImmediate
} :> _
interface IFirebaseService with
[<CLIEventAttribute>] member __.ReceiptReceived = receiptReceived.Publish
[<CLIEventAttribute>] member __.ControlReceived = controlReceived.Publish
[<CLIEventAttribute>] member __.UpstreamReceived = upstreamReceived.Publish
interface IXmppPlugin with
member __.Name = "Firebase Console Plugin"
member x.PluginService = Service.FromInstance<IFirebaseService, _> x
/// Everything below this is samples of how you'd use it
let host = ""
let testGooglePort = 5236
let prodGooglePort = 5235
let userId = "XXXXX" //TODO: provide your own
let serverSecret = "XXXX" //TODO: provide your own
let test = true
let userIdDomain = ""
open Yaaf.Xmpp
open Yaaf.Sasl
open Yaaf.Logging
open Yaaf.Xmpp.XmppSetup
open Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime.Features
open System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
open Yaaf.FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq
open Yaaf.FSharp.Control
open Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime
open System.Net.Sockets
open System.Net
let jid : JabberId = JabberId.Parse <| sprintf "" userId
let mech : IClientMechanism = Yaaf.Sasl.Plain.PlainClient("0", (sprintf "%s@%s" userId userIdDomain), serverSecret) :> _
let connectInfo : ConnectInfo = { LocalJid = jid; Login = [ mech ];}
let addExtensions (setup: ClientSetup) =
let addToRuntime (runtime : XmppRuntime) =
addHelper ignore addToRuntime setup
/// here we configure our new firebase plugin
let clientSetup = XmppSetup.CreateSetup() |> addCoreClient |> addExtensions
/// here we connect to firebase xmpp
let client = XmppClient.Connect(connectInfo, testGooglePort, clientSetup) |> Async.RunSynchronously |> fun x -> x :> IXmppClient
/// now that we're connected we can get our firebase service and hook up event handlers to the various messages
let firebase = client.GetService<Plugin.IFirebaseService>()
firebase.UpstreamReceived.Add (printfn "%O")
firebase.ControlReceived.Add (printfn "%O")
firebase.ReceiptReceived.Add (printfn "%O")
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