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Last active February 16, 2023 19:13
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package main
import (
type opts struct {
RTT float64
CommitTime float64
N int
Duration int
MaxInFlight int
func main() {
var o opts
flag.Float64Var(&o.RTT, "rtt", 0.2, "network round-trip time")
flag.Float64Var(&o.CommitTime, "ct", 3, "disk commit time")
flag.IntVar(&o.N, "n", 16, "number of requests in duration")
flag.IntVar(&o.Duration, "d", 16, "duration in time units")
flag.IntVar(&o.MaxInFlight, "max", 3, "max in-flight")
tikz, err := drawTikz(o)
if err != nil {
type sim struct {
o opts
leaderLogTimes []float64
inFlight []batch
complete []batch
queueEvents []queueEvent
followerBusyUntil float64
type batch struct {
idxStart, idxEnd int
leaderSent, leaderRecv float64
followerRecv float64
procStart, procEnd float64
type queueEvent struct {
time float64
depth int
func newSim(o opts) sim {
s := sim{o: o}
// Work out when logs come in.
delta := float64(o.Duration) / float64(o.N)
for t := float64(0); t < float64(o.Duration); t += delta {
s.leaderLogTimes = append(s.leaderLogTimes, t)
return s
func (s *sim) Run() error {
sentIdx := -1
for triggerIdx, triggerT := range s.leaderLogTimes {
// First, see if we got an ack since the last trigger which would have
// unblocked the next send ahead of this trigger. By definition there must
// be space to send if we just got an ack because we never have more than
// Max and we just effectively decremented the count of inflights.
if len(s.inFlight) > 0 && s.inFlight[0].leaderRecv < triggerT {
// Check if there are any unsent logs
if sentIdx < triggerIdx-1 {
// Send a batch at the previous ack time for the previous index
s.sendBatch(sentIdx+1, triggerIdx-1, s.inFlight[0].leaderRecv)
sentIdx = triggerIdx - 1
// Are any in-flight requests now complete?
for _, b := range s.inFlight {
if b.leaderRecv <= triggerT {
s.inFlight = s.inFlight[1:]
s.complete = append(s.complete, b)
} else {
// Does pipeline have space?
if len(s.inFlight) >= s.o.MaxInFlight {
// Move forward to the next triggerTime
s.sendBatch(sentIdx+1, triggerIdx, triggerT)
sentIdx = triggerIdx
// See if we can complete any still in flight without lines going beyond the
// duration.
for _, b := range s.inFlight {
if b.leaderRecv < float64(s.o.Duration) {
s.complete = append(s.complete, b)
return nil
func (s *sim) updateQueueDepth(t float64) {
if len(s.queueEvents) > 0 && s.queueEvents[len(s.queueEvents)-1].time == t {
// Same time as last event, just update it directly
s.queueEvents[len(s.queueEvents)-1].depth = len(s.inFlight)
// Append a new observation
s.queueEvents = append(s.queueEvents, queueEvent{t, len(s.inFlight)})
func (s *sim) sendBatch(startIdx, endIdx int, t float64) {
// Send logs ready on leader
b := batch{
idxStart: startIdx,
idxEnd: endIdx,
leaderSent: t,
followerRecv: t + (s.o.RTT / 2),
// Work out when follower will start and end processing
if s.followerBusyUntil <= b.followerRecv {
// Follower will be idle at receive time and can start right away
b.procStart = b.followerRecv
b.procEnd = b.procStart + s.o.CommitTime
} else {
b.procStart = s.followerBusyUntil
b.procEnd = b.procStart + s.o.CommitTime
s.followerBusyUntil = b.procEnd
b.leaderRecv = b.procEnd + (s.o.RTT / 2)
s.inFlight = append(s.inFlight, b)
func drawTikz(o opts) (string, error) {
s := newSim(o)
if err := s.Run(); err != nil {
return "", err
// Draw LeadLog->Replication ticks
var leaderLogs bytes.Buffer
for idx, t := range s.leaderLogTimes {
// indexes are zero based in sim but display as 1-based to match raft indexes
fmt.Fprintf(&leaderLogs, " \\draw[append,->] (%[1]f,3) -- (%[1]f,2) node[above right,near start] {%[2]d};\n", t, idx+1)
// Draw replication batches
var batches bytes.Buffer
for _, b := range s.complete {
\draw[append,->] (%[2]f,2) -- (%[3]f,0) node[above right,near start] {%[1]d};
\draw[append,->] (%[3]f,0) -- (%[4]f,-1) node[above right,near end] {%[1]d};
\draw[work] (%[4]f,-1.1) rectangle (%[5]f,-0.9);
\draw[ack,->] (%[5]f,-1) -- (%[6]f,2) node[below right,near end] {%[1]d};
`, b.idxEnd+1, b.leaderSent, b.followerRecv, b.procStart, b.procEnd, b.leaderRecv)
// Draw in-flight bars
var inFlight bytes.Buffer
scaleFactor := 1 / float64(o.MaxInFlight)
for _, qe := range s.queueEvents {
" \\draw[bar] (%f,-3) rectangle ++(0.1,%f) node[help lines, right] {%d};\n",
qe.time, float64(qe.depth)*scaleFactor, qe.depth,
exemplar := ""
if len(s.complete) > 1 {
ex := s.complete[len(s.complete)-1]
start := s.leaderLogTimes[ex.idxStart]
exemplar = fmt.Sprintf(
"\\draw[draw=black,|-|] (%f, 3.5) node[above right] {Idx %d Latency (%.1f units)}-- (%f, 3.5);",
start, ex.idxStart+1, ex.leaderRecv-start, ex.leaderRecv,
tikz := fmt.Sprintf(`
host/.style={rectangle,rounded corners,
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth', font=\small\sffamily]
\node[anchor=south west] at (-2,4.5) {\large Max In-flight %[1]d, RTT %[6]s, Service Time %[7]s};
\draw[help lines,->] (-0.2,3) node[host,left] {LeaderLog}--(%[2]d,3);
\draw[help lines,->] (-0.2,2) node[host,left] {Leader Replication}--(%[2]d,2);
\draw[help lines,->] (-0.2,0) node[host,left] {Network Buffer}--(%[2]d,0);
\draw[help lines,->] (-0.2,-1) node[host,left] {Follower}--(%[2]d,-1);
\draw[help lines,->] (-0.2,-3) --(%[2]d,-3);
\node[anchor=south east] at (-0.5,-2.8) {In-flight};
\node[help lines] at (-0.4,-2) {%[1]d};
\node[help lines] at (-0.4,-3) {0};
\draw[help lines,-] (-0.2,-3) -- (-0.2,-2);
`, o.MaxInFlight, o.Duration, leaderLogs.String(), batches.String(), exemplar,
// Format floats without trailing zeros
strconv.FormatFloat(o.RTT, 'f', -1, 64),
strconv.FormatFloat(o.CommitTime, 'f', -1, 64),
return tikz, nil
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