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Created August 13, 2023 11:10
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Wrapper around react to write Vue options like components

It's loosely inspired by Vue options and takes the separation of concerns a bit more seriously. It is decently typed to satify the basic DX, if you've got improvements, please let me know.


The snippet depends on

  • lodash.isequal
  • @vue/reactivity
npm i lodash.isequal @vue/reactivity

Preferred Syntax

  • data at the top
  • onMount,onDestroy next
  • methods after that
  • render at the last

They are all just functions, no magic, just hidden reactivity

import { Apex as $ } from "@/lib/ApexRenderer";

const Counter = $({
  data() {
    return {
      count: 0,
  methods() {
    return {
      inc: () => {
        return this.$data.count++;
      incAsync: async () => {
        return this.$data.count++;
  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.$}>{this.$data.count}</button>
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { effect, reactive } from "@vue/reactivity";
import isEqual from "lodash.isequal";
type Props = {
props: any;
type MethodThis<D> = {
$data?: D;
type RenderThis<M, D> = {
$data?: D;
$methods?: M;
type Config<M, D, P> = {
globalMethods?: () => any;
globalData?: () => any;
methods?: (this: MethodThis<D>) => M;
data?: () => D;
onMount?: (o: Props) => void;
onDestroy?: () => void;
$data?: D;
$methods?: M;
$globalMethods?: any;
$globalData?: any;
render: (
this: RenderThis<M, D>,
opt: RenderOptions<M, D, P>
) => React.ReactNode;
type RenderOptions<M, D, P> = {
config: Config<M, D, P>;
props: P;
let globalMethods = {};
let globalData = reactive({});
export function Apex<M, D, P>(config: Config<M, D, P>) {
return class EffectRenderer extends Component<P> {
tree: null | React.ReactNode;
$data: D;
$methods: M;
constructor(props) {
this.tree = null;
componentDidMount() {;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Readonly<{}>): void {
if (isEqual(prevProps, this.props)) {
// re-create tree if props have changed
componentWillUnmount() {
config.onDestroy && config.onDestroy();
this.tree = null;
makeDataReactive() {
const _data = ? : {};
if (_data instanceof Promise) {
throw new Error(
"`data` needs to be a sync method, if you have data that might come from network, please inject it `onMount` or by triggering a possible `$method` "
this.$data = <D>reactive(_data);
async run() {
var self = this;
this.$methods = <M>(config.methods ? config.methods() : {});
Object.keys(this.$methods).forEach((key) => {
self.$methods[key] = self.$methods[key].bind(config);
const newGlobalMethods =
(config.globalMethods && config.globalMethods()) || {};
Object.keys(newGlobalMethods).forEach((key) => {
if (globalMethods[key]) {
console.warn(`Overlapping key:${key} on global methods`);
globalMethods[key] = newGlobalMethods[key].bind({
$globalData: globalData,
const newGlobalData = (config.globalData && config.globalData()) || {};
Object.keys(newGlobalData).forEach((key) => {
if (globalData[key]) {
console.warn(`Overlapping key:${key} on global methods`);
globalData[key] = newGlobalData[key];
Object.assign(config, {
$methods: self.$methods,
$data: self.$data,
$globalData: globalData,
$globalMethods: globalMethods,
if (config.onMount) {
props: self.props,
).then(() => {
effect(() => {
console.log({ effectProps: self.props });
_createTree() {
const render = config.render.bind(config);
const self = this;
this.tree = render({
props: self.props,
render() {
return this.tree;
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