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Created December 27, 2012 12:12
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class String
# Map of latin chars and their representations as unicode chars.
"A" => %w[À Á Â Ã Å Ą Ā],
"a" => %w[à á â ã å ą ã ă â ā],
"AE" => %w[Ä Æ Ǽ],
"ae" => %w[ä æ ǽ],
"C" => %w[Ç Č Ć Ĉ],
"c" => %w[ç č ć ĉ],
"D" => %w[Ð],
"d" => %w[đ],
"E" => %w[È É Ê Ę Ė Ē Ë],
"e" => %w[è é ę ë ė ê ế ē],
"G" => %w[Ģ],
"g" => %w[ģ],
"I" => %w[Ì Í Î Ï Ĩ Į Ī],
"i" => %w[ì í î ï ĩ į ī],
"K" => %w[Ķ],
"k" => %w[ķ],
"L" => %w[Ļ],
"l" => %w[ļ],
"N" => %w[Ñ Ń Ņ],
"n" => %w[ñ ń ņ],
"O" => %w[Ò Ó Ô Õ Ø],
"o" => %w[ò ó õ õ ô ơ ø],
"OE" => %w[Ö Œ],
"oe" => %w[ö œ],
"R" => %w[Ŗ],
"r" => %w[ŗ],
"S" => %w[Š],
"s" => %w[š],
"ss" => %w[ß],
"U" => %w[Ù Ú Ũ Ű Ů Ũ Ų Ū Û],
"u" => %w[ų ū û ú ù ű ů ũ ư ],
"UE" => %w[Ü],
"ue" => %w[ü],
"x" => %w[×],
"Y" => %w[Ý Ÿ Ŷ],
"y" => %w[ý ÿ ŷ ],
"Z" => %w[Ž],
"z" => %w[ž]
# Replaces non-latin chars, leaves some special ones.
def latinize
c = dup
for char, map in LATIN_MAP
c.gsub!(/[#{map.join}]/mu, char)
c.gsub!(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\|\?\!\:;"'=\+\-_]+/mu, " ")
c.gsub!(/\s+/, " ")
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