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Created March 6, 2013 02:34
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This script will patch a minecraft_server.jar to have a connection-throttle of zero. This is useful to folks running behind proxies. It requires python 2.7 and the java runtime environment (specifically the `jar` binary)
from os import chdir, path
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
from struct import pack
from subprocess import check_output
def jar_contents(j_path):
return check_output(['jar', 'tf', j_path]).split("\n")
def jar_extract(j_path):
return check_output(['jar', 'xf', j_path])
def jar_update(j_path, t_path, c_path):
c_path = c_path[len(t_path)+1:]
return check_output(['jar', 'uf', j_path, '-C', t_path, c_path])
def jlong(v):
return pack('>q', v)
def jstring(v):
return pack('>h', len(v)) + v
def main(j_path, t_path):
print "... checking jar"
j_path = path.realpath(j_path)
if not path.isfile(j_path):
print "### not found: %s" % j_path
print "... getting jar contents"
j_contents = jar_contents(j_path)
print "... extracting jar"
print "... searching for DedicatedServerConnectionThread"
search = jstring('Listen thread')
replace = (jlong(4000), jlong(0))
c_path = None
c_data = None
for name in j_contents:
name = "%s/%s" % (t_path, name)
if not name.endswith('.class'):
with open(name, 'rb') as f:
data =
if search in data:
c_path = name
c_data = data
if c_path is None:
print "### couldn't find class!"
print "... patching"
if not replace[0] in c_data:
print "### already patched!"
c_data = c_data.replace(*replace)
print "... saving"
with open(c_path, 'wb') as f:
jar_update(j_path, t_path, c_path)
print "... done!"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "usage: python jar_path"
t_path = mkdtemp(prefix='throttle-patch-')
main(sys.argv[1], t_path)
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